
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Lord Is Drunk!

After immersing himself in the intoxicating aroma of the wine for quite some time, Magnus had nearly drunk the entire jar dry.

Despite his best efforts, he could no longer reach the remaining liquid. Unexpectedly, in a burst of determination, Magnus leaped from the bed and, like a slippery eel, dove directly into the jar, resuming his frenzied drinking as the sound echoed through the vessel.

By mid-afternoon, Seraphina, having waited outside for over an hour for Magnus to dine, grew increasingly anxious.

Concerned that he might go hungry, she, accompanied by several maids bearing food, approached his chamber.

After several unanswered knocks on the door and speculation that Magnus might still be sleeping, Seraphina expressed her disbelief, noting that he hadn't eaten all day.

Just as she contemplated entering, a captivating fragrance caught her attention. Initially mistaking it for perfume or a scented sachet, the maids soon recognized it as the aroma of wine, leading them to suspect it emanated from Magnus's room.

With the mysterious wine scent puzzling everyone, Seraphina, filled with curiosity, pushed open the chamber door. The moment it opened, a rich wine fragrance overwhelmed them, so potent and delightful it could be sensed from afar.

The sight that greeted them upon entering left everyone speechless: Magnus was nowhere to be seen, and in the center of his room stood a giant jar, half as tall as a person, from which the exquisite aroma wafted.

As they wondered about Magnus's whereabouts, a muffled cheer came from within the jar, celebrating the fine wine and calling for more. The maids exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of what to make of the situation.

Before Seraphina could summon the estate's guards for help, a voice from the jar startled them all, causing a few of the more timid maids to fall to the ground in fright.

"Who's there?"

The women, startled, turned their gaze toward the large wine jar, though nothing unusual appeared to happen.

However, a resonant, unrestrained voice echoed from within the jar, reciting with gusto, "Toasting to song, what is life but a fleeting moment? Like morning dew, the days of hardship abound! Marvelous, truly marvelous!"

The recitation of the poem reverberated through the room, leaving the young maids momentarily stunned. Although they were not extensively educated in literature, they had learned enough to be moved by such spirited and bold verses, sparking curiosity and admiration.

Seraphina, particularly fond of poetry, instantly grasped the extraordinary essence of the verse. The freedom and boldness it conveyed were so vividly captured that she marveled at never having heard such exquisite lines before, worthy of being celebrated among the greatest poems.

The shock and awe the poem induced were short-lived, as Seraphina quickly realized the voice belonged to none other than Magnus himself, "It's the young lord! He's in the jar...!"

The realization dawned on them that it was indeed Magnus's voice.

Without hesitation, the women leaped onto the sturdy bed, crowding around the enormous jar, peering inside with a mix of eagerness and concern.

A single glance was enough to leave them wide-eyed and agape as if they had witnessed a ghost in broad daylight.

Inside the jar, a figure was curled up, resembling a bowing shrimp, his brocade robe soaked with the fragrant wine, seemingly oblivious to his state. Magnus was tilting his head towards the bottom of the jar, muttering under his breath while sipping the last drops of the exquisite wine.

Caught off guard by the sight, the women were frozen in shock. Seraphina's eyes widened as she saw Magnus, his neck flushed red from intoxication, and she quickly sprang into action.

"Quick, help the young lord out! He's drunk!"

Upon hearing Seraphina's command, the maids snapped out of their stupor and rushed to assist, clumsily reaching into the jar to grab Magnus's damp clothes, attempting to pull him out.

However, when they tried to lift him, Magnus's body suddenly tensed, and he pressed his hands and feet against the sides of the jar, shouting, "Stop... stop pulling me, I... I want to drink more!"

Faced with Magnus's drunken ramblings, the women were at a loss. They looked hesitantly toward Seraphina for guidance.

Seraphina, determined not to let Magnus drink any further, urged the women, "What are you waiting for? Help me get the young lord out of there!"

Despite their combined efforts, the group of maids, surprisingly, couldn't lift Magnus out of the jar. They pulled with all their might, their faces turning red with exertion, but failed to move him even an inch.

Seraphina, who had been observing from the side to ensure Magnus wasn't hurt, found the situation puzzling. "With so many of you, how can you not lift the young lord? You must not be trying hard enough."

After another failed attempt, the maids released their hold and turned to Seraphina, helpless.

"We're not weak, Miss Lin, but the young lord is incredibly heavy, as if he's filled with lead. And with his limbs bracing against the jar, we just can't lift him."

Seeing their sincere expressions, Seraphina approached the jar with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. "Let me try."

As she said this, the maids stepped aside, watching eagerly. They all knew Seraphina was a true Second Cloud martial artist, a rare and envied position among them. While they had heard of her prowess, they seldom saw her demonstrate her skills. Now, they had the chance to witness her strength firsthand.

Approaching the jar, Seraphina reached in to grab Magnus's arms and legs, then, with a firm grip, she suddenly exerted force to lift him.


With a puzzled exclamation, Seraphina's attempt to lift Magnus abruptly halted, as if an invisible force firmly resisted her efforts. 

She looked at Magnus's limbs braced against the jar's sides, wondering when he had become so strong. 

Was it the effect of the alcohol?

Despite her momentary confusion, Seraphina gathered her strength once more, applying extra force in another attempt to lift him. 

Yet, the outcome remained unchanged; Magnus stayed immovable, focused solely on consuming the last drops of wine at the jar's bottom.

Seraphina grew increasingly perplexed. 

As Magnus's personal maid, she was acutely aware of his physical condition, which had deteriorated due to his indulgent lifestyle. 

Compared to even an average man, let alone a woman, Magnus's physical strength had always been minimal, evident from his quick fatigue even from simple tasks like waving a fan.

In Seraphina's experience, carrying an intoxicated Magnus was effortless, his body as light as cotton. However, now, holding his limbs, she felt an unexpected robustness, as if he had gained a newfound strength.

"What's happening?"

Seraphina's mind raced with questions. The six maids around her shared puzzled glances, their eyes conveying a message:

"Seraphina, you claimed we weren't trying hard enough, yet even you, a Second Cloud martial artist, cannot move the young lord."

Embarrassed by their implied skepticism and determined to prove her strength, Seraphina tightened her grip on Magnus. She took a deep breath, channeling her energy to her dantian, where her mana resided like a tranquil spring, ready to surge.

In an instant, mana flowed from Seraphina's dantian to her waist, back, and arms. With a determined shout, she exerted her full strength.


A subtle but potent force emanated from Seraphina's body.

Though faint, it was enough to unsettle the six maids, who instinctively stepped back, their hearts skipping a beat at the unexpected display of power.


As the maids retreated, Seraphina shouted forcefully, her arms suddenly exerting strength and lifting the jar off the bed.


To the maids' utter astonishment, the massive jar, as tall as a person, was lifted off the bed by Seraphina's sheer force, leaving them in awe of her power. However, the true shock was Seraphina's; she couldn't believe that despite lifting the entire jar, Magnus remained inside, unaffected.

"How is this possible!" she thought, bewildered that her display of strength hadn't managed to extricate Magnus from the jar.