
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Martial World System

As the mechanical voice faded, the myriad of light beams that had been crisscrossing the dark space suddenly froze, as if time itself had been suspended. 

These beams then quickly converged into a large, circular disk made of light.

There were basic internal energy techniques and martial arts from Martial novels, such as "Breathing and Nourishing Technique," "Tiger Claw Technique."...….


"Is this wheel for drawing prizes?" He approached the mysterious game mechanic with the enthusiasm of a seasoned gamer, eager to explore its offerings.

"Let's see what kind of interesting items are in here," Magnus thought, fully embracing the gamer's mindset, curious to discover the intricacies of this new game's setup.

"How does this work?" Just as he grew confused, the mechanical voice replied, "The Marial System can be controlled directly through the host's thoughts."

"What?" Magnus was surprised that the game seemed to respond to his thoughts. 

"Your thoughts will automatically be transmitted to the system," the voice added.

"This is incredible," Magnus muttered, astonished, his mouth agape, not knowing what to say next.

Magnus was amazed by the advanced nature of the game.

Ready to fully immerse himself in the experience, he inquired with his thoughts, "What should I do next?"

"The host only needs to use their thoughts to control the spinning of the wheel to participate in the draw. The draw occurs once a month," the system responded.

"What... once a month?" Magnus was somewhat speechless upon hearing the system's rules. 

Despite the prizes not being of high value, he reassured himself that it was just a dream and didn't need to take it too seriously.

With the intention to activate the wheel, Magnus commanded in his mind.


Immediately, the giant wheel lit up with a point of light that started rotating.

Without overthinking, Magnus watched the light circle the wheel a few times before deciding to stop it. 

"Stop now!" 

he commanded internally. The rapidly spinning light gradually slowed down and finally came to a halt with a clear, bell-like sound.


"Five Poisons Wine! Oh no, why did it have to be this?" 

Magnus lamented upon seeing his prize. 

Of all the items on the wheel, the Five Poisons Wine was the least appealing to him. In Marial novel, it was made from snakes, scorpions, centipedes, geckos, and toads. 

Though the wine was beneficial for expelling toxins and replenishing energy.

To his surprise, he found an image of a large wine jar, about half his height, with a diameter nearly a meter wide, indicating its massive size. 

Sealed with red paper and clay, there was no hint of any aroma escaping the jar. The words 'Five Poisons Wine' were boldly printed on its side.

Gazing at the jar in his mind, Magnus marveled at its vividness, feeling as if he could reach out and touch it. 

The experience was astonishingly realistic.

Just as he was pondering this, the system chimed in again with a new announcement: 

"Congratulations to the host for completing the first draw. As a reward for completing a hidden task, you have earned a low-level martial arts manual for bodily movement techniques."

"What? There's an additional reward?" 

As he processed this information, another wave of data surged into his mind. 

When he refocused, he discovered that he had acquired a new martial arts manual titled " Mystic Mirage Step ".

Magnus couldn't hide his excitement upon seeing the name of the technique. In Matial novels, there were many amazing lightness skills. 

But the one he wanted to learn the most was " Mystic Mirage Step". This technique was designed for someone with little to no martial arts skill and low internal energy.

It was an evasive maneuver that allowed the practitioner to dodge attacks with unpredictable and swift movements.

" Mystic Mirage Step " had three levels:

The first, "Foot Greasing," enabled swift and peculiar movements; 

the second, "Gecko Climbing the Wall," allowed for easy scaling of walls; 

and the third, "Loach Drilling Through," made the practitioner as slippery as a loach, difficult for even skilled martial artists to grasp. 

The major drawback, however, was that while using this technique, one couldn't attack others. 

The force exerted in an attack would dissipate, making it impossible to defeat an opponent but equally hard for others to defeat the practitioner.

Having acquired the Mystic Mirage Step's first technique, this initial tier of the technique, despite being rudimentary, imparted a profound sensation of martial prowess, as if the skills were an intrinsic part of his memory. 

"It is Great, if this were real, not merely a figment of my imagination." 

He yearned for the exhilarating possibility of practicing these martial arts in the tangible world.

"The host has acknowledged receipt of the reward. Commencement of the Martial World System's core mission is now automatic!"

Magnus was taken aback and found himself mired in confusion. 

"What...?" he muttered internally, bewildered. 

He had not consciously agreed to undertake any mission. 

"What exactly does this core mission entail?"