
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Divine Sword Sect

When Dean Dunn,from the Sun Illumination Sect, was mentioned, all the masters on the Tiangia Continent reined in their spiritual probes, no longer daring to be as unrestrained as before.

His experience and cultivation were enough to intimidate everyone there.

Dean Dunn :"Everyone here has sensed the heavenly mandate and has come to investigate, hoping to find a precious opportunity." 

"However, to harm the harmony over something unconfirmed and elusive would be a loss not worth the gain."

Feeling this aura, the supreme experts present did not relax but instead felt a deep reverence. 

A single word from Dean Dunn influenced their hearts and minds, showcasing his extraordinary cultivation.

Tiger Subduing Sect Master : "Dean Dunn speaks wisely. I must admit, I was impulsive and somewhat reckless."

The Blood Blade Sect Master also hurriedly spoke up, admitting to some impropriety in his words. 

Dean Dunn : "Hehe, that's better. Since it's a heavenly mandate, it likely means a great opportunity has descended upon our Tiangia Continent. Whether it's a divine weapon or a sacred scripture, let's rely on our own fortune and fate." 

As Dean Dunn's spiritual sense extended southward, other experts on the continent eagerly followed suit, directing their spiritual probes towards the south.

However, just as their collective spiritual senses swept over the land like a tumultuous wave, a deep, low grunt echoed through the heavens and earth. 

Suddenly, an incredibly sharp and domineering spiritual presence, resembling an unsheathed sword, forcefully cleaved through the numerous obstructing spiritual probes and pursued Dean Dunn's spiritual sense.

"Dean Dunn, don't even think about monopolizing this opportunity for yourself!" the voice thundered, full of assertiveness and challenge.

At the emergence of this assertive spiritual sense, a youthful yet authoritative voice resonated through heaven and earth, exuding an air of unbridled arrogance.

"Hmm...!" The experts present were startled by the voice, feeling a sense of shock and awe. 

Who could this be, so audacious as to brazenly confront numerous continental experts, showing no regard for decorum? 

Was this person seeking death?

Dean Dunn: "Ah, it's the young sect master of the Divine Sword Sect. It's surprising that your sect, located in the far northern icy lands, sensed this heavenly mandate and arrived so quickly."

"What, the Divine Sword Sect!" 

The Divine Sword Sect's influence was no less than that of the Sun Illumination Sect, and perhaps even more intimidating given its members' straightforward nature, merciless actions, and resolute approach. 

The sect was known for being harsher on themselves than on their enemies, adding to its fearsome reputation.

Though the Divine Sword Sect was located in the remote north, backing onto the Ice Island and less frequently venturing into the central lands, its reputation was well-known among the gathered leaders and elders. 

The saying, "When the Divine Sword emerges, the stars of Tiangia dim," was famous. 

The young sect master's spiritual sense, as vast as a river, was impressive, though not yet as profound as Dean Dunn's, which was vast and awe-inspiring.



Filled with domineering power!

"Hmm...!" The multitude of experts present hesitated for a moment, then felt a surge of shock. 

Dean Dunn chuckled lightly: "Ah, it's the young sect master of the Divine Sword Sect. Surprising that your sect, situated in the icy north, also sensed the heavenly mandate and arrived so swiftly."

These were secluded elders and high-ranking figures from various sects across the Tiangia Continent, yet they reacted so viscerally to the mention of these three words, revealing their profound shock. 

The Divine Sword Sect, with its formidable reputation, was a force to be reckoned with, equal to the Sun Illumination Sect, and perhaps even more fearsome due to its members' straightforward nature and ruthless actions. 

The sect, known for being harsher on themselves than on their enemies, boasted a fearsome reputation, further intensified by its secluded northern location.

Hearing Dean Dunn's words, the Divine Sword Sect's young sect master snorted coldly, "The heavenly mandate is a blessing for the entire Tiangia Continent, an opportunity for all. Just because it descends in the southwest doesn't mean my Divine Sword Sect can't partake, does it?"

"Ha-ha... The renown of the Divine Sword Sect is well-known across the world. We wouldn't dare to stop you, but the heavenly mandate is a gift from above, to be obtained by those with destiny. Young sect master, don't force it," Dean Dunn replied nonchalantly, unfazed by the young sect master's aggressive demeanor.

"Hmph, what the Divine Sword Sect desires, we always obtain!" The young sect master retorted coldly before falling silent, his spiritual sense then spreading like thousands of threads, covering the sky and earth, rushing towards the south.

Meanwhile, across the Tiangia Continent, various powerful figures began to respond to the heavenly mandate. 

The Tiangia Continent, long tranquil, was now stirring with activity due to this sudden event.

Unbeknownst to them, the supposed heavenly mandate had already crossed the vast expanse of space in an instant, like a stream of starlight, pouring into the body of Magnus, who was meditating with closed eyes.

"Hmm...!" At the exact moment the stream of light entered him, Xiang Yun's body trembled violently. He felt as if he had entered a state of weightlessness, his entire body uncontrollably levitating.

Simultaneously, he saw a brilliant golden light flowing from the top of his head down to his lower abdomen. The light gathered and swirled at his dantian, forming a fist-sized golden orb suspended there.

"What... what is this?" 

As the blue energy surged into his body from every pore, Magnus was engulfed in a cool, refreshing sensation that swept through him like a tidal wave, almost making him moan in comfort. 

His entire focus was on the Mana that had entered his body, sensing a strange transformation occurring within.

Indeed, the Mana that rushed into his body this time didn't pass straight through as before. 

Instead, it gathered around the golden branch-like structure in his dantian. 

The Mana clung to this golden branch and disappeared, continuously absorbed by it in an unending stream.

Throughout this process, Magnus felt a warm, swelling sensation in his dantian, akin to warm water being poured into a bladder, extremely comfortable and soothing. 

This process lasted for about two hours until Magnus, who had been floating, suddenly felt a jolt and fell back to the ground with a thud.

"Ouch...!" He exclaimed in slight pain as he bounced up from the ground. 

However, he noticed a lightness in his body, not the weakness of frailty, but rather a buoyant lightness, as if his body was as light as a swallow.

Acting on instinct, Magnus jumped again and found himself leaping nearly two meters high, narrowly missing hitting his head on the ceiling of his spacious chamber.

"What's happening to me...?" Landing back on the ground, Magnus stared in disbelief at his legs. 

Had he not felt the solid ground beneath his feet, he would have thought he was dreaming. 

He knew the limitations of his body better than anyone; just the day before, running a few hundred meters around the lake had left him utterly exhausted, his body weak to the point of absurdity.

Magnus was now experiencing a profound change, his body feeling stronger and more agile than ever before. 

Magnus couldn't comprehend how his frail body could suddenly leap so high. 

Moreover, he felt a surge of strength throughout his being, as if he could even slap a bull to death with a single blow. 

It was a sensation similar to the vitality he remembered the young master feeling after taking invigorating medicines, though without the accompanying burning heat and overwhelming desire.

Curiously eyeing the sturdy pear wood desk beside him, Magnus hesitated for a moment before lifting his hand and decisively slapping down on the desk's surface.

"Hey...!" he exclaimed, astonished by his own daring action.