
No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Forbidden love between two rival mafia clans— In the midst of a brutal feud between the Davis and the Evans, love was the last thing anyone expected to find. In the heat of a feud between two rival clans, an unlikely love blossoms between the heiress of one and the heir of the other. But this romance is shrouded in darkness as the male lead, Aiden, commits an unforgivable act—murdering the father and brother of the female lead, Evelyn, on the very night they consummate their passion, intoxicated by drugs. As Evelyn returns from a party to face the grim reality of her family's slaughter, she discovers she carries an unborn child from a one-night stand. She was alone and despair but she still took her revenge of her father and brother's death by slaughtering Evans hideouts. With heavy hearts and a firm resolve, the Davis clan chose to disappear, valuing Evelyn and her twin's safety above vengeance. In the span of just one month, the entire Davis clan vanishes without a trace, leaving Evelyn to navigate her clan only in shadows, determined to protect her legacy at any cost. Fast forward five years— Evelyn, now the Vice President of Lav Enterprise. In office on the couch Evelyn feeding fruit to Wyatt and beside her, the president of the company and Evelyn's best friend, Archie, feeds Evelyn's daughter, Zoe in his embrace. Seated on the opposite couch, jealousy burned in Aiden's eyes as he watched Evelyn and Archie, his regret a constant reminder of what he had lost. His possessiveness towards Evelyn and their children is evident, yet he feels disheartened knowing he can't do anything to the man who now shares Evelyn's life. Helplessly, he can only stare, consumed by regret and longing. In a dark room, fill with dust, a couple on the ground tied up by a rope. "Baby girl, why don't our kids call me dad?" Aiden says frustratingly. "You think you can come back into our lives and pick up where we left off? You forfeited that right when you destroyed my world." "I know I can never undo the past, baby. But I love you. I want to be a father to our children, if you'll let me." "Darling, you're late. Someone else already filled that role," Evelyn replies coolly, attempting to free herself from the ropes binding her. "I'll kill that bastard!" Aiden's anger surges as he struggles to untangle Evelyn's ropes with his own bound hands, his desperation evident. "I dare you," Evelyn warns, her tone steely. "But baby, I—" Aiden's plea is cut off by Evelyn's blunt response. "Being my one-night stand should be enough for you," Evelyn states matter-of-factly, showing no concern for his feelings. "I am your husband," Aiden insists. "You should dream as big as I allow you to dream," Evelyn shoots back without hesitation. "Am I not even allowed to dream of you now?" "The blood on your hands can never be washed away, Aiden. The night you took my family from me, you also killed the part of me that can ever love you." "Am I of no use to you now?" Aiden proposes, regardless of their precarious situation. "You still have a purpose, darling," Evelyn replies with a playful smile. "You still have to meet your end at my hands today." Soon her hand gets freed. Evelyn looks at Aiden, who is also smiling at her. "Ready to die, darling?" Evelyn asks.

08021999 · Urban
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32 Chs

Davis has heiress?

Aiden sat quietly in the dimly lit room, contemplating his next move. The walls, adorned with faded, seemed to close in on him as Evelyn's thoughts kept intruding, relentless and vivid. The soft hum of the rain outside only heightened his sense of isolation.

All he could think about was her and their interaction the previous night. The memory of their first meeting played over and over in his mind: the crowded marketplace, the way her laughter rang like a melody. Every second with her was etched deeply in his memory, a stark contrast to the cold, grim reality he now faced. He had never encountered such a beautiful and kind woman before, and the thought of losing her tore at his heart.

His reverie was shattered by a loud banging on his door, echoing through the silent room.

"Aiden! Aiden!" Harris's voice was urgent, almost desperate.

Reluctantly, Aiden rose, his mind still lingering on Evelyn, and opened the door to find his friend, Harris, looking frantic, his face pale and drawn. "What do you want?" Aiden asked, his voice laced with irritation and worry.

"Our hideouts have been attacked. More than a hundred of our men are dead!" Harris blurted out, the words tumbling out in a rush.

"What? Who did this? When?" Aiden's mind raced, struggling to process the sudden turn of events.

"Two hours ago. The enemy cut all our lines of communication with the other establishments. Then they attacked, killing not just our men in hideouts but also five of our sub-leaders." Harris's voice trembled a little with the thought of loss they suffered.

