
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs


When Magnus Astor awoke again, he found himself in a lavishly decorated room, filled with a faint, pleasant fragrance. Hearing that familiar and gentle voice by his ear, his distant thoughts were pulled back from their reverie, and he slowly opened his eyes.


As the stunningly beautiful face appeared before him, a complex expression crossed Magnus's eyes, but he instinctively called out the woman's name.

"Lord Astor, you're finally awake. Do you recognize me as Seraphina?" The woman named Seraphina looked at him with surprise and barely concealed joy.

"Of course, I recognize you. Aren't you my personal maid? We've played together since we were kids. How could I ever forget you?" Magnus said with a peculiar expression, then asked Seraphina, "Can you fetch me a basin of water? I'd like to wash my face."

"Yes, Lord Astor!" Seraphina obediently nodded and left the room.

Watching Seraphina's graceful figure gradually disappear from his sight, Magnus's previously calm face finally revealed a look of utter shock.

During the hours he had been unconscious, his brain had merged with another set of memories. Through these memories, he was horrified to discover that he had actually traveled through time. Yes, it was as clichéd as it sounded – he had really crossed over to another time!

The Magnus Astor of his previous life was a regular eighteen-year-old college sophomore. Unlike other protagonists in novels, he didn't find himself in a desolate, forsaken place or in a primitive tribe living a savage life.

Instead, Magnus had crossed over into the body of a crown prince in a kingdom called Avaloria. Avaloria was a vast, powerful nation in the northwest of the Tianxuan Continent, ruling over more than a dozen smaller countries.

Although Avaloria was founded just over three hundred years ago, its founder, Alaric Astor, was a rare and enlightened emperor. In just two centuries, he had made Avaloria prosperous and powerful, unmatched in the northwest, with a population in the billions.

The current emperor of Avaloria, Thane Astor, the eldest son of Alaric Astor, had inherited his father's intelligence and skill. He expertly managed the affairs of the kingdom, leading Avaloria to even greater heights.

Inheriting the legacy of their grandfather, the great Alaric Astor, and his prowess in war and governance, was his second son, Gideon Astor, the only 'One-Word Peerless King' in Avaloria, known as the God of War of the nation.

Gideon Astor started leading troops into battle at the age of fifteen. He repelled the invasions from the northern barbarians, stabilized the north, and led a ferocious campaign during the Deca-Nation Conflict. His path, paved with the blood of a million enemies, cemented Avaloria's unshakable position as the dominant power in the northwest. His remarkable achievements earned him the title of the first and only Peerless King, granting him authority equal to Emperor Thane Astor, controlling half the nation's military power, and overseeing the vast northwest territories of Avaloria.

The Astor brothers, one skilled in governance and the other in military affairs, brought Avaloria under their family's rule to a state of unparalleled strength and prosperity. The surrounding nations, in self-preservation, paid annual tributes and taxes, elevating Avaloria's prestige to new heights.

By a twist of fate, Magnus Astor found himself in the body of Gideon Astor's third son, sharing the same name, 'Magnus Astor.'

The Astor family was indeed a lineage of heroes. Despite their royal status, none of the Astor descendants were weak. Take Magnus's two elder brothers, for instance. Orion, only twenty-one, had already become the court-appointed Golden Guard General, a third-rank official. Caspian Astor, just twenty, was already a fourth-rank Loyal Martial General.

Their positions were not the result of nepotism. As the saying goes, 'A tiger does not father a dog.' Following in their father Gideon's footsteps, both brothers were brave and skilled in battle, earning significant military achievements. If not for Gideon's deliberate restraint, their ranks might have been even higher.

As a direct descendant of the Astor family, Magnus Astor, Gideon's third son, was born into great expectations, destined to be another shining star in the Astor legacy.

However, to everyone's surprise, Magnus showed unconventional interests from an early age. During his 'Grabbing Week' ceremony, where he was expected to choose from an array of weapons, an unexpected gust of wind blew a pink bellyband from the backyard, flying past him. Indifferent to the weapons, Magnus astonishingly caught the bellyband mid-air, holding it close to his nose with a childlike, innocent smile, to the astonishment of all present.

The 'Grabbing Week' ceremony of Gideon Astor's third son, Magnus, left everyone utterly astonished. Officials who had prepared words of praise found themselves speechless, their eyes wide and mouths agape, as their compliments were swallowed back into their throats.

Even the usually composed and dignified Gideon Astor was visibly shaken at that moment, his expression changing dramatically. It was said that for three years thereafter, no female member of the Peerless King's household dared to hang their undergarments outside their rooms.

