
No Mountain Too High (Last Tigrian Chronicles)

It was a cool sunny day so no one expect the tragedy of plane crashed from exclusive flight-demo at Mount. Salak, West Java and that includes Lev who’s been busy for the deadline. No wonder Lev was shocked to hear the news and found out lots of message from her twin sister, Vianka who had task to cover the flight for TV Station she works, that confirm she’s on that plane. Vianka’s corpse returned to Jakarta along with other victims and buried at cemetery but since then Lev had some vision that Vianka is still alive and heard whispering voice calling for help. Vianka’s boss interest to what happened to Lev then asked him to go along with Channel 7’s crew that want to produce the cover story about Sukhoi’s last flight. Lev went to Mount.Salak with Jaka (Senior Reporter), Ridwan (Cameraman), and Samsudin (travel guide) to see the site directly. Outside the fact that the forest had taking many lives actually it was a beautiful place to be visited and the crew had to climb down the cliff in order to get inside the wreckage spot. When they makes shot of program Lev realize that they were not alone. Something watching them but he couldn’t explained what was that. Samsudin tells the story about the legend of Khisima when they rest on that night and soon after that they were attacked by the beast. It killed whole crew and leaving Lev alone to survive down the valley after he managed to trick the phantom tiger to jump over the cliff. Lev heard the screaming of Vianka for his name and climb down to the valley once again to seek his twin sister. But when Lev could get her from saved hole he found somebody pulled the robe from the top of the cliff and the only way to get out from that place was to get through the woods. But he still chased by that mysterious creature, a black giant tiger named Khisima who apparently didn’t die from the cliff jump. To avoid Khisima, Lev trick him once again with hiding himself and Vianka on the tree top and leaving false trail for Khisima to be followed. But he’s not only had to face the vicious tiger that hunt him persistently but also nature cruelness, the attack of forest ghost, and the killing swamp. Once, in a hard rainy day Lev realize that they were follow by forest ghost. Many eyes staring at him and Vianka who being rest under the tree and turn out they start to grab Vianka and yanked her far to stay away from Lev. He’s chasing them like wild and fought the things until he could have Vianka back before they thrashed into the bottom of the valley more deeply. The run brought Lev and Vianka to some beautiful waterfall in the heart of the mountain woods and led them to reveal an ancient secret that’s been guard by Khisima all this time. The secrecy of Padjadjaran peoples who were followers of King Siliwangi which flee to the woods to avoid civil war at the war of Bubat, and the reason why King Siliwangi didn’t want to cast out the blood of the rebellion who take his throne but declare to vanished in eternally, which made them secret tribe and no one able to found them since then. The followers which lead by Khisima, King Siliwangi warlords trust, are the secret tribe that called Tigrean. Their ability as a Cindaku, a tiger-transformed human, made them not only became blood thirsty living thing but also finding the followers as their kind. This Cindaku could change form as a tiger by spelling the mantras, so there’s no boundaries such periods (full moon) or time (night fall). They filled with desire to hunt and change Lev out. But Vianka, who turned out to be one of them, protects Lev so he could have time to run from that place. He has no other way to save her because she wanted him to run like hell before the tribe’s leader, the great tiger, chase him down. So he was furious on his running, realizing Vianka would not had a chance to win the fight against the whole tiger’s tribe, cries out to hear the scream and loud noise when they torned her up.

Lewi_Satriani · Horror
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16 Chs


Very hypocrite to say he comes here to save Vianka so he could be hero, once more, for her. It sounds like he's some kind of God for his sister. Well, he's not a God. He's just somebody who cares…cares with a promise that comes from his mouth.

As he walks under the trees, the shadow of his youth returns. Remembering the moment when he did some promise he made…at the time when he's just an innocent small kid that didn't know a thing about pledge but dares to say it….


Vianka become less talkative since the river's incident…

They hide the real story from their parents by telling them that they were lost chasing butterflies. It made them went far away from home and didn't realize until it's too late. Sometimes terrace field can be tricky because it all looks the same and confusing big city kids. Their parents can't accept the reason and the two are scolded. Even so, that reason is much better than saying Vianka almost drowned. The twins received their punishment with no argues and the next three days they were busy to paint grandpa's fence as the punishment.

Vianka usually very excited to get such a job, something unusual for him because most of the girls prefer sewing or playing dolls other than painting. But this time she didn't crooning or smiling when she swept the paintbrush to the bamboo row which had been tied each other.

He had already tried to warm her mood by telling a joke or being nosy but when it's only met with silence he gave up then. While doing this detention he was more than surprised to see grandpa sitting more often on the front porch and smiles at them.

"I think he's watching over us," said Lev who can't stand to see this odd scenery when the old man came into the house before lunch on the second day of detention.

"He knows the truth…" Vianka finally opens her mouth.

"What do you mean? How?" Lev surprised to hear that."Did you tell him?"

The girl shook, "He warned me to be careful if I want to swim on that river next time."

"That means he was there?"

"I don't know ..."

"I'm sure he was. He can't say such thing if he doesn't know about the accident."

"Well...it could be..." Vianka shrugged.

"God ! I hate him for that."


"Vianka, it's crazy. If he was there and he saw you drown, don't you think he supposed to help you? Instead of let me doing it by myself."

"What happened if he did? So you wouldn't try?"

Lev staring at Vianka,"Eventhough a hundred adult were jump into the river to help you, I'm still swim for you."

She looked at Lev and suddenly sobbed, "I have nightmare since that horrible accident."

"What kind of nightmare?"

"I'm drowning in that river and the stream start spinning, just like tornado and dragged me into it. I screamed but no one heard. The river had turn me around and round until it threw me to the some kind of a burrow that located under the earth. Suddenly appears an awful yellow eye…a pair of it…with a growling noise and seems ready to attack…"

The guy hugged Vianka, "Ssshhh, no one will hurt you. It was just a dream."

"What if you fail to hold me, Lev? What if the stream was too strong and dragged me before you came?"

"That's not what happened, right?"

"I'm afraid, Lev! I don't want that happen again."

"Okay. I promise that we're not going to that river again as long as we're here."

"I've been thinking for two days and I realized what make me afraid when I'm drowned is not death…"

"Then what is it?"

"I'm afraid I can't see you anymore."

"My God, sis!" I don't want to lose you also. So I swam there to help you."

"Which, I didn't expect you're succeeding."

"Me neither. But believe me, we'll always be together. "

"Can we?"

"We were born together. We die together. "

Vianka laugh, "Don't be silly. Even if we are twins, we may not die together."

Lev replies the laughing, "Yeah, right ! The important thing is we always together."

"You've promise?"

"Sure…together in live and death."

Vianka smiled when Lev hooked the pinky promise as a symbol of affirmation. It was the sweetest smile he's ever seen on her sister. Smile which able to remove the blanket from her fog face during these two days. And after lunch, she's back on her cheerful act that makes painting job more fun and easy to do.


Remembering his youth, suddenly it comes back to him that Vianka did say something about a pair of yellow eyes and living under the earth. He didn't noticed what was that before, until now he realized that what mention by Vianka at that day was something that gonna be happened today. Does her dream was some kind of a sight of a future that this tragic day will come for her?

Lev doesn't know much about that…but one thing for sure…he had to keep his promise no matter what happened…and that's was something he does right now…