As they made their way to the study room to meet with Neville, the wooden floors making noise under their hurried steps, Harris recounted the details to Aiden. The corridors seemed longer and darker, each step weighed down by the gravity of the situation.

"How could this all happen in one day?" Aiden asked, incredulous, his voice echoing in the empty hallways.

"Even your dad was stunned, but then he said he wouldn't expect less from Davis," Harris replied, his eyes darting around with worry.

"Davis? We just eliminated their leader and heir! Who else could be capable of leading them?" Aiden's voice rose with a mixture of disbelief and frustration.

"Antonio?" Eddie suggested, joining them as they neared the study room.

"I highly doubt the whole clan would listen to him," Aiden replied, shaking his head.

"But they would listen to the heiress," Neville added sitting on the main chair, as they entered the room, his voice calm yet grave.

The room was filled with people, the air thick with anticipation and tension. The seriousness of the gathering was palpable, as every person present understood the gravity of the situation. They were all important figures, their faces reflecting a mixture of concern and determination. Conversations were hushed, with Aiden's arrival.

"An heiress?" Aiden looked at him sceptically, the idea foreign and unsettling.

"Of course!" Harris exclaimed, as if a light bulb had gone off in his head. "The Davis clan does have a daughter!"

"Why have I never heard of her?" Eddie asked, shocked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Because she was hidden from everyone. No one knew about her. Even the clan's leaders never saw her, except for a select few and Antonio. When I tried to investigate, I found nothing at all. So I forgot about it as well," Harris's frustration was palpable.

"If she was hidden so well, how did the entire Davis clan suddenly rally around her? And not just that, she led the whole operation. Is that even possible?" Aiden's mind raced, trying to fit the pieces together.

"Only if she wasn't really hidden but simply kept out of the limelight. Maybe she was part of the Mafia world all along, and we just didn't know," Harris speculated, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

"Could the Davis clan pull off hiding someone so crucial?" Aiden wondered aloud, the enormity of their adversary's cunning dawning on him.

"The person orchestrating this must be extremely powerful. We always knew the Davis clan wasn't to be underestimated," Neville said, his tone solemn.

"So, what's our plan now? Should we strike back tomorrow? If Davis can take revenge in one day, why can't we?" Eddie demanded, his impatience evident.

"Dad, Eddie isn't wrong. The Davis clan showed their strength; we shouldn't sit back and delay. Give my team another chance, and we'll deliver the same results. In fact—" Before Aiden could finish, Neville cut him off.

"No," Neville said firmly, his voice brooking no argument.

"What do you mean?" Aiden asked, stunned, the room seeming to grow colder.

"I mean what I said, Aiden. No. No one is going anywhere, and we will not retaliate," Neville replied, his eyes hard and unyielding.

"You mean we'll just let them get away with this?" Aiden's voice was incredulous, his hands clenching into fists.

"Yes," Neville's voice was steady, resolute.

"Dad—" Aiden began, his frustration boiling over.

"Aiden, a lot of blood has been shed in just one day because of our revenge. The people we wanted dead are gone. Innocent lives were lost because of this feud. What we set out to do has been accomplished." Neville's voice softened slightly, but his resolve remained firm.

"But what about our losses?" Aiden's voice cracked, the weight of their losses pressing down on him.

"Didn't they lose too? The wounds they've inflicted will take time to heal. We cannot afford to be rash. We don't know what else they have planned. I won't risk more of our men in this feud. The Davis clan may have lost their leader, but they still have someone to wield power." Neville's words were measured, each one a painful truth.

"Yes, Aiden, I don't think we should underestimate the Davis clan," Eddie agreed, his voice subdued.

"But still we got to do something?" Aiden said.

"What, are we supposed to kill their heiress now?" Neville asked.

"Why not?" Aiden's voice was cold, pragmatic.

"Your mother would kill you if you did. We cannot touch their daughter. She is very important to your mother," Neville said calmly.

"Ahhh! I can't believe I have to stand down after all this!" Aiden shouted, his frustration spilling over, his voice echoing in the room.

"It's better for both sides, Aiden," Neville concluded, his voice leaving no room for argument, his gaze unwavering.

Aiden turned away, his heart heavy with unresolved emotions, the shadows of their enemies looming larger than ever.

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