Despite the incident, the news of Magnus grabbing a woman's bellyband during his ceremony did not spread beyond the walls of the royal residence. The silence of the officials upon leaving the palace testified to Gideon's formidable influence and the fear he instilled in his subjects.

As Magnus grew up, it became clear that the boy, who was once laden with high hopes, showed little interest in martial arts, had no talent for it, and was reluctant to engage in scholarly pursuits. Instead, he spent his days frolicking with the maids, often found among groups of women, with a hint of perfume lingering on him.

Gradually, the story of the Peerless King's third son choosing a bellyband over weapons at his 'Grabbing Week' ceremony spread, painting him as a playboy. This behavior infuriated his father, Gideon Astor, who on several occasions punished Magnus severely, instilling a deep fear of him in the young prince.

Despite his fear, Magnus couldn't resist the allure of women. Whenever Gideon was away on military campaigns, Magnus, taking advantage of his father's absence, began visiting brothels and other pleasure quarters to indulge in the joys of romantic encounters.

Even upright gentlemen found it hard to resist such temptations, let alone a young man like Magnus with little self-control. He quickly became enamored with the pleasures of seeking company, spending three consecutive days in a brothel, calling for several top courtesans to attend to him.

As the son of the Peerless King, the beloved grandson of the late Emperor Alaric Astor, and the cherished nephew of the current Emperor Thane Astor, Magnus's distinguished status meant that brothel owners dared not neglect him.

The proprietors of various brothels in the city united to find the most beautiful courtesans for Magnus Astor, treating him with the utmost care and attention, akin to pampering a cherished grandchild. Naturally, Magnus reveled in the utmost pleasure and joy.

While Magnus was indulging in his hedonistic pursuits, a servant from the palace arrived with news that his father, Gideon Astor, had returned from his military campaign. The news startled Magnus so much that he leaped out of bed in panic, eager to return to the palace. Before he could even get dressed, his elder brother Orion burst into the room and dragged him back home.

Magnus feared another beating from his father, but to his horror, Gideon, upon learning of his son's recent escapades, drew a blood-stained sword, intending to punish his son severely. It was only thanks to the desperate intervention of his other brother, Caspian Astor, that Magnus's life was spared.

Even though he escaped this dire fate, an infuriated Gideon sent Magnus to the capital, Dragon City, to attend the prestigious Avaloria National Academy. Perhaps Gideon hoped that if Magnus could not excel in martial pursuits, he would at least succeed in scholarly ones.

Enrolling in the Avaloria National Academy, the highest educational institution of the land, was a mere formality for a son of the Peerless King. While Gideon harbored hopes that Magnus would either become a great warrior or a learned scholar, a shocking incident occurred just three days into Magnus's studies.

News broke out in Dragon City that Magnus, during a lecture by the esteemed chancellor of the academy, Darius Vanderbilt, the Right Minister of Avaloria, had brazenly studied an erotic painting right on his desk. This outrageous act caused Darius Vanderbilt to faint on the spot, nearly meeting his demise from sheer shock.

Ultimately, the Avaloria National Academy politely but firmly expelled Magnus, effectively banishing him from the institution. While they had to maintain appearances for Gideon Astor's sake, the academy, filled with traditional scholars and rigid intellectuals, could not tolerate a student who viewed erotic paintings during lectures, nearly causing the chancellor to perish in shock.

Being Gideon Astor's son wasn't enough to excuse such disgraceful behavior. Magnus's expulsion became the talk of Dragon City, and he returned to the northwest in disgrace, only to face his father's wrath once again.

This time, Gideon Astor's fury was genuine. With a single blow, he sent Magnus flying out of the palace, cracking the walls in the process. If not for the Emperor's decree accompanying the entourage, which urged Gideon to spare his son, Magnus might not have lived to see another day.

After recovering from his injuries, a disheartened Gideon sent the wayward prince to govern the small and impoverished city of Silverwood City, near the Silvermoon Forest, at the northwest frontier.

Gideon hoped this assignment would teach Magnus to abandon his extravagant and debauched ways and learn some useful skills. Little did he know, Magnus's only real talent would soon be discovered in Silverwood City – his aptitude for business.

Upon arriving in Silverwood City and seeing its dilapidated state, Magnus was initially despondent and spent days confined to his estate, longing for the warmth and beauty of the courtesans back in Silver City. Restless and unable to defy his father's orders to remain in Silverwood City, Magnus devised a plan to transform the city into a commercial hub like Silver City.

Magnus invested heavily in Silverwood City, hiring skilled craftsmen and initiating extensive construction projects. However, his focus was not on fortifications or defensive structures, but rather on building a series of lavish brothels, such as, The Scarlet Garden, The Golden Peacock, The Sapphire Lounge ... , turning Silverwood City into a thriving center of commerce and pleasure.