After double checking her wounds, Chen Mu reported back to Zhi Hei about her severe condition. It was a miracle for her to be alive right now after suffering from a mild concussion, blood loss and fractured bones.
Hearing his diagnosis made Zhi Hei extremely infuriated that he called Shen Q to the room. "Within three days, have our top private investigators find out all about Shi Xue starting from a few years back till now. I need to know everything including the culprit behind her attack. Also, provide Chen Mu everything that he requires for her treatment."
His eyes never left the unconscious girl in bed. Shen Qi rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating when he saw Zhi Hei show such a gentle side towards a female. Shen Qi only responded with a nod and said, "yes."
Before Chen Mu followed Shen Qi out of the room, Zhi Hei asked for him to stay until Shi Xue's condition had been settled and Chen Mu agreed. Right after they had exited the room, Chen Mu passed him a list of herbs that were necessary for her treatment.
"Thanks. I'll let you know once I have everything from this list delivered. By the way...are you sure you weren't robbed on your way here? This style.." Shen Qi covered his mouth, trying to not laugh in front of him for his taste.
Chen Mu smirked and crossed his arms, "What? Jealous that my girlfriend has such good taste? Ah! Or ~ Are you just worried about your boss eating the little bunny up in there and trying to distract yourself with my pajamas, hmm? No worries. Nothing bad will happen in there. Relax, relax, but don't delay the herb collecting process. You have half an hour to get all those herbs I listed."
Shen Qi shook his head and nodded once again as he sent multiple messages consistently in front of Chen Mu. He was rendered speechless by this shameless man's words. Within ten minutes, he finished what he was told to do and had finished gathering the herbs for Chen Mu.
During the ten minutes of wait, Chen Mu gave Susu a call to let her know what he was up to. When he called, she was eating a small bowl of fruits and promised that she would take her medicine while he works.
Shen Qi caught the smile on his face and shivered, "My goosebumps are alll out. How come I didn't know that you and boss both have such a side to girls? I definitely need a vacation after this."
Chen Mu's smile, showing his teeth and teased, "we'll see how well you hold your smile when you see Hui Yan~ oh~~ Zhi Hei's little sister recently went on vacation, so you must have been very lonely~ hoho~" He elbowed Shen Qi gave him a few winks.
Susu almost choked on the slice of orange that she was eating when she heard how Chen Mu teased the poor assistant. Hearing her coughs redirected his attention to her immediately, "what's wrong? Are you feeling alright? Do you have a sore throat?"
"I ..almost choked to death because of what you said to him." She waved her hand to the front camera of her phone and handed it over to Lily. Ariana could be seen putting down her laptop, patting Susu's back followed by Lily's bye bye wave to him before hanging up.
Chen Mu sighed as he settled his racing heart. They went back to serious business after putting all jokes to the side. While Chen Mu boiled herb medicines in the kitchen, Shen Qi received some juicy information regarding the spies.
He forwarded the confidential information to Zhi Hei and checked up on Chen Mu to make sure everything was going smoothly. Zhi Hei was worried sick by Shi Xue's bedside when his phone buzzed.
Though he didn't want to, he still ended up checking the notification that he had received. After skimming through the report, he squinted at the name, Tian Guo Min, who was the owner of the private account that wired money to the spies.
Fortunately, for Tian Guo Min, Chen Mu finished preparing the first round of herb medicine and delivered it to the room. The scent of the extremely bitter medicine made his mouth turn sour immediately.
-Hospital room-
Ariana handed Susu a cup of warm water before typing on her laptop again. She looked up while her fingers continued typing on the keyboard, "oh right, what did Chen Mu say just now? Who was the girl who got attacked? Severely injured?"
"Shi Xue is the girl's name." Susu replied.
"Oh? Shi Xue's name rings the bell over here as well. What an odd coincidence we have here. Look." Ariana turned her laptop towards the girls where a screen of codes dissolved and security footages appeared. Apparently, someone had tried to erase all security footages of one of the top assassins from the underground market making a move during his job. Inside the footage clearly showed how Shi Xue was wounded and the face of the assassin.
With a smirk, Ariana said, "Let your hubby know that I sent him some useful resources that his friend might be very interested to see."
Susu nodded and texted Chen Mu to take a look at his email. Since it was a text from Susu, he immediately read and followed up on the email. Ariana made a quick phone call to Professor Luo Xia to inform him about her finding.
"Hello? Grandpa Xia, not just Tian Guo Min. We have a present for Li Shen Wen as well. Her brother was the one who built a connection between a man named Yang Ku Ze and one of the top assassins to go after a young lady's life. That young lady happened to be someone whom Mister Huang Zhi Hei fancies. I sent the information to them and forwarded a copy to you through email."
Her fingers continued typing as she spoke using her Bluetooth headphones. "Well done, we don't even need to make a move on our own since it involves Zhi Hei."
"Uh huh. Seems like you have a lot of confidence in him. What if he doesn't torture these donkeys the way you would feel satisfied with?" She smiled as she sent another email as a response to the footage email that she sent to Chen Mu. In the subject line, she purposely captioned it, "For Mister Huang Zhi Hei."
"Don't worry. Other people, I might hesitate, but not Zhi Hei. He's the most creative when it comes torturing enemies. Ruthless. Haha, let's sit and enjoy the show." He said and hung up the call.
Meanwhile, the medicine was fed to Shi Xue and Zhi Hei was wiping her lips. Chen Mu had already played the footages that he had received through the emails from Ariana. At first, the footages made him squint to figure out what was going on. When he saw a weird man chasing after a young lady, he started to zoom in on the young lady's face.
"Isn't she..." his lips parted and his sentence was never completed. After he had watched the footage and observed the exact movements of the attacks, he confirmed that the girl inside these videos was Shi Xue. Quickly, he showed Zhi Hei the footages.
The timing was perfect as Ariana's email for Zhi Hei arrived right after the videos finished playing. At this point, Zhi Hei's fists already clenched to rock form. His knuckles were ready to paint itself red as he skimmed through the documents that were provided in the other emails.
"Who sent you all these?" His deep voice sent chills to their spine as he stood up to roll up his sleeves. He cracked his knuckles and stretched his neck.
"Ariana Xu." Chen Mu was about to explain further about who she was, but Zhi Hei had already called his team to find Li Shen Wen's brother, Li Teng.
"Got it. Help me tell her, thank you. I owe her a huge favor. I'll be back very soon." His murderous aura lingered in the room even after he had exited.
It was a pretty harsh week+weekend. I'm hoping for rainbows and more time for me to write these chapters for you guys. Thank you for your patience! Here is a chapter, which isn't much, but hopefully I can update regularly with all the stuff that's going on.