
No One Will Ever Hurt You Again I Promise

For each of us, things and events present themselves differently. We cannot afford to be envious of the happiness of others. Happiness comes in different forms; we need to be attentive and know our needs to seize the opportunity when it arises. Do we know what it's like to love and be loved when we are young? Are our choices considered? We will never know if we never try it, and love does not wait for age. It falls on you. And fate? Does that mean anything to you? So no matter how hard you try to change it, it remains unchanged. What is written cannot be undone. At Woodhill, a private high school located in the heart of New York, the elites of this society come together to receive the best academic training of all time. All these teenagers are descendants of responsible and prosperous families. But as it is written, there are always exceptions when there are rules enacted somewhere. Among the rotten-spoiled petty-bourgeois, a few children from the small society are accepted as little geniuses. They all have brilliant brains; that's the only thing they have in common with New York City's future leaders. Again, there are a few exceptions among those who can afford academic training worthy of their social rank but do not have the required level. But as they say, between friends, we support each other. Money makes the law. Of course, you can be brilliant but can't afford to access Woodhill. On the other hand, if you are part of this bourgeois elite, you are unlikely to be denied access. There is a boy with the most interesting personality in this category, who is intelligent but does not have sufficient means. Some say that he is bipolar, others say that he has schizophrenia, and so many stories circulate about him, but no one really knows who he is. Howie is the name of this mysterious boy who is being chatted up in Woodhill. A god-sand-beautiful, intelligent, and talented boy who, unfortunately, is poor and disturbed. Some see him as a waste because of that.

Quentin_ikanu · Eastern
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75 Chs

Yesterday Was A Day

Yesterday was a tumultuous day for some, while others found it to be the most serene day thus far during their stay at Wood Hill; some anticipate more surprises in the future.

The recent crisis involving the girls necessitates prompt discussion with their parents. Wood Hill's dean had already postponed the petition issue for too long and could no longer ignore it after what had happened.

For some individuals, the experience was a permanent horror that would continue to bedevil them indefinitely. This pertains to a particular group of educators who are rigidly resistant to any form of alteration.

On the other hand, for other individuals, it was an idyllic day, an unforgettable day.

Presently, there is a day off due to a household emergency. Each Wood Hill student is currently accompanied by their respective parents and experiencing a challenging moment.

This unforeseen obstacle was not considered in their planning, as they were preoccupied with voicing their opinions.

To alleviate the tension in the amphitheater, the dean, Celine, suggested that the parents sit on one side of the room, while the children sit on the other.

This was more than just a good idea - you can see the flashes of rage and fury in the eyes of some parents when they see images of their daughters or sons displayed on the big screen in a position deemed shameless.

The director intended for the images to convey the message since some parents struggle to accept the possibility that their flawless kids may cause trouble.

They firmly believe that their children are second to none, even though they are discussing adolescents in the midst of puberty.

These videos have halted them from making false accusations against other children or harming themselves. They exchanged furtive embarrassed glances, silently evaluating each other's behavior, all while glaring at those unfortunate kids on the other side of the room.

Thankfully, the lethal death stare had yet to be invented; otherwise many would have already perished on the spot.

The children refrained from any movement that may cause them to look towards their left, where their oppressors were situated.

As they witness the chaotic aftermath of their actions, a wave of fear washes over them, yet they cannot help but feel a sense of pride in their accomplishment.

However, executing their plan and observing its fruition are two separate experiences, and surprisingly, they feel even more fulfillment in their achievement.

As the presentation draws to a close, one can discern the expressions of amazement and contentment on their faces.

They had gone too far, they thought to themselves, even though they didn't say it out loud.

However, since it was for a noble purpose, they didn't mind provoking those rigid and uninspired people who were obstructing the pursuit of their own path. A number of parents, including the parents of the twins, adamantly declined to attend the gathering, asserting that it was irrelevant to the sons they had nurtured so conscientiously.

This particular situation pertains solely to parents who have not adequately educated their children or fulfilled their parental responsibilities.

However, the summons was not specific to these parents alone. Despite its generality, a small number of individuals were still absent.

The absence of a particular individual, who is usually hard to ignore, went unnoticed.

Within the room, parents displayed varying emotions--shock, anger, or neutrality.

Some parents still rubberneck at the children who avoid making eye contact.

It's an attractive sight to behold

Things often appear more attractive to those not involved, and often have their own opinions and solutions to someone else's problems.

After viewing the videos, the director requested that the boys exit the room; however, they declined to comply. This heightened the anger of the parents who solely have sons.

