
People Who Are Sad - Part1

Luna made a high bun in her black hair. Her left hand was carrying a package she had just received. Her left foot easily closed the entrance door, while her right hand was holding the cell phone to her ear.

"Are you serious!? You're talking to that guy!" said Luna annoyed at the thought of Alfred's face. She was talking to her best friend - Ella.

"Yeah, I met with Alfred, and I said all the things I wanted to say. The courage just came out of nowhere. Crazy, Isn't it!" Ella said, still in conversation on the phone.

"That's really crazy. Luckily you're not easily carried away by your husband's seduction." Luna put the package on the waiting table.

"Hmm...?" Luna noticed the recipient's name was her name, and the sender's name was Calvin Prime's.

"But are you going to meet...  what his name was, I forgot?" Luna asked.
