
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Against the Norm

The sudden loud bang of the door, accompanied by a thunderous voice, startled Magnus and Alaric, causing them to react with comic urgency. One clutched the box and turned to flee, while the other quickly stuffed the "Intimate Remedies" book into his robe, reminiscent of dealers caught in a police raid.

"What are you two up to?" Another stern shout came from the doorway.

Turning towards the voice, they saw a tall, robust man with a commanding presence, staring them down with sharp eyes. "Big brother!" Alaric exclaimed in surprise.

Magnus, too, paused before reluctantly greeting, "Big brother."

The newcomer was none other than the eldest son of the Peerless King, the esteemed General Orion Astor, a figure of significant military stature within the Fengyun Kingdom.

Orion glanced at Magnus, his tone slightly stiff, "Hmm, the little brother is here too?"

Magnus simply nodded, well aware of the strained relationship between them. Preferring to keep to himself, he was content with Orion's lack of interest in engaging with him.

Alaric, curious, asked, "Big brother, when did you get back?"

"Just this morning," Orion replied. "I spent some time with our father before deciding to check on you. I heard you've reached the peak of the