
Northern Reaper

Where do you go when Heaven's stairs vanish, and Hell's highway closes? Back to earth. But repeating a life already lived would be to easy right?

SinfulSmile · Spiele
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14 Chs

Déjà vu

"Tracking one Anti-Personnel Vehicle en-route to District Six, Delta quadrant. Requesting permission to engage."

'So I guess it's time to begin.' "Stand by, deploy the scramble field. Raise the barricades and the Remote Firing Devices. Trap them in!"

"Alpha copies, advancing!" "Bravo copies, advancing!" "Charlie copies, sitting overwatch." "Delta copies, sitting overwatch" "Echo Copies, all RFDs are green!"

"Tasha monitor direct overview, I'm gonna tap into God's Eye and observer this operation for my self." "Copy that chief! Leave it to me!"

As soon as I recline my chair and turn on the display unit, i connect to a visual field completely surrounding the incoming APV. 'Well well, déjà vu huh?'

The APV ran right into a raised barricade slamming into a direct stop. All RFDs in the area toggled on their lazer lights making their location known as well as alerting the unit in the APV that they were surrounded.

"Alpha move in north entrance slowly, Bravo go in through the east!" Tasha oh so expertly came across the radio. She's become very familiar with this in the last 7 years.

Paying as close attention as I could, i discreetly have a God's Eye Drone (G.E.D.) hover over the Alpha team's leader giving a perfect point of view of the situation.

As Alpha Team approached keeping the focus of the parties in the APV, Bravo Team was sneaking around back and attempting to plant breaching strips on the APV's entrance.

"Come out with your hands up, we would prefer if no one had to die today, if not you should know you're in the Northern Reaper's turf!" the alpha team captain shouted while approaching the front of the APV.

"Can you really guarantee our safety if we come out?" came a soft feminine voice from the APV's external speaker system.

"We are under direct orders to bring as many of you back alive as possible. As long as you don't try to fight us, I can indeed guarantee your safety!" the Captain stated while distancing himself from his squad and lowering his firearm.

"Please for everyone's safety just come out with your hands up, and unarmed. We won't treat you rough, or like prisoners, but we can't have a breach of security if you know what I mean." Standing just six feet away from the APV the captain looked very relaxed, as if he was on vacation!

"This is Bravo Team, charges are ready to be set, just waiting on the green light!" Bravo Team's Captain reported in rather excitedly.

"Stand by, let alpha try for a bit longer." Tasha replied quickly.

"MOVEMENT! east hatch." Echo Team reported. "Stand by!" Tasha commanded fiercely.

Unfortunately, there hasn't been a successful operation like this since the organization was revived. All past operations were kill on sight, never capture.

That being said the pressure was on, and no one wanted to mess it up. But more importantly, no one wanted to go home in a body bag!

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