
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Drink The Five Poison Wine

Magnus attempted to approach the Five Poison Wine with his consciousness and, indeed, felt himself drawing nearer to the jar until he seemed to touch its surface. However, at that moment, he encountered an invisible force preventing any further progress.


Baffled, Magnus wondered how he could drink the wine if he couldn't even touch the jar, pondering if the items provided by this mysterious system were meant only for viewing, not interacting.

Yet, he quickly realized something was amiss since the Mystic Mirage Step and the Karma Creation Art had integrated into his being and were usable.

Hence, the Five Poison Wine should also be tangible.

Could it have already merged into his body without him noticing?

But without any hint of intoxication, how could the wine have affected him? Surely, as wine, it was meant to be tasted!

However, as soon as Magnus thought of it "coming out," a radiant light descended from above in the otherwise still void, enveloping the jar before him. In the next instant, the jar vanished from his sight.


Startled by the sudden illumination and the disappearance of the jar, Magnus's consciousness instinctively withdrew from his mind.

Back in his body, he opened his eyes only to find his vision obscured.

"Eh... How's it dark already? Wasn't it just noon?"

Confused, Magnus looked up, only to be shocked by the sight of a giant jar, half his height, materializing in front of him. The jar, placed squarely in the middle of his bed, completely blocked his view.

"Who brought this here?" Magnus mumbled in astonishment after a few seconds of stunned silence.

Intending to call his servants and inquire who dared to place such a large jar on his bed, as if rebelling, Magnus paused as he stepped off the bed, suddenly turning to inspect the side of the jar facing the bed. There, on a square red paper, were three bold characters:

"Five Poison Wine!"


Realizing what he was looking at, Magnus involuntarily gasped and widened his eyes in shock.

"Is this... the Five Poison Wine? How did it get here?"

He couldn't believe that the Five Poison Wine, unapproachable moments ago in his mind, now dominated half of his bed.

After staring at the jar for a while, Magnus cautiously approached, lightly touching its surface. The tangible feel of the jar's hard exterior confirmed its reality.

"It's real!" With certainty in his heart, Magnus acknowledged the presence of the Five Poison Wine, grateful for the Jin Yong martial arts system's authenticity.

The items within could indeed be extracted.

Considering the mysterious effects of the Karma Creation Art and the excitement of the Mystic Mirage Step, Magnus's eyes gleamed with anticipation at the potential benefits of the wine, expecting at least the health and vitality improvements described in the novels.

Without hesitation, he leaped back onto the bed, circling the massive jar, grateful for the premium wood used in constructing his bed, sturdy enough to support both his weight and the jar's.

After examining the jar and finding nothing unusual, his gaze drifted to the mud seal at the top. Just as he began to peel it off, Magnus suddenly halted, pondering if opening it might unleash frogs, snakes, centipedes, or other creatures.

Magnus was wary of the potential dangers lurking within the Five Poison Wine. The thought of inadvertently unleashing venomous creatures with just a twist of the lid made him hesitate. Becoming a martial artist only to perish from curiosity over a jar of wine would indeed turn him into a complete jest.

Despite his reservations, his curiosity gnawed at him, leaving him restless and unwilling to simply walk away without exploring further.

Thus, Magnus began to circle the jar, occasionally tapping it with his hands or feet, then leaning over to press his ear against the jar's surface, listening intently for any signs of movement within.

After a thorough investigation yielded no sounds or movements, Magnus reassured himself. It seemed unlikely that the jar contained any living threats.

Considering the martial arts system had assigned him three core missions, it would be counterproductive for the system to eliminate its host before the completion of those tasks.

With renewed confidence, Magnus reached for the mud seal again, intent on tearing it open. However, just before touching the seal, he paused, an idea sparking in his mind.

Carefully, he positioned his right hand above the seal, extended a finger, and with a precise motion, poked a hole through the smooth surface of the mud seal.


The seal punctured with a soft sound, and Magnus quickly withdrew his finger, half-expecting something from inside the jar to latch onto him.

