
Northern Reaper

Where do you go when Heaven's stairs vanish, and Hell's highway closes? Back to earth. But repeating a life already lived would be to easy right?

SinfulSmile · Spiele
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14 Chs

God's Eye

After exiting the APV we started darting off towards Avalara Hawk Tower. This massive facility was designated as rally point Fox. During the chaos this facility was taken over by a local PMC, (Private Military Company) Phoenix Corps.

Although not affiliated with us directly, our organization has always held friendly relations. Making it the only safe haven for us.

After about 30 minutes of running and navigating, we can finally see the rendezvous point. But it keeps eating at me that we haven't ran into our assailant.

"Grizz the parking facility up on our right could be a good spot for a short rest. I wanna see what tech crates you grabbed." i manage to say in between sharp breaths.

"HAHAHA! Didn't Rory rip you a new one about working on your cardio? But sure why not lets tuck in for 10 and see what's left." Grizz just couldn't help but make a joke to piss me off.

As i give him a short glare, I managed to jog into the parking facility and up to the 3rd level before collapsing out of energy and breath. "Give me like 2 minutes before you start sorting the tech crates."

"Roger that tech boy, when we make it back I'm gonna tell Rory you ignored her good will! HAHAHA" Grizz replied with such a deep laugh and the silliest grin I've ever seen a mad make.

Once i could catch my breath and actually help sort out what's left of your supplies, i started on the 2 tech crates. "Well today is our lucky day Grizz! God's Eye survived!" I couldn't think of anything else while smiling.

"What's so good about that? Aren't they just surveillance drones?" Grizz said seemingly dumbfounded by my excitement.

"My friend, you've never seen these huh? well put on these glasses" I say while throwing him a paired display unit. "These glasses have a transparent screen so you can see the footage and terrain in front of you at the same time. Spend the next 5 minutes getting used to it!"

As I put on my own display unit and opened the case to release the 3,000 micro drones into the area, Grizz managed to walk into a wall twice.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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