Even prior to this morning's meeting, they reassured themselves that any prior tensions were inconsequential. They all recognized that they share the same goals and no one will betray the others. They remain united as a cohesive group.

And thus, their narrative began.

Despite parents urging them to leave, no one chooses to move. They do not budge, nor do they make eye contact for fear of last-minute changes of heart.

"Good," the relieved principal says.

It will be easier for her to handle one united group of rebels than two. Deep down, she knows this is not the first nor the last time she will encounter such a situation.

The meeting erupted into a chaotic scene of accusations and blame, akin to a full-blown boxing match. Civility and decorum were replaced by a deafening buzz as parents hurled insults and boastful comments at each other.

Unacceptable language was flung like whips at certain individuals.

After several unsuccessful attempts to restore order, the principal set down the microphone and waited for the crowd to calm down, placing her head in her hands.

Kaeli's mother endured a barrage of insults that nearly sparked a heated argument. Nevertheless, her self-control allowed her to remain vigilant.

"Is this the kind of education you're providing for your daughter, Kendra?" Todd's mother snarled, whose daughter is also Kaeli's age.

"What sort of inappropriate behavior is that? Are you as careless and forgetful as to do such a poor job of raising your only child? Or, is it because of the surgeries you've undergone that you lack the common sense to properly raise your daughter and prevent her from disrupting the lives of our innocent daughters?" She continues to complain loudly like a bitter, resentful old woman.

"She must follow in your footsteps as they say, like mother like daughter, right?" Jules finishes her sentence with a disdainful and disgusted tone.

Kendra resists the urge to lash out at Jules in front of everyone gathered there. She doesn't want to steal the focus from Kaeli who has already received enough attention.

Jules's husband, Dominic, was attempting to stop his wife from continuing to spout the same gibberish she had already spoken, but he was unsuccessful.

He saw the rage in Kendra's eyes. Though she is the oldest of all the moms in the room, she looks half their age - in her twenties, we'll say.

"This surgeon is exceptionally skilled," he always thinks, every time he led eyes on Kendra.

As a renowned neurosurgeon, he can certainly appreciate the skill of this plastic surgeon, despite it being a different field.

He grips his wife's wrist firmly, hoping to silence her. Her behavior and words are embarrassing him, and he cannot understand what is going on with her sudden outburst.

Blaming anyone in particular is futile since all the kids were part of the crisis.

He releases her wrist after she gives him a menacing look, and she remains silent, rubbing her sore wrist.

Kendra utilized the moment of silence to move back one row and find a seat, while Dominic continued to follow her with his gaze until she sat down.

This didn't escape his wife's notice, who felt an uncontrollable rage rising in the pit of her stomach until she burst into flames like a clumsy phoenix.

She stood up and screamed at the top of her voice as if to make herself heard not only by the entire assembly but by the whole of New York City too, if not the whole world of course.

"Kaeli has no place among our children, it's all her fault. If you don't want this situation to recur in the future, you have to vote for her immediate expulsion. We're raising girls and boys from good families, not depraved sluts."

"And this Kaeli is clearly her mother's daughter, who wouldn't hesitate to do anything to get attention. So who knows what kind of tactics she'll resort to next time to corrupt the pure souls of our children?"

Dominic was surprised by his wife's vicious outplaced flames at faulting a child in front of so many people without thinking of the consequences of her words, while she has a daughter the same age.

He lowered his head shamefully to avoid looking around, Todd and Tess slid out of their seats to hide too, pulling up the hoods of their sweatshirts.

The mortification! If only they could disappear.

The room suddenly fell dead silent, with Jules the only speaker and a hundred pairs of offended eyes on her.

It was then that a voice came over the loudspeakers littering every corner of the school grounds.

"Ah!" a bitter, contemptuous chuckle could be heard before the voice spoke again.

"Look at you, behaving like uneducated people, accusing and blaming, wounding the pride of your friends, and insulting children who are all old enough to feed themselves alone and be your children without a moment's hesitation. What an opprobrium! You don't care about other people's feelings and you don't respect any ethical ropes. So you wonder why they do it."

"You wonder why children in the throes of adolescence fight to be heard by taking actions typical of their age, when you adults are no better than them, hum?"

"Listening to a mother loudly and clearly call a girl who has done nothing but wear make-up and a skirt that shows off her long legs, a girl who could be hers, a slut, a tramp, is unparalleled absurdity. It makes me question your values and the whole beautiful world you live in. What won't a person like that do?"

"Frankly, you left me speechless and that's rare. What a disgrace! Had you noticed that they all sat there in solidarity awaiting their sentence instead of running away from what they had done? Did you hear them complaining, accusing each other for even a fraction of a second? Yet they weren't all part of that rebellion that took place yesterday, but they all needed it so badly."

