
Northern Hour

Elio is struggling to get over his past, he’s scarred and will never be the same. Without warning, a deadly virus breaks out on his home planet, and his world comes crashing down. Elio finds himself thrust into a world of chaos, void of any order. Murder, Theft, and Various Heinous crimes take center stage on a Silver Train. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm still new to writing, so there may be grammatical errors at first. The horror/thriller aspect comes out later on in the story. Also the really juicy parts of the novel take a while to get to but i promise it'll be worth the wait!

FiaVillin · Horror
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17 Chs

Extended Family

Elio returns to his room after dinner and is about to go to his walk-in closet to change into his pajamas when he hears a knock on his bedroom door. When he opens the door to see his father, he is perplexed because Ian is dressed in a dark brown suit with a black tie and black wingtip dress shoes.

Startled by his father's unexpected appearance in formal attire, Elio gazes at Ian with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. Wondering what could prompt such a peculiar sight, he waits for his father to provide an explanation. Ian, sensing his son's confusion, offers a reassuring smile and invites Elio to join him downstairs for a moment of discussion.

Elio's mind buzzes with questions as he follows his father back downstairs. The flickering lights cast a warm glow over the hallway, adding an air of mystery to the unfolding situation.

Elio takes a seat in the living room, his heart pounding with anticipation as he awaits his father's explanation. The room feels heavy with tension, each breath carrying a mix of concern and curiosity. He glances at his sister, Eleanor, who is engrossed in embracing and stroking Annora's fur. The gentle strokes of Eleanor's hand against the cat's fur offer a momentary respite from the weight of the unknown.

Ian settles himself next to Elio, his features etched with a deep seriousness. Elio's eyes meet his father's, searching for answers and reassurance in equal measure.

Taking a steadying breath, Ian begins to speak, his voice laced with a mixture of gravity and tenderness. He explains that an unforeseen family emergency has occurred, one that requires immediate attention. Elio's heart skips a beat, his mind swirling with questions and apprehension.

Elio's heart sinks as he listens to his father's words, the weight of the news crashing down upon him. His grandmother, the woman who had always showered him with love and wisdom, was now lying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life. The room becomes hushed, the silence punctuated only by the sound of their collective breaths, heavy with concern and fear.

Ian's voice trembles slightly as he continues, sharing the details that Opal had received from her sister, Michelle. He explains how his grandmother had unexpectedly collapsed, necessitating a swift trip to Linhaven National Hospital. The image of his grandmother, frail and vulnerable, connected to life-supporting machines, weighs heavily on Elio's mind.

Elio's thoughts race, memories of his grandmother flood his mind, her warm embrace and words of wisdom that had guided him throughout his childhood. The realization that the woman who had been a pillar of strength in their lives was now in such a fragile state sends a shiver down his spine.

Eleanor clings to Elio, seeking solace and strength in their shared sibling bond. As they exchange worried glances, a silent understanding passes between them.

Opal enters the living room, her face etched with concern and exhaustion. The weight of the phone call from her sister, Michelle, still lingers heavily on her mind. She takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, and looks towards Ian, her voice filled with a mixture of determination and worry.

"Ian, I just spoke with Michelle, and she explained that Grandma's condition is critical. She needs immediate attention, and I want to be there for her," Opal says, her voice filled with a mix of love and concern.

Ian's gaze softens as he takes in Opal's words, understanding the depth of her desire to be by her mother's side during this difficult time. He reaches out and gently holds Opal's hand, his voice filled with empathy and support.

"I understand, Opal," Ian says, his tone gentle yet resolute. "Your mother needs you now, and we will support you every step of the way. Eleanor, Elio and I will be there for you, and we'll make sure you have the time you need with your family."

Eleanor, who had been quietly listening, speaks up with concern evident in her voice. "But what about Elio? He has to leave for Eastside Academy soon. How will he get there?"

Elio, who had been listening intently, understands the predicament. He realizes that his mother needs to be with her family, but he also doesn't want to disrupt his plans for the new school year. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before responding.

"I can figure something out, Mom," Elio says, his voice determined yet tinged with uncertainty. "I'll find a different way to the terminal. Maybe I can take a bus or arrange for a ride with a friend. It's important for you to be there for Grandma, and I'll make sure I get to Eastside Academy."

Opal's eyes well up with tears, a mixture of gratitude and concern for her son's selflessness. She reaches out and pulls Elio into a tight embrace, her voice filled with love and gratitude.

