
No More Pain For This Villain.

[Synopsis] In a dark, underground basement, a spooky old man's voice sent shivers down my spine. "You're gonna meet your end, hahaha," he taunted, before lunging at me with a sword, slashing the air, and spattering my throat with red drops. "We'll see," I defiantly whispered, my last words fading as I drifted into darkness. Suddenly, I woke up in a bustling tavern filled with laughter and clinking glasses. A captivating lady stood before me, her beauty clashing with her angry expression, ready to disrupt the cheerful mood. "Don't stalk me," she snapped, giving me a harsh look before storming out of the tavern. Am I stuck in some kind of game? My common sense shattered, leaving me questioning my reality. ------------------------------------------- [A/N: Give it a read, buddy; you won't regret it.] [Discord Server Link: https://discord.com/invite/4gVfcaePJS]

Satan03 · Fantasie
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358 Chs

How Strong?




Two hours later,



"I think that's all for today," Marylin said as she looked at me.


"Yeah, thanks for your hard work." I was satisfied with today's lesson; I got to learn a lot about Mana and Mana cores.


"Well, I think you should return before Mary wakes up." Marylin suggests as she walks towards the door, indicating me to leave. I told her that I didn't want to cause any further trouble for Mary because of our strained relationship, and Marylin seems to understand and respect my decision.


"Yea," I stood up from my spot and walked towards the door and left the room quietly.


Step step


We both descended the stairs and came to the corridor, and Marylin came to see me off.


"Then I'll take my leave, and I'll thank you again for your time." Having said this, I left Marylin's house.