"That's why they all sat there and watched you behave like fools, instead of facing up to the situation like the adults you are. But what had you done with it? Mrs. Morgan gave up trying to reason with you, she gave you time to collect your wits, thinking you were capable enough of behaving well in society… pff" A mocking chuckle filled with disdain is heard before the voice resumes.

"And you think you're civilized people, and you call yourselves elites? Gee, what a joke! Do some retrospection, you really need it."

And then nothing, silence, total silence fell over the room. The voice had vanished into thin air as it had come without warning, leaving the room confused and ashamed.

Jules, still standing, is so embarrassed that she can't move, and can't decide whether to sit down or get out of there, all eyes are on her, and her husband does nothing to help her out this time.

‘Let her deal with her humiliation on her own, nobody put her in that position. She brought it upon herself, so it serves her right', thinks her husband.

In fact, if he hadn't had the day off, he wouldn't have been the one to suffer such humiliation.

The principal took advantage of this moment of silence to say a few words while the atmosphere in the room became choking and uncomfortable.

Everyone avoided making eye contact with their companion.

"I personally apologize to each and every one of you who are present for such an occasion..."

"...I promised results on every level and today I had to bring you here not to learn from your children's progress, but from my failure."

"During my twenty years of service as head of Wood Hill, I've learned things, and with children, you always learn in spite of yourself. I turned a blind eye to the signs, because I believed in our program and because it always worked. But today, I've realized two things: being parents leads us to believe we have all the words, we can have everything we want from them just because we want it, and as a result, we miss out on the essentials, and this child we cherished becomes a stranger."

"Secondly, I've noticed that we keep repeating the same mistakes our parents made before us. Many of you remember how hard I made life for my parents, how I always fought against Wood Hill rules, while my brothers did everything they could to pass their A-levels at sixteen. They wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible, while I fought to change the charter because it was too old and out of date. And yet, I still use the same old one today."

"Over the years, I lost sight of my goals and embraced my parents' stubbornness, so here we are... As a result, no one will be punished for this blunder. You all had a copy of your children's charter, I'd like you to devote a few minutes of your precious time to it, as of today I'm taking the decision to renew it, and update it with the present without ignoring the main objective of the establishment, which is to give our children a healthy space to bring out their genius. Submit your requests within the next two weeks. So that next month I can present you with the new charter."

"It is my intention to discuss my decision and request your cooperation as soon as possible. The regulations must apply equally to all, as we have gifted students who aspire to a bright future.

“I urge you to refrain from submitting expulsion requests or anything of that nature, specifically regarding our other students in our scholarship program and studying abroad. As you have spent hours arguing with each other, I hope you will consider your actions in the future. I will not detain you any longer; you are now free to leave. Thank you for coming forward for the benefit of our children. I will see you soon.”

"And you," she addresses the children in a calmer and more pleasant tone. They remain seated, likely out of fear of facing their parents following the recent pictures and life lessons they received from an unknown source.

The children fear that their parents will take out their frustration on them after receiving that lecture.

Celine understands their concern and rushes to their aid.

"Regardless of whether or not you were in uniform, you still had a full eight-hour day ahead of you. Therefore, everyone was required to enter the classroom."

They didn't wait for her to repeat herself and left without acknowledging their parents. The parents were stunned, watching as they took off as if something was chasing them.

They went to their individual lockers to check their schedules and grabbed necessary documents, relieved to have a break from the stress.

Their classes varied, and they excelled in different subjects.

At Wood Hill, the program is customized and directed towards the hard and exact sciences. Students must earn a minimum of twelve thousand points throughout their years at the school to excel.

Though doubling the score is common, it is rare for a student to excel in both fields without ever failing a single test.

The trophy hall, showcasing the school's accomplishments in academic, artistic, and other competitions over the years, is a source of unparalleled beauty and institutional pride. It's like visiting a personal museum of the Morgenstern, with their name in gold lettering across various subjects. However, the platinum plate was a rare sight.

The Morgenstern strive for perfection and set their sights on being the best in everything they pursue. With this driving mindset, they never look back.

Anyway, there seems to be a challenger who aims to topple the current leaders. To achieve this goal, one must earn a platinum plaque, which requires passing every exam and performing exceptionally well in both science categories as well as self-development courses.

The points earned from self-development activities are used to award stars for graduation. These stars serve as keys to unlock access to certain businesses and high society.

They signify qualities such as discipline, exemplary behavior, and teamwork. Once you accumulate 1500 stars, you gain unlimited access to VIP programs within the city's inner circle, regardless of your social status, without the need for further validation.