"Oh, Elio, you're such a caring and understanding son," Opal says, her voice choked with emotion. "We'll find a way to make it work, and I'll always be grateful for your support."

Following the heartfelt conversation, Ian pulls Elio aside while Eleanor assists her mother upstairs in packing a few items for the couple of days they'll be staying in Linhaven.

"Elio, I've thought about it, and I'll make sure you get to Eastside Academy," Ian says, his voice filled with a father's love and determination. "I'll buy you a ticket for The Tanlax Express from Nembrington Terminal to Nashville Terminal. It will take you directly to your destination."

Elio's face brightens, grateful for his father's understanding and willingness to support his education. He nods appreciatively, a sense of relief washing over him.

"Thank you, Dad," Elio says, his voice sincere. "I really appreciate it. I'll make sure to take all of my luggage and be ready to go."

With a nod of reassurance, Ian watches as Elio heads upstairs to retrieve his suitcases. Meanwhile, Eleanor helps Opal gather the necessary belongings for their stay in Linhaven, offering her support and comforting words.

The family shuffles in and out of the house, carrying their luggage and placing them carefully in the hover car parked outside on the stone pavement.

As the last suitcase is loaded into the car, the family takes a moment to gather themselves. Ian takes a deep breath, his eyes scanning each family member with a mix of love and determination.

"Let's stick together and support each other through this," Ian says, his voice filled with resolve. "We'll get through it, one step at a time."

His words resonate deeply with each family member, their shared commitment to supporting one another evident in their expressions. They exchange glances filled with love and determination, knowing that their strength lies in their unity.

With that, they settle into the car, the hover engines humming softly as the car lifts off the ground, leaving their home behind, but carrying within it the unbreakable bond that ties them together.


As the hover car glides along the highway, the hum of its engines fills the cabin, creating a sense of steady motion. Opal rests peacefully in her seat, wrapped in a soft blanket, finding solace in the gentle sway of the vehicle. In the backseat, Elio and Eleanor are engrossed in their phones, finding a temporary escape from the weight of the situation.

Ian turns on the radio, hoping to catch the latest news updates. The newscaster's voice fills the car, urging listeners to brace for an approaching rainstorm that is expected to arrive within the next few hours and continue into the following morning. Ian's gaze flickers to the darkening skies outside the window, the impending storm mirroring the somber mood within the car.

Elio and Eleanor both turn their attention to the radio as the announcement plays. The news of the incoming rainstorm tugs at their already anxious hearts, but Ian reassures them, sharing that their destination, their aunt Michelle's house, is only an hour and a half away. He offers his fatherly comfort, encouraging them not to worry, knowing that they will take the necessary precautions during the journey.

Elio, with a slight grin, responds to his father's reassurance, suggesting that they were not concerned about the journey. His light-hearted remark eases the tension in the car, and Ian chuckles softly, grateful for the small moments of levity in such trying times.

As the hover car continues its journey, the mood shifts slightly, the weight of the situation still present in the air. Eleanor looks at her brother, her expression thoughtful, and voices the questions lingering in their minds.

"I wonder what could have caused Grandma to collapse so suddenly," Eleanor ponders aloud, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and curiosity.

Elio's brow furrows slightly, contemplating the same question. His mind races with memories of their grandmother, trying to make sense of the sudden turn of events. The uncertainty surrounding her health adds to the heaviness they all carry.

"It's hard to say, Ellie," Elio replies, his voice soft. "We'll have to wait and see what the doctors say."

Eleanor smiles and invites Elio to play another round of Dance Round, a new popular game, which he accepts.

The air is charged with a mix of excitement and anticipation as Eleanor and Elio immerse themselves in their game of Dance Round. The rhythm of the music flows through them, and they find joy in the playful competition, momentarily forgetting the weight of their recent conversation.

Time flies by unnoticed until the familiar sound of the hover car's engines coming to a halt breaks their focus. Eleanor glances up from her phone, realizing they have reached their destination. She turns to Ian with curiosity, inquiring if they have arrived at her aunt Michelle's house. Ian's warm smile confirms it, and he reveals they actually reached about 15 minutes ago.

Eleanor's eyes widen in surprise, a touch of embarrassment coloring her cheeks as she realizes she had been so engrossed in the game that she lost track of time. She gasps softly, but her worry is immediately put to rest as Ian reassures her that her aunt knew they were coming in advance.

Elio, with a knowing grin, playfully adds, "Of course, Aunt Michelle would be prepared for our visit. She's always been a step ahead."

