
Chapter 38: A Total Babe

That familiar electrical current coursed through me as I sat next to Luke in the car, and I wasn’t even touching him.

Marcia leaned forward.

“Would it be possible to stop and get some groceries on the way to the house? I have a feeling that Andy’s refrigerator is empty…” she noted.

“Guilty,” I shrugged while glancing discreetly at Luke to gauge his response. I wondered if his fiancé was working. I also wondered if this was another one of Marcia’s little schemes.

“Uh, sure. No problem,” he obliged, his face not revealing anything. A huge knot formed in my stomach as we pulled up to the grocery store.

“I think I’ll just wait out here,” I stated, not wanting to ever see the cashier’s smug face again.

“Yeah, me too. Unless you need help with anything?” Luke offered.

Is he hiding from his fiancé? I don’t hate the thought of that.

“No, you two wait here. We’ll be quick,” Marcia instructed, holding the door open for Marco.