They have established a system that motivates them to work and also allows for recreation. This method is successful because competition serves as the backbone of Wood Hill's triumph.

The majority of those who engage in point accumulation are not part of the aristocratic or newly rich groups. Moreover, certain individuals disregard the attainment of stars because their status is already advantageous.

As the saying goes, we all possess our own destiny.

The twins didn't go to the chaotic reunion and hoped to run into Howie somewhere on the school grounds, but couldn't find him anywhere.

They believed he wouldn't come with his parents, but didn't expect him to skip it completely. At one glance, one could tell they were disappointed.

Howie is getting on their nerves, they thought anxiously, exchanging nervous glances.

It's like they're communicating silently.

They certainly are… These twins have a unique connection that surpasses their physical fusion, which some may find eerie.

They are aware that if they mention it, their mom will go to great lengths to have them undergo MRI scans or even dissections just to comprehend their bond.

She enjoys controlling those around her, and anything out of her control undergoes a complete overhaul, including her boys.

Imagine growing up with two parents, one a control freak and the other a perfectionist. It's like hell in a piece of paradise since they have everything within their reach.

Lucian's perfectionism stems from genetic, familial, and cultural factors. The Morgenstern clearly assert that they control their own destiny and therefore take measures to ensure their lineage understands the importance of self-reliance.

Growing up in a privileged environment, they have never experienced need or deprivation, and they intend to maintain that lifestyle indefinitely.

Despite their success, they continue to work tirelessly every day.

The Morgenstern are known for their workaholic mindset, always giving their all and striving to multiply their colossal wealth.

This trait seems to be a hereditary one, instilled in them from a young age.

The twins' escape from their mother's abusive control occurred at the age of eight when they discovered the power of their bond. They started enhancing their abilities beyond what was visible and predictable.

Maryse was focused on one thing - replicating the contact she had with the boys while carrying them.

The bond between the mother and her twin baby was lost upon their birth, but the connection between the two siblings remained and continued to strengthen each day.

This realization left the mother feeling rejected and excluded, as she knew she could never regain that intimate bond. Even at the expense of their strong bond with each other, she labored with the desire to break the twins' bond so that they could rely on her alone.

She handed over control of her gallery to her husband's company and stopped engaging in activities that might take her away from home for extended periods.

Maryse is a well-known antique dealer and artist, skilled in painting and pottery.

Despite his wife's tendency towards control, her husband warned her not to abandon these pursuits, which helped her cope with her control disorder.

She possessed the necessary discernment and perseverance to exhaustively authenticate works of art down to the minutest of details, giving her unwavering satisfaction and serenity.

Upon reaching eight months of pregnancy, she opted to assume the role of a housewife and care for her two children.

During the initial two years, everything proceeded smoothly, and Lucian was contented to witness her dedication to their children.

She was not ready for the pregnancy when she received the news as she had not yet decided on having a child. It was a surprise to her and she despised the unforeseen situation.

However, during their vacation in Prague, as they sat on their balcony under a starlit sky, they embraced each other after a few glasses of wine.

The idyllic setting overwhelmed them, giving them the freedom to express their love without any inhibitions about minor details. This was a perfect moment for romance, not for worrying.

Six weeks later, she woke up abruptly at their vacation house on Lac Pavin in France. The hormonal imbalance she had been struggling with since adolescence made it difficult for her to recognize the change.

Nature, however, has its own way of working and often does not align with what we want, forcing people into situations they would rather avoid.

She was twenty-six years old and had distanced herself from Celine because the latter became pregnant to manipulate her parents.

She viewed Celine as careless and immature as she always sought out trouble just to have fun and rebel. She occasionally looked at her with compassion and pondered how she could be so foolish.

She wished she could take a break, even if only for a few minutes, but she found it impossible. Lucian was attracted to her because she could help him stay focused and on track, following the path set by his parents for him and his two older brothers.

The older Harth is managing the Hong Kong branch, while the second, Hardy runs the Geneva branch.

When they were three years old, the boys started spending more time together instead of seeking comfort from their mother's embrace. They were so focused on each other that they didn't even realize when she wasn't home.

There seemed to be a symbiotic relationship between them as they synchronized their movements and facial expressions without even looking at each other.

She was amazed when she asked the nannies if the boys had cried during the day and always received a negative response, which unsettled her as time passed.

The revelation compelled her to enhance the mansion's security with numerous covert cameras in every corner and crevice. This sequence of events nearly drove her to insanity. She sought assurance that her boys didn't assert their dominance in her absence.