Ian chuckles at their reactions, savoring the tender moments of connection with his children. He confirms that their uncle is waiting for them at the door, signaling their warm welcome.

Relieved, Eleanor lets out a sigh of relief, the tension easing from her shoulders. Elio nods in agreement, feeling comforted by the knowledge that they are expected and welcome.

Ian then suggests they go knock on the door while he wakes up Opal from her slumber. Elio and Eleanor respond in unison, their eagerness to greet their family evident in their synchronized 'okay.' Annora, the ever-playful cat, follows close behind as they step out of the hover car gracefully.

Ian watches their joyful interactions, feeling a surge of love for his children and the unity they share. He chuckles affectionately at Annora, appreciating the furry companion who has become an inseparable part of the family.

While Eleanor knocks on the door, Elio picks up Annora, who lingers at his feet. They eventually hear heavy footsteps coming from behind the door. As the door to the house opens, Elio and Eleanor look up.

As the door swings open, revealing the tall figure with curly long brown hair and a bushy beard, Eleanor's face lights up with recognition. Her excitement bubbles over, and she calls out with delight, "Uncle James!"

The man, James, looks down at his niece with a warm grin, his green eyes sparkling with affection. He's taken aback by how much she has grown since they last saw each other, but the bond between them remains strong.

"Hey there, Eleanor!" James chuckles heartily, his laughter exuding a bear-like warmth. "It's been too long! How have you been doing recently?"

Eleanor replies eagerly, "I could be better, but I'm fine. I'm just happy to be here."

James nods understandingly, his eyes filled with genuine care for his niece. He then turns his attention to Elio, who stands a little startled by the sight of his tall uncle. However, Elio quickly regains his composure and offers a polite smile.

"Hello, Uncle James," Elio says, trying to sound nonchalant. "My vacation was okay."

Inside, Elio can't help but think that he had actually enjoyed his vacation, but he chooses not to share this openly, especially with his sister around. Before he can say anything else, Eleanor playfully jabs him in the side, revealing her awareness of his true feelings.

"Come on, Elio," she says, teasingly. "You had fun, and you know it."

Elio grunts in response and ignores Eleanor's remark, but his lips twitch with a hint of amusement. James laughs good-naturedly at their sibling banter, appreciating the dynamic between the two.

James then mentions his own kids, playfully wishing they could be as easygoing as Elio and Eleanor. However, his words are interrupted by a shout from within the house. A young boy's voice loudly claims that he could never get along with his older sister, referring to her as pure evil. An older, more mature feminine voice reprimands the young boy, dismissing his claim.

With a slight sigh, James turns his attention back to Elio and Eleanor, asking about their parents.

The atmosphere inside the house is filled with a mix of warmth and concern as Eleanor informs James about their parents' arrival. James nods with understanding, his eyes turning towards the street where Ian is helping Opal out of the hover car. Opal looks a bit exhausted, leaning on Ian for support, and James can't help but feel a sense of somberness as he watches them.

With a slightly sad smile, James reassures Elio and Eleanor that they can come inside and take a seat on the couch while he helps their parents with the luggage. The siblings nod, grateful for their uncle's hospitality, and watch as James walks over to assist their parents.

As they step inside their uncle and aunt's house, they are greeted by the sight of their cousin Daisy, who has short curly brown hair, freckles adorning her face, and lively green eyes. Eleanor recognizes her instantly and smiles, feeling a sense of familiarity wash over her.

Daisy is seated by the island kitchen, engrossed in her phone. Nearby, her younger brother Luke is sitting on the carpeted floor of the living room, his brown hair and light blue eyes giving him a charming appearance. Luke is completely immersed in watching TV while enjoying a snack of potato chips.

Elio gently places Annora on the ground, and their curious cat meows before strolling up to Luke. Luke gasps in surprise and yells Annora's name, his eyes lighting up as he strokes her fur with affection.

Meanwhile, Daisy notices the commotion and looks over towards the front door. She spots Elio and Eleanor and can't contain her excitement, yelling out to them that she hasn't seen them in forever. She invites them to come sit with her, and Eleanor happily agrees, making her way over to sit next to Daisy.

Elio, on the other hand, playfully decides to sit by Luke, anticipating that the conversation between Daisy and Eleanor might revolve around "girl things." Daisy and Eleanor share a knowing look and laugh, appreciating Elio's teasing remark.

Daisy playfully moves a bowl of grapes between her and Eleanor, indicating their playful camaraderie.