
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs



Magnus Astor's light command to "remove all of Ethan Morgan's teeth" instantly petrified Ethan, who was already subdued and disheartened. Sweat streamed down his forehead as his body stiffened in fear.

"You... you dare..." Ethan glared at Magnus with a vicious expression, as if he wanted to utter some threat but ultimately held back.

"Sir, please consider the face of the South Enclave County's Governor and spare our young master from harm!" At this moment, the previously forward officer reacted, quickly begging for mercy again.

However, Magnus didn't even spare him a glance, simply nodding towards one of the guards close to the carriage, "Someone, just do as I said."

The guard immediately obeyed, striding towards Ethan's palanquin without hesitation.

Seeing this, the officer was shocked. He hadn't expected Magnus to be so relentless, not even giving the South Enclave County Governor any face, insisting on punishing Ethan. As one of the leaders of this mission, his duty was to safely escort Ethan to and from Silverwood City. If Ethan returned with all his teeth removed, how could he explain this to the Governor?

Left with no choice, the officer had to block the advancing guard, pleading, "Sir, please stop!"

But the guard ignored the officer's attempt to halt him, continuing his march forward. When he reached the officer's horse, he simply pushed it aside with ease, as if it were no more than a minor obstacle, and kept moving towards Ethan.

The officer, shocked by the guard's strength, no longer cared for proprieties. He leaped from his horse and lunged at the guard with a silver spear in hand.

The translation retains the essence of the original dialogue, ensuring the narrative's flow and the characters' intentions are clearly communicated.


Faced with the officer's charge, the guard merely snorted coldly, swiftly turning around with his hands poised like eagle claws, not retreating but advancing instead. His hands moved as fast as lightning to grasp the spearhead and shaft of the seven-foot long spear wielded by the officer.

The officer smirked internally, channeling a strong surge of mana into his arms, intending to twist and spin the spear with a sudden burst of force. If the spear were to rotate, its sharpness would undoubtedly severely injure the guard's hands.

However, contrary to his expectations, the guard's expressionless face flashed with a cold light as he snorted again. His arms bulged with veins, suddenly increasing in size, and a powerful force burst forth.

Before the officer could react, he felt an overwhelming force transmitted through the spear, throwing him and causing him to lose balance in mid-air.

In an instant, the officer looked up in horror to see a fist, large as a sandbag, enveloping towards his face with fierce momentum and terrifying force.

Petrified, the officer desperately threw his spear to the ground, using the recoil to flip and face the guard. Knowing better than to confront head-on, he crossed his arms in front of his face in a defensive posture, ready to withstand the guard's formidable punch.


A muffled sound echoed through the air as the officer spat out blood in mid-air, flying backward like a cannonball and crashing into a group of soldiers, knocking down a dozen of them in a chaotic heap.

Meanwhile, the guard landed lightly, casting a disdainful glance at the officer before continuing towards Ethan Morgan.

The sound of sharp intakes of breath rippled through Ethan's troops as they witnessed the scene. The officer's strength was well known among them as a practitioner at the six-cloud level of mastery, yet he was defeated in mere moments by this guard, indicating the latter's strength might well reach the seven-cloud level.

The translation maintains the dialogue's essence, capturing the tension and the unfolding confrontation with precision.

In an instant, a wave of terror and fear spread through the air, affecting all the soldiers. Even the other officer guarding Ethan Morgan stood frozen in place, feeling stiff and hesitant to move.

The guards surrounding Ethan's carriage were giving him cold, warning glances, possibly from a group of experts all at the seven-cloud level of mastery or above.

All the soldiers, including the officer, were rendered statue-like, merely watching as one of the guards approached Ethan's carriage and stood before him.

"What do you want to do?" Ethan, trembling uncontrollably, stared at the expressionless face of the guard.

Usually, Ethan was the one looking down on others with fear and trembling. Now, the roles were reversed, and he felt like an ant under someone's gaze, utterly defenseless.

Ignoring Ethan's fear, the guard stepped forward, grabbed Ethan by the neck like picking up a chicken, and lifted him off the ground.

"Don't touch me!" Ethan dangled in the air, kicking frantically, yelling, "I am the son of the Governor of the Southern Prefecture. If you lay a hand on me, my father won't let you off! Put me down now, or he will have you killed!"

Ethan tried to use his father's name to intimidate the guards, hoping it would deter them.

But reality was harsh. Before Ethan could finish, the guard, annoyed, tightened his grip and, with his other hand, delivered a powerful slap across Ethan's face.

There was a crisp "crack," reminiscent of a farmer threshing corn, silencing Ethan mid-scream. His eyes widened in disbelief, bloodshot with shock.

Then, as casually as discarding a dead dog, the guard tossed Ethan back onto the carriage and returned to his position beside the carriage, standing by Ethan's side.

"You really don't hold back, do you?" Ethan, observing the guard's harsh treatment of Ethan, couldn't help but comment.

The guard, turning to Ethan with a simple smile, responded, "All thanks to your excellent teaching, sir."

Ethan, rolling his eyes at the guard's response, then turned to Old Leang, who had been eagerly watching the commotion, and said, "Old Leang, let's head into the city."

This translation maintains the original dialogue's tone, capturing the dynamics and the unfolding events with precision, while ensuring the narrative flows smoothly in English.


Old Leang grabbed the horsewhip and feigned a lash above the horse's rear, then lifted the nearby wine gourd for another gulp. The carriage wheels began to roll with a "gurgle gurgle" sound.

As the convoy continued, Ethan Morgan's team dared not block their way any longer. They dispersed like a tide, clearing a wide path, watching as Ethan's group departed.

Shortly after Ethan's convoy left, the Southern Prefecture's team regrouped, tended to the wounded, and prepared to set off again.

Inside Ethan's carriage, several maids were attending to him. One maid brought a golden basin and placed it before him, into which Ethan spat a mouthful of blood.

The sound of the blood hitting the basin was akin to beans being poured into a bamboo tube. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that Ethan's mouthful of blood contained dozens of white teeth stained with blood.

Seeing his teeth in the blood, Ethan, whether from pain or anger, let out a howl.

At this point, Ethan's lips were so swollen and numb that he could barely feel pain. His handsome face was now a grotesque, swollen mess.

Witnessing this scene, Officer Phen felt a chill. He hadn't expected the guard's strike to be so ruthless, knocking out all of Ethan's teeth. How were they to explain this to the governor upon returning to the prefecture?

"Are you alright, sir?" Phen asked with concern.

"How can I be alright when all my teeth have been knocked out!" Ethan, infuriated by Phen's question, roared back.

However, without teeth, his words were slurred and sounded absurd, like an old woman scolding in the streets, causing the surrounding maids to stifle their laughter, turning red-faced.

"Damn those Northwestern savages! How dare they harm me! Phen, find out who that brat is. I want to know everything about him and his ancestors. I'll dig up their graves!" Ethan's face twisted with venom.

"Sir, that might not be wise. We're in Silver City's jurisdiction. Clashing with locals is one thing, but if we cause dissatisfaction with Silver City, especially if it leads to the king's displeasure, even the governor might not be able to bear the consequences."

Ethan, eyes bulging with rage, glared at Phen and, without teeth, sputtered, "Are you saying I should just swallow this humiliation? You just stood by and watched me get hurt. If I tell my father, what do you think he'll do to you?"

"Please forgive me, sir! I didn't mean that!" Phen, terrified by Ethan's threat, quickly knelt to beg for mercy. Though outwardly submissive, he seethed with anger inside.

If it weren't for Ethan's father being the governor, Phen would have slapped him senseless by now.

Despite the injustice, Phen had no choice but to accept the blame and even devise a plan to rectify Ethan's mistake.

Leaning in, Phen whispered a scheme to Ethan, "Sir, we still have a way to deal with them."

"Oh?" Ethan's eyes lit up, eager for any solution, "If you can handle those people, not only will I not blame you, but I'll also have my father reward you generously upon our return!"

This translation and adaptation maintain the dialogue's original nuances, ensuring the narrative flows smoothly while capturing the characters' emotions and reactions.

"Sir, now that we've arrived in Silver City, confronting these people head-on isn't wise, especially since we lack the strength. However, we can use others to achieve our goal."

"Oh? How exactly do we 'use others to kill'?" Ethan Morgan, eyes sparkling with excitement, eagerly inquired.

Phen paused briefly to organize his thoughts before explaining, "Sir, since we're here to celebrate the King's birthday and have prepared generous gifts, we're technically guests of the King. It's unreasonable for us, as guests, to be bullied by Northwestern savages before even entering the King's residence. We can directly express our grievances to the King while presenting our gifts, embellishing the tale of how we were wronged by these Northwestern barbarians."

Ethan's face lit up with delight, clearly in agreement with Phen's plan.

Noticing Ethan's reaction, Phen continued:

"Consider, sir, with the King's authority, who else could rival him except for the Emperor? "

"Even if those people are of notable background, a word from the King could spell their doom multiple times over. "

"Moreover, even if the King's punishment isn't severe, we can at least learn their background. Once we return to the Southern Prefecture, we can plot our revenge."

"Brilliant... brilliant!" Ethan couldn't help but slap his thigh in approval, though his speech was distorted due to his missing teeth, making him sound off-key.

"Officer Phen, your strategy of using others to our advantage is truly ingenious. I'll make sure to thoroughly complain to the King about those lowlifes. Given the King's concern for his reputation and my father's face, he will surely punish them severely. They might even be executed."

"Hmph... I hope that brat doesn't die too easily. I want to capture him, break every bone in his body, and then grind him into mincemeat to feed to dogs. And his maid, I'll snatch her away and torment her day and night, making her my plaything!"

Ethan's eyes gleamed with the anticipation of revenge and madness, as if he could already see Ethan being punished by the King and his beautiful maid being subjugated under him.

He let out

a sinister chuckle that sent shivers down the spine.

"Stop right there...!"

Suddenly, amidst the chaos and screams outside, Ethan and Phen were startled. Phen quickly moved towards the carriage door, eager to investigate the disturbance.

But just as he was about to lift the curtain, a gust of wind, sharp as an arrow, tore through the fabric towards Phen. Reacting instinctively, Phen threw a punch to counter the incoming force.


At the impact, Phen, a martial artist at the pinnacle of the Six Postnatal Level, felt his arm tremble, his bone snapping with a crisp crack. His body staggered back, his complexion turning ashen in an instant.

The next moment, a figure, ghost-like, appeared inside the carriage, causing the maids and servants to scream in terror.

"It's you!"

Recognizing the intruder, both Phen and Ethan exclaimed in shock, especially Ethan, whose eyes nearly popped out of his sockets in horror.

The intruder was none other than the guard who had earlier knocked out Ethan's teeth with a single slap.

This adaptation maintains the dialogue's essence, ensuring the narrative's smooth progression while highlighting the characters' emotions and reactions.