
Chapter 12: A Toast

Luke was leaning in the kitchen entry. His hair was still wet and tucked behind his ears.

“You scared me… again!” I laughed with an all too familiar embarrassment.

He said nothing, just stood there with his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans and looked me over.

Luke chuckled. Lord, he is hot in those faded jeans and that white t-shirt against his golden-brown skin.

“What?” I asked shyly.

“I see you traded your city girl slacks in,” he answered with a smile.

I giggled and did a little spin so he could take in the full view.

“Lookin’ good, big city.” He nodded in approval. “Don’t get too attached to that shirt. It’s the only dress shirt I have.” He laughed and folded his arms across his chest.

“It’s really grown on me. You may not get it back.” I bit my lip.

His eyes shifting uncomfortably from mine to my bare midsection, then the floor. “Smells… delicious,” he noted.

The outfit was a success. Butterflies fluttered deep in my… belly.