But, nothing happened.

As he leaned in for a closer look, a sudden scent wafted out from the small hole he had made, causing his body to shudder with an indescribable sense of relief and pleasure, as if experiencing an immense release after a prolonged discomfort.

"What kind of wine is this? How can it smell so fragrant!"

The involuntary shiver that ran through Magnus's body wasn't due to any physical relief but was spurred by the unexpectedly delightful aroma emanating from the jar.

The moment Magnus punctured the seal, an intoxicatingly rich and soul-refreshing aroma of wine wafted into his nostrils, electrifying him as if a delicate current had coursed through his entire body, tingling down to his bones.

In his previous life, Magnus had little experience with drinking.

Despite his admiration for the heroic image of others guzzling wine from a flask, his own disastrous attempt with a bottle of strong liquor had taught him that emulating heroes was easier said than done, and wine was not as pleasant as it seemed.

Thus, Magnus wasn't well-versed in the art of wine tasting. 

However, having merged memories with his current identity, who was a connoisseur of the finer things, including wine, he inherited a rich understanding and appreciation for exquisite brews. 

Known as a veteran of pleasure quarters and a man of discerning taste, his standards for wine were exceptionally high.

Yet, even with this extensive background, the fragrance escaping from the small hole in the jar managed to make his body shudder and his spirit sway, a testament to the wine's extraordinary richness and allure.

In the next moment, Magnus practically threw himself onto the jar, gripping the edge of the mud seal and tearing it off in one swift motion.


As the seal was removed, a wave of rich and fragrant aroma burst forth like a surging tide from the jar, instantly flooding Magnus's senses. The scent alone was enough to send him into a mild state of inebriation, his head swimming slightly from just a whiff.

"Intoxicated without a sip, truly a supreme brew!" Magnus, with his eyes half-closed, hugged the edge of the jar, almost hanging over it, eagerly inhaling the overwhelming fragrance.

His behavior resembled that of a gluttonous spirit indulging in the irresistible scent emanating from a beauty, utterly captivated and lost in the moment.

Immersed in the enchanting aroma of the wine for a while, Magnus felt as if he were on the verge of drunkenness. 

It was only then that he managed to slightly open his eyes and look down at the liquid inside the jar. 

Illuminated by the light in the room, he could see the wine was clear and sparkling, resembling a pristine spring without a hint of impurity.

Unable to resist, Magnus licked his lips, then carefully dipped a finger into the jar, touching the cool wine. He brought his finger to his lips and tasted a drop.


Instantly, Magnus's eyes lit up, his body involuntarily shivered, and goosebumps spread across his neck.

"This... this..."

Before he could articulate his thoughts, Magnus's restraint vanished. He grabbed the jar's rim, plunged his head into the opening, and began to gulp down the wine voraciously.

The sound of his gulping filled the room, reminiscent of someone desperately quenching their thirst after days in the desert, drinking from a refreshing spring with an insatiable greed.

The transparent wine inside the jar churned as Magnus drank, its fragrance filling the room and creating an atmosphere of intoxicating sweetness that could alleviate sorrows and induce blissful forgetfulness.

Magnus could never have imagined that the ominously named Five Poison Wine would possess such an exquisite taste, compelling him to drink uncontrollably.

From the moment he lowered his head, he didn't stop, frenziedly consuming the wine. The jar, originally brimming with wine, visibly depleted at an astonishing rate.

As the wine level dropped, Magnus leaned deeper into the jar, with half his body almost submerged, consuming half of the wine in mere moments. Yet, his body showed no signs of bloating, appearing as normal as ever.

Unbeknownst to him, the faint golden spiritual root that had developed within him was behaving much like Magnus himself. 

As soon as the wine entered his mouth, the spiritual root exerted a mysterious pulling force, drawing the liquid in continuously.

The wine, once inside the spiritual root, mingled with the azure mana, breaking down into vapors that dispersed through the root, permeating Magnus's organs, muscles, tendons, and skin, enhancing his physical state in an extraordinary manner.