
Northern Rise

In the frigid reaches of Westeros, where the snow falls relentlessly and the biting wind howls through the shadowy towers, a new story is about to unfold. In the heart of the North, where direwolves roam free and winters are unforgiving, an extraordinary destiny awaits. In the Stark lineage, a new light emerges, shaped by the inexplicable circumstances of reincarnation. A man, once lost to the cruel claws of fate, returns as the only child born of the union between Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne. A union that, even in the premature death of their parents, left an indelible mark on the chronicles of Westeros. This is the tale of a rebirth, a second chance granted by the hands of a cosmic being. The reincarnated son of a Northern wolf and a Southern star, destined to rewrite the intertwined destinies of the Great Houses and shape the future of a kingdom in constant war. In the world of intrigue, betrayal, and dragons, where every word spoken can seal the fate of entire kingdoms, the new heir to the North emerges. Named by Eddard Stark as the rightful heir, he carries with him memories of a past life, accumulated knowledge, and fierce determination. (English isn't my first language, so sorry for the mistakes, and this is my first time writing a story, so don't get your hopes up. As for the update schedule, I don't have anything set in stone, since I don't exactly have a lot of free time to write, and I don't even know if I'll be able to finish this story. I hope I can, but I can't promise anything. Share your opinions in the comments, ideas, and revisions are always welcome.)

Nox_Aeternus · Bücher und Literatur
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14 Chs

Chapter 1

In the dead of night, with the sky dotted with twinkling stars, I was alone on the vast expanse of the hill, my private refuge to observe the celestial spectacle about to unfold. Anxiety boiled inside me, fueled by the anticipation of the meteor shower that would soon begin. I drove my Jeep to the top of the hill, looking for the perfect spot for an unobstructed view of the cosmos.

I set up my makeshift camp with skill and efficiency, each piece carefully placed to create a cozy atmosphere under the black blanket of the night sky. The dim light of the lantern cast dancing shadows on the surrounding trees, creating a magical scene.

That moment was mine, a moment of peace and admiration, but also alert. My observant gaze captured every detail of the sky, eagerly awaiting the start of the celestial show. The gentle scent of grass and wet earth permeated the air as I prepared my little feast of toasted marshmallows over the crackling flame of the campfire.

As I savored the warm, sweet marshmallow, my thoughts turned to my life, to the experiences that shaped who I was. My childhood was marked by the warm presence of my parents and the faithful camaraderie of few, but true, friends. An exceptional education, punctuated by excellent grades and a series of degrees, had been my foundation for the future.

My discerning eyes scanned the horizon, taking in the vastness of the universe, while my ambitious mind hatched grandiose plans. I wanted to make a difference in the world, using my knowledge and skills to create meaningful change for the Brazilian people. The dream of founding a prosperous company and, eventually, rising to the position of president of Brazil drove me.

Time passed slowly as I watched the first shooting stars streak across the sky, their trails of light disappearing into the darkness. It was then that the serene atmosphere was abruptly interrupted by a terrifying sight: a gigantic fireball, an incandescent mass cutting across the night sky.

Recognition of the threat was instantaneous. A meteor was approaching quickly, and panic settled in my chest. I abandoned my chair and ran toward the Jeep, my heart pounding in my chest as I desperately tried to start the vehicle.

The meteor's deafening roar grew louder by the second, its blinding brightness getting dangerously close. My hands shook as I turned the ignition key, but it was in vain. The meteor hit with devastating force, an explosion of heat and light that enveloped the jeep in a split second.

I was swallowed by darkness and silence, my body suddenly consumed by the scorching energy of the impact. My existence was erased, one last thought echoing in the darkness before everything disappeared: the starry night, the meteor shower, and the cruel fate that awaited me, cutting short my dreams and ambitions of changing the world forever.

The ethereal silence of infinite space enveloped my consciousness like a dark, cold mist. I was immersed in the cosmic vastness, a lone traveler adrift in an ocean of endless darkness. My mind, previously agitated by the sadness and confusion of my early death, was now overcome by a whirlwind of emotions. The last clear memory I had was of the meteor hitting my car, a moment that sealed my fate abruptly and relentlessly.

The desolation of my situation hung over me, a sense of despair and loss that seemed to stretch into eternity. But suddenly, out of the darkness, appeared an imposing presence, a colossal being whose form seemed to be composed of countless dancing galaxies. His eyes, as deep as intergalactic space, fixed on me, and I found myself shrinking from his grandeur.

"It's a shame, my son," his voice echoed in my mind, resounding like distant thunder. "Your destiny was different. You were destined to be the ruler of your nation, to guide your people into a golden age. But your path was interrupted by a mere whim of fate, by a meteor that knows no compassion."

Every word of the titanic being seemed to weigh on me like an inexorable sentence. The weight of what could have been, the unfulfilled promise of a full and successful life, pressed against my being. Sadness and regret intertwined, forming a tight knot in my chest.

Then, as if responding to my darkest thoughts, the being spoke again, its words resonating with a hope I barely dared to embrace. "I have decided to offer you a second chance, my son. An opportunity in a world of fiction, a world you know as ASOIAF or GOT. There, you will be able to fulfill your unfulfilled desires, shape your narrative, and perhaps find redemption."

My mind reeled at the revelation. The possibility The need for a second chance, to correct the mistakes of the past, lit a fire inside me. Questions flooded my mind, but before I could form a single word, the Titanic responded to my unexpressed curiosity.

"Yes, my son, you will indeed have the opportunity to be reincarnated. A new world awaits, a world where dragons and kings, magic and intrigue coexist. Before you leave, however, you have the chance to make your wishes. Any wish you have, it will be granted."

I was transfixed by the magnitude of the offer. My desires, so long repressed and forgotten, could now be fulfilled. My mind was filled with possibilities, dreams, and ambitions that had been stifled by the weight of the life I knew. Finally, with a ray of hope illuminating my soul, I found the words to respond.

"I do," I murmured, my voice echoing in the vastness of space. "I accept this second chance you have given me. I will make the best use of it, I will use this opportunity to make a difference, not just for myself, but for the world I will inhabit. Please allow me to reincarnate and fulfill my destiny in ASOIAF." "

The Titanic nodded with a satisfaction that seemed to extend beyond the stars. "So be it, my son. May your desires guide you on this new journey. Now, make your wishes, and I will grant them before I send you to your new destination."