
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs

One Move Defeats the Enemy

As the fiery phoenix approached, almost crashing into Orion Astor, his right arm suddenly surged with a tide of silver lightning. He gathered his strength, his posture showing absolute control and precision.

Then, with a swift step forward and an explosive unleashing of power, Orion launched a straightforward punch, shimmering with a silver trail, straight towards the oncoming phoenix. The crowd gasped, astonished at his audacity to confront such immense energy with a bare-fisted attack.

But their astonishment turned to awe as Orion's punch made contact. At that crucial moment, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and a surge of lethal intent, honed through countless battles, infused his punch with a terrifying force.

The collision resulted in a deafening explosion. The shockwave sent clothes fluttering and hair whipping wildly among the spectators. Sinlon Astor, confident in his victory, couldn't help but smirk at the thought of Orion's impending defeat.

However, his smile froze as he heard a thunderous shout, "Break!"

With that roar, Orion's punch, charged with torrential silver lightning, tore through the fiery phoenix. In an instant, the majestic creature was reduced to scattered red sparks, dissipating into thin air.

Before Sinlon could even register shock, Orion, like a bolt of lightning, appeared right in front of him. The next moment, Sinlon felt a vice-like grip around his neck, lifting him off the ground.

Eyes wide with terror, Sinlon gazed into the eyes of the mountainous man before him, who looked back with a fierce and commanding gaze. The disparity in strength was overwhelming, making it clear that the battle had reached its conclusion.

Facing Sinlon Astor's pleas, Orion Astor's eyes, previously filled with a murderous aura reminiscent of a demonic deity, gradually softened. The lethal intent in his gaze receded as he simply grabbed Sinlon by the neck and tossed him casually back onto the floor of the Spring Breeze Pavilion.

Sinlon, once the shining star on the stage, now lay crumpled on the floor like a discarded sack. He struggled to his feet, too shaken to utter a word, trembling slightly and not daring to meet Orion's gaze.

The crowd erupted into a buzz of amazement and disbelief.

"Unbelievable! Sinlon's high-grade Yellow Rank technique was just... obliterated by Orion with a single move?"

"And remember, Orion had suppressed his power to the early stages of the Yellow Cloud realm the entire time!"

An experienced military general in the crowd nodded knowingly. "What's so surprising about that? Orion Astor is a prodigy with forty spiritual roots. His strength crushes his peers, and he's a battle-hardened general. Even with his power suppressed, his condensed mana and combat experience are far beyond Sinlon's. Sinlon didn't stand a chance."

Realization dawned on everyone. Indeed, Orion, a prodigy with such exceptional talents and battle experience, was like a ferocious tiger descending the mountain, while Sinlon, despite his size and strength, was but a large hound in comparison. In the natural world, size mattered little when pitted against the raw, honed instincts of a predator.

Sinlon Astor, who had just stepped into the Yellow Cloud realm and was seen as a rising star, finally came to a sobering realization of the chasm between his abilities and those of a seasoned warrior like Orion Astor.

Sinlon Astor realized the immense gap between himself and Orion Astor. A seed of fear was deeply rooted in his heart. If he couldn't surpass Orion, he would live forever in his shadow, haunted by this fear.

Meanwhile, Magnus Astor watched the entire battle with a surge of excitement. Seeing his brother effortlessly demolish that ostentatious Sinlon left him feeling incredibly thrilled. "Now that was awesome!" he thought to himself.

Orion Astor, having just defeated Sinlon, stood proudly on the stage. He turned his gaze to Emeric Astor, who had already risen from his seat in anticipation. Orion laughed heartily, "Prince Emeric, the stage is all ours now. Let's have a proper spar!"

Emeric, shedding his usual formality, replied with a laugh, "I've been waiting for this!" In a blink, he leaped onto the stage, standing opposite Orion.

Their presence electrified the atmosphere even further. Emeric, the crown prince and future king of Avaloria, was now on stage – a sight rarely witnessed. His poise, aura, and looks outshone even Sinlon's, while Orion exuded an imposing, heroic air.

The sight of these two outstanding figures on the stage together was like seeing dragons and phoenixes, causing those who had previously fancied Sinlon to change their minds.

"I want to be the crown prince's consort, bear his children!"

"Emeric is mine, he only loves me!"

"I want to marry Orion, he's my destined one!"

"I'll be Orion's concubine!"

Their declarations filled the air, as the daughters of the nobility abandoned their reserved demureness, swept up in a frenzy of excitement.

On the platform, the two figures, only yards apart, locked eyes with a fiery intensity brimming with battle spirit. Their previous duel during Gideon Astor's birthday had been a spectacle, ending with Orion Astor claiming a narrow victory over Emeric Astor. The gap between them was razor-thin, and after a year, no one could predict the extent of each other's progress.

Both Orion and Emeric were prodigies. Emeric, possessing thirty-nine spirit roots, was nearly Orion's equal in talent. He'd trained with the elite Dragon City Guards from a young age and had seen his fair share of battles, forging a strength comparable to Orion's.

Their upcoming clash was anticipated to be a battle of titans.

"Prince Emeric, last year's duel was exhilarating. I've been looking forward to this rematch!" Orion said, his eyes burning with eagerness.

Emeric replied, "I'm curious to see how far you've come since then, cousin. You're probably even stronger now."

"Let's see if your strength has improved as well," Orion chuckled, "Shall we find out?"

As Orion spoke, he gestured, and the silver spear previously lodged in the redwood pillar of the Spring Arrival Pavilion flew into his grasp. Wrapped in a web of silver lightning, the spear cast a luminous glow over the platform.

Emeric, equally excited, drew his sword. The blade, initially gleaming with cold light, began to radiate a golden luster as he channeled his mana into it. The sharp, penetrating aura of the blade made even distant onlookers feel a tingling sensation on their faces.

Magnus Astor felt the prickling on his skin and marveled at Emeric's power. "What kind of mana is this, so sharp and formidable?" he wondered. That's when he overheard the conversation between the regional governors.

"Prince Emeric's golden mana is remarkably sharp," the West Ridge Governor, Meng Yue, commented. "It has improved significantly since last year."

"Indeed," agreed the East Grove Governor. "Gold and lightning, both formidable offensive elements. I wonder which will prevail when they clash."

On the platform, the clashing gold and silver lights created a dazzling display. The two elements, distinct yet complementary, shone brilliantly.

The battle was wordless, yet the mounting tension was palpable. A sonorous rumble filled the air as their auras climbed. Their robes fluttered without any breeze, and the force emanating from them rippled outwards like waves from the epicenter of their presence.