
Chapter 20: Under The Stars

Despite myself, I lifted my face towards Luke’s, and as his lips touched mine, that familiar electrical current coursed through me.

“Sh*t! Why did you have to go and do that?” I exclaimed, pulling away from him, trying to find my resolve.

“I’m sorry. I just had to… Andy, being around you… it makes me do reckless things,” he admitted as he tucked his hands into his pockets with an apologetic shrug.

I laughed shyly at his admission, but my heart thumped even faster.

“Right back at you.” I stared at his handsome features alight from the glowing fire. “But we both know that the game’s stacked. It’s really not fair…” I continued.

Luke gave me a confused look.

“You can’t just be walking around in that cowboy hat all day and not expect a girl like me not to notice,” I teased, reaching for his hat. He dodged my hand and held the hat down on his head with one hand.

“Oh, you like the hat, huh?” He smiled, and his dimples made a taunting appearance.