
No Reason Not to Love

Mine_granie17 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Be annoyed

"Today, March 17, 2020 hereby implement the enhance community quarantine for COVID- 2019".

It was a statement from the mayor's office.

"Oh my God! It seems that we'll be staying at home for quite a long time because of this, Mayen"

"I think so, Jane." "Something must be done to combat this fucking virus. "

"The guidelines here states that we have to inform our constituents to wear mask when going outside, social distancing a must for we don't know who are infected and carries the virus. It also states that hand washing helps to get rid of viruses" - It was Mayen, a contractual nurse who works for a certain barangay for a couple of years now.

Mayen is smart, quick-witted and competitive. Her goal is to become a regular public health nurse. She's quite a genius in terms of communicating with the community, being able to pursuade those politicians to implement the law, and formulate ways to improve the health system.

Jane, on the other hand is a novice nurse who sticks with Mayen for some reason that she just couldn't help admire Mayen for being so good at work. She thinks she could learn from her a lot.

The two buddies work in a rural health center where people often visit not just for consultation but to ask for free medicines available. Since consultations are free, they would flock in the morning just to see the doctor. However, the doctor there seems tired and bored for almost the same people come by everyday. She couldn't help but sigh, being disgusted for feeling taken advantage of.

"Ma'am nurse, is Dr. Domingo around already? I have a cough for 3 days now. " said an old thin man.

"My body is sore all over, what should I take? I need to see the doctor!" said a middle aged woman with bruises on her face and and arms.

"Miss nurse, my blood pressure seems higher than normal for quite some time now, Dr. Domingo said to see her when this happens". Said the old fat man.

- The outpatient area almost gone chaotic for everyone's in a hurry, wants to be atttended to right away. No one wants to que. But Mayen, patiently just listen to those complaints. After hearing them, she spoke to them in a clear, and gentle manner so for everyone to hear.

"Every one, calm down. I know that you came here to see Dr. Domingo, but we have to follow procedures in order for us to attend your needs. Today, our government has announced to the public the implementation of enhance community quarantine. So we must follow protocols. Those elderly with cough, weakness or anything alike please sit here", pointing to the chairs on her left. " all the other patient left should wait for all the elderly to be done with assessment and history taking." -

Mayen, deep in her thought, she's fuming with rage not because of so many patients to tend but because of Dr. Domingo who wouldn't want to do the consultation.

"I wish he'll wake up and be compassionate enough to empathize with the patients coming here for check up"

But sadly, Dr. Domingo came late looking not in the mood to cater patients. Mayen, holding her rage and wearing her facade smile rush to Dr. Domingo and asked if he'll attend the patient.

"I have a meeting with interagency task force for CoViD, I can't attend them. Tell them to go to our district hospital instead."

"One is a poor old man who have a dry cough for 3 days now, then another came due to soreness all over his back after farming and the other old lady seems to have hypertension for having consistent BP elevation. Don't you want to give them remedy? Else, someone might report us to the higher ups for ignoring and refusing patients."

If it's ok with you doc, just give us nurses your orders then we'll carry it out." said Mayen.

"Mayen, don't you understand I am in a rush?" shouted Dr. Domingo.

"Let me remind you Dr. Domingo that you are a doctor. You are supposed to act as one." Then Mayen left not wanting anymore banter from Dr. Domingo.

Mayen went back to the patients and resume taking vital signs and assessing patients. Soon after assessing, she made referrals for patients' whose condition needs clinical management while those presenting with mild symptoms were given vitamins and sent home to rest.

The day went by. Mayen feeling exhausted but thankful that here

day ended smoothly.

It was 5:20pm when she arrived at home.

"Mama! Mama! You're now here. Where's my present?"

It was Jared. Mayen's 7 year old son. Rushing to hug his mother.

"Oops! Hmm! I miss you baby! How was your day?"

"It's kinda boring, Mama. Grandlo won't allow me to watch TV. I played my Lego, took a bath, ate chocolate biscuits with milk then slept"

"Wow! You're a good boy for sleeping, surely you'll get taller in no time. But why are you sad right now?"

"Grandlo won't let me watch my favorite Paw Patrol."

Oh really? Would you like to be grampy?



Normal days... Regular days...

When you are on a shift and when you are at home.