
Normal Game

Is this Game truly Normal. Finding a solution a way out is impossible for everything happens at random

Chalisha · sci-fi
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2 Chs

2. The first Transmigration Part 2

The door opened and to Inoske's surprise it was empty the only thing inside was an old Cathode Ray Tube(CRT) tv with an old Sega like console connected to it

"Uhm Itachi what's this I'm seeing infront of me..."

"That's a CRT television you wouldn't know because your from Gen Z...it was the old televisions people used before the invention if the flat screen TV and the console your seeing is the first ever Chil Bros Incorporation console ever made..."

'That looks like an old Sega with CBI on it this feels very off I can't trust this but I can't just walk back home all the money they sent me is way too hard to pass on...' he thought while dropping tears

"Now go to the console and play the game once youved answered our five questions correctly or not will determine your position in this company..."

'Oh yeah there always has to be an interview with these kind of companies...'

He walked to the television and sat ont he floor and surprisingly turned on the tv with the buttons on the side

"Hmm first task complete your on a good start Mr Inoske Hatsune..."

Shocked at this he turned on the company console and the game automatically displayed itself on the television

The game was called The Normal Game Life Simulator. A RPG simulation game that puts you in the life of a character and you had to live the characters life until death said the game description as it began

"You next task is to identify the main character from the three characters being displayed on the screen..."

'I'm a game developer how can I...wait do they know that I'm also a Twitch gamer...how much of my privacy do they know...'

"No problem..."

He began checking through each character noticing their attributes, ages, length in the games storyline and also their attack patterns

The display also showed their weakness, rivals and number of villains defeated throughout the game

'Hmmm this is very hard all these three could be the main character it's nearly impossible to tell between their stories...'

He looked more confused and worried and began to panic at the feeling of getting it wrong

"And please remember Mr. Hatsune that you cannot leave this building unless your employed here if not...(The AI's voice became violent and aggressive)...WE WILL TERMINATE YOUR CONTRACT..."

'Terminate my contract that sounds very doable at the moment...'

He gulped his saliva and began critically thinking at the situation

'That AI sounds like it wants to kill me if I answer wrongly...let me think better...'

The first character was young loved by many and had a very painful background and past

The second was a loner loved by most had the darkest and saddest background and past but a very bright and good future

The third was very old not known by anyone except the first two characters mentioned and saved the world from countless villains from the shadows and had no recognition like the first two

'I've assessed them properly...the last guy Is a hero but not the main character the second guy is good but not good enough and the first is way too obvious so I've come to a conclusion...'

He gulped his saliva once more and trembled in fear as he gave his answer

"There is no Main Character amongst the three characters displayed neither of them is the main character..."

"Hmmm as expected correct Mr. Hatsune...well done you are now part of the team but first I would like to to play the game and discover the main character..."

"Oh uh that's not a problem alright let me do it..."


As he pressed play the screen turned black and the lights went off

Inoske jumped in fear and began panicking again but this time like he was about to be killed

He was lieng feint on the floor trembling in fear before the Ai spoke to him

"It seems that there has been a power outage can you please turn on the backup generator in the back for me I cannot do I because it needs physical attendance Mr. Hatsune..."

He arose from the ground a little sceptical at the Ai but followed all its instructions

"Oh that seems right now let me turn on my phone torch..."

"No worries I will turn on the energy saving solar bulbs placed right besides the main ones..."

'Hmm I don't think the power going was accidental anymore but more of a coincidence...maybe this is my next task...'

"Where am I to go..."

"Do you see the door by the power socket that the tv and console are using..."

He followed the wires behind the tv connecting to a power supply on the wall with a door by its side

"I never noticed it when I came in..."


"That's because I used the electricity to display that LED door to the same color as the wall..."

'Yh I'm safe...'

As he walked toward the door and stretched his hand trembling by the door handle sweating out of his mind from all his nervousness

'It is what it is says the old man....so wtf'

He opened the door and walked into a room with a huge electricity grid built on the wall with many buttons and warning labels

"Is this it... in have a few number of questions I want to ask..."


'She's not responding alright I'll try to fix it...oh here we go backup switch...'

He looked at a large panel switch stuck to the wall labeled backup switch

And stuck on top of it a warning label saying

"...You Will Be Reincarnated In Ten Seconds..."

"Huh what's that all about"

He pulled the switch and all the lights came back

With a sigh of relief he tried to let go of the switch but his arm was stuck to the lever

'You gotta be shitting me'

He looked at the warning label again and this time the number changes from ten seconds to four seconds

His entire body froze in place and his nerves began to wreck at the words he was seeing

'Was not there a ten why is there a four now what's going on are these mind tricks of some sorts...'

With all his might he tried to forcefully pull his hand from the lever but to no avail

He closed his eyes for a second as he tried to get freed from his position



"Where am I..."

His eyes woke up to him floating in a large void

"You are in well I can't say heaven nor hell but your in the middle of space and time. Welcome to my domain the middle emptiness..."

Inoske jumped terrified by the sudden sound of a large deep and calm voice he kept hearing in his head

'Shit this must be my imagination...I bet I fell unconscious and I'm now in a comma or something...'

"You are not in a comma you are...what I can say half dead and half alive my boy..."

"Half dead and half alive...so what is this all about even anyway...if I can ask"

He looks in all directions trying to see where the voice is coming from exactly but to no avail

"That's you first question not who are you or what have you done or what do you want with me..."

He realized that his questions was nonsense according to the perculiar situation he was in but still just continued to ask

"Anywho I'm GOG a god that was long forgotten in your realm but have been making alot of progress so far in your world..."

"GOG....I've never heard of it from any mythology that I've studied"

He felt his body floating in a direction with a very inteses amount of pressure that his body was not able to withstand without feeling in deep pain

'What is this pressure'

"That is simply just the Aora I immit during my rest If it's too much for you then we have a big problem..."

He floated even further down the huge pressure and got closer to a glowing figure thato emmited an even more intense pressure than before

But surprisingly his body was able to coupe with that pressure than before

"I have helped you by giving you some of my Aora in order to tell you something"

'GOG an unknown God from my world that wants to tell me something what could it be could I'

GOG was able to read Inoske's mind and began to laugh at what he was thinking

"Don't think your special boy the system choses at random it's a system of random selection but has been given the name as The Normal Game System..."

Shocked at the words coming out from the glowing figure Inoske just kept quite and paid attention to GOG

"It is like a game and you will be forcefully put into an already existing character that you will control..."

GOG then began explaining the situation he was in that once the system has checked all his personal info once more it will teleport him I to a parallel word from his own

In that world he will be given supernatural abilities in order to survive the harsh and dangerous world he was going to be transmigrated to

Apparently his age from the real world would not change but he will be brought back to his real world within a short period of time

In the transmigrated world he could even live for one thousand years but in the real world the time found only be six days or so

The chances of survival where thin but he had to do it to get back home

"So if you understand this is your mission to complete all the objectives that the task master gives you..."

"Task master...what or who is that..."

'He asks about the task master but chillingly accepted that he was in the presence of a God...huh this one is weird that's good and bad...'

"The task master is the one that you have to defeat by completing all his missions once that's done you will be able to go back home..."

Inoske nodded at GOG and displayed some sort of deterministic expression on his face to show that he was ready for the missions

"Oh can I ask why this is happening though..."

"Oh yes it's because once every after six decades and on the seventh decade The Normal Game System's world collideds with your own...and one must complete it or else it's harsh and dangerous monstrosities will be unleashed on yours"

Inoske was t paying attention to GOG for a second because his explanation seemed very longer than the first one

'This boy.tsk'

"Okay time for chitchat is over I'll be sending you off now..."

"Wait before I go what does GOG mean because most gods just have names with meanings"

"Oh GOG is the God Of Games I created these normal game trails...for entertainment ofcourse"

"Huh wait you what..."

A bright light shines on Inoske's face and he covered them and could see what happened next


He opened his eyes to a bright sun in a backyard of a surberben house under a large tree

'What just happened...'

.... Ding.....


"Player Inoske Hatsune has successfully completed the transmigration..."

"What's this...oh it's my gamers tab I guess..."

"Abilities unlocked from transmigration...The one close to the king, the one close to been a slave and the one who will win..."

.... Ding.....



"What are all these messages..."

"Player Inoske Hatsune has unlocked the first cosmicube the words master level one...Player Inoske Hatsune has gotten seven bonus experience points stored in his invintory...Player Inoske Hatsune has gotten his very first task..."

Inoske was surprised to receive a task as soon as he got to the new world

He then stood up as more messages about the world cane in and looked around the area

'So this is my apparent local spawn point...I spawn in my bed everytime I die apparently...and I live with a happy family...'

The world he was transmigrated to was Called Chilads and it had one large continent divided by eight large countries namely Hall, Citiroomia, Kitchenia, Dining, Drip, Masters, Liberty and Bathroomia.

He was taken to the county of liberty in a province called libarty and was living in a city named liberty.

'How ironic huh well that naming was at random who would have thought that there would be countries named after house rooms"

From the house Inoske heard a large aggressive female voice calling for him and the voice got closer as he looked at the door of the house