The disclosure was not only unsightly but also unbearable. The boys spent their time drawing and playing the piano harmoniously, without requiring the company of their mother, teacher, or even their caretakers. As long as they were together, everything was idyllic.

She did not play a significant role in their lives, but she resolved to take action when the situation became difficult. The circumstances did not appeal to her in the least.

At a young age, she took the initiative to separate them, each having their individual rooms, despite Lucian's objections.

This is how the boys formed their telepathic connection, a unique characteristic that only they are privy to.

She established the objective of manipulating their behavior by dressing them individually with engraved jewelry and other means.

However, they found amusement in switching the items around, resulting in Ayke becoming Aike occasionally. While Lucian did not condone the disruption to their children's lives, he loved his spouse and offspring the same.

The current situation at home was not something he wanted his parents to be aware of. A Morgenstern, however, never gets consumed by events.

In order to improve their situation and protect the twins' well-being, he opted for family therapy, carried out in complete confidentiality.

The boys showed rapid maturation and were pushed to their limits, presenting them with a dilemma of mutual protection. As a result, they started attending school under the age of six.

Upon their return home, they intentionally exchanged rooms, clothing, and other items.

Presently, they possess the liberty to select their wardrobe and coiffure without any imposed restrictions. Their hair naturally descends down the nape of their necks, and they have the autonomy to style it as desired. Despite any other regulations they must abide by, they maintain this degree of independence.

Maryse's determination to differentiate between them has resulted in the twins becoming skilled at camouflage, impersonating each other unnoticed by those around them.

When their mother or father calls out to them, one assumes the identity of the other, as if nothing had occurred. Occasionally, Lucian's facial expression implies a trace of skepticism; however, he refrains from commenting.

If his hypothesis turns out to be correct, the boys are likely highly intelligent and experiencing pressure. He thinks with bitterness each time, acknowledging that he too may have resorted to similar or worse methods if in their position.

"If only my wife had been more attentive," he laments, "instead of obsessively controlling everything. Then, we might have had a clearer understanding of the situation. Clearly, the two kids at hand possess characteristics akin to those of the Morgenstern.”

Anyway, he is proud of them, but their Morgenstern gene might have been doubted if they hadn't been so cunning.

At Wood Hill, the situation is calming down as parents are leaving the premises, leaving their beloved children under the watchful eye of Celine, who bears a strong resemblance to these girls.

Some parents are not deceived by the eagerness they showed to return to class and are already plotting their retaliation. They patiently wait to surprise the kids upon their arrival home.

Meanwhile, an adolescent male is leisurely walking in New York's uptown district, oblivious to his environment, and motivated solely by his destructive impulses.

Standing at over two meters tall, he appears more adult than juvenile, even though he is still a pubescent teenager. He walked with a slightly arched back as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. His eyes were fixed on the ground without regard for his surroundings.

His shredded black jeans and bright lemon-yellow sweatshirt emphasized the thick cascade of dual-colored hair that flowed down his back freely, appearing a bit tousled.

At a distance, the figure appears to be female, yet upon closer examination, it is the discernible, elegant outline that gives the impression of femininity, as there are no overtly feminine features present.

His form-fitting jeans reveal toned legs and arms, as well as a defined midsection.

A square chocolate bar has identical texture, appearance, and aesthetic features to his impressive six-pack abs.

The blaring of horns and panicked voices echoed in the distance, soon accompanied by a dizzying screech of tires.

He remained oblivious to the origin of the commotion until two arms abruptly snatched him off the street and onto the sidewalk, jolting him back to reality.

His heart raced as he frantically surveyed his surroundings. His hair disheveled from the sudden yank, he shook his head from side to side to regain composure, his focus now on the commotion down the street.

Suddenly, he met the stare of the man who saved him from being crushed under the car wheels while the driver yelled a few profanities without even attempting to halt.

They gazed at each other for what felt like an eternity, and then he freed his arm from his rescuer's grip and mumbled a half-hearted thanks through gritted teeth.

He looked around for a moment, appearing slightly bewildered before realizing his location. He couldn't recall walking that far, let alone when he emerged onto the street.

However, he dismissed the peculiarity from his mind and refocused on the individual in front of him. A sly grin crossed his slender, well-defined lips, reinstating him to his past splendor.

The boy, who had appeared lost and panicked, was now transformed into a divine being embodied by his striking beauty.

The previously confused and bewildered boy had vanished into thin air, replaced by one possessing an enchanting charm that disrupts the lives of all living things on Wood Hill.

His smile elicited a shiver from the person facing him, who struggled to describe the unsettling sensation it caused. It was slightly too devilish for his savior's liking.

"Good evening, Aike!" he greeted with an amused tone.