

Since Trent let us know that all we can do is wait, that is all we have been doing. It feels like I am waiting for my life to pass. Every time something happens I just have to wait. There is nothing I can do. I can not leave this building in any way. I have become so big that it is almost impossible to go anywhere. I can barely climb the stairs without the fear of falling, so when I come down in the mornings I stay at the bottom of the building for the entire day. Tonight when I go up to my room, I make sure that I have nothing left to do on the ground floor, so that I don't have to climb the stairs down again.

Everyone has been so nice and considerate towards me. I actually feel bad. I just want everyone to go back to their normal lives and not worry about me. But also I know that they are actually doing it is for Brent as well, because he is not here and he would have done it for anyone of them.