

Graduation is fun and sad in same time. But for Naruse it just another day of him socializing with other people.

When the graduation party is ended for some reason he feel so lonely and empty. Yes he has a good time at party the teacher set up. But that doesn't have a lasting effect to Naruse.

(So why I come here again?)

Naruse sit at one of chair of fastfoood chain Maji Burger. Ordering a burger and a milkshake, alone. Or so he thought.

"Good evening, Naruse-san"

Soft murmur startled him for second, before he spot a baby blue hair infront of him. Kuroko Tetsuya, the six man shadow from the rainbow generation.

"Really Kuroko, stop doing it already" grumble Naruse

"But I here from five minute earlier than you" Kuroko says unfazed

"Either that or you just sit a moment ago after I sit. With your shitty presence you can do pretty much ninja thing" Naruse say while unwrapping his burger

(That sharp intuition of his)

Kuroko just smile at the thought, before he scanning the person infront of him.

He can't help but notice his feature. So average yet it's absurd to have all feature of average like him. He dare to declare that Naruse is the most average in point of apperance.

While he so average, his presence isn't small or high. He has this unique presence that you can't help but ignore it because how average his precense is.

(His presence is like a object that just there and have no purpose beside to give room some decoration)

While Kuroko deem himself a shadow and Aomine as light, then Naruse Hitohito is an object that produce shadow and receive a grace of light.

(Like a gray area when black and white meet. You never deem it so eye catching because it is less bright or noticeable like black because how boring it is, just average, not Talented nor Talenless. Just Average )

His thought cut short with a snaping sound that Naruse's finger produce. Kuroko who come back to his daydream little baffled with the look at person acros him.

The eyebrows frowning became one, his eyes reflect no light as if he stare into abyss, his expression like a dead person.

(Scary! When he make those face scary!)

"Hmm... You seem have trouble, let me ask. Basketball?" Naruse ask calmy after paused for some seconds

Kuroko just nodding his head, after all his team fall apart from beginning of this year inter high competition. He never felt so useless like this before. His light swallowed by abyss and he just stood there do nothing like ghost he is.

(How frustating)

Silence took place, not awkard silence but understanding silence. Exhaleing his breath softly, Naruse stirring his vanlilla milkshake slowy.

"You know Kuroko-kun? You lucky, so lucky that make me envy with you" say Naruse with eyes that reflect a longing feeling

That caught off Kuroko's guard. Yes, he know Naruse have mood swing and while he at those time, he will either be with Satsuki or Aomine so he never actually pay attention his body gesture or his eyes during that period. So to see the most extrovert person he know before he meet with Kise make those gesture and longing eyes.....

(Some thing not right)

"How you envy me? A person with low presence, a ghost" Kuroko asking for answer

He really confused why he say he is lucky when in reality he just a have low presence and weak body who barely have enough stamina to play 2 quarter of basketball game? While he who chase basketball like mad bull for 4 quarter straight envy him?

Naruse give a small chuckle before answer the confused little ghost puppy.

"Of course, I envy you. A person with awesome friend. Past, present and future, the ghost six man of Generation Miracle. So tell me Kuroko-kun, why I must not envy a person who have a luck to be train and have a friendship with those awesome people? While yes I am a childhood friend with Aomine and Satsuki. But it just a limit where I can go as nobody"

Kuroko really speechless and confused this time. Naruse's word is like whirpool of negative emotion, a pinch of helpless, with a cream of frustation and cherry of melancholy. And on top of that his gesture so contradiction with his emotion, so relax, so natural, so free. Like WTF!!?

He really confuse with this side of Naruse. So melancholic, so poetic, so helpless. He really want punch the person across of him and shout wtf wrong with your head?!

(God damn it, his head hurt so much just from this covertation alone)

While Kuroko still try to understanding what Naruse say, Naruse quitely drink his milkshake.

(After all for a protagonist a side character like him not that important. Beside for flash back purpose)

Hey! we meet again! This fanfic will really a slow one on update so please bear with me for i just a student who got bored and have to many idea.

And please give comment of you like to give some idea or just want chatting with me.

See you at the next update!

MCF490creators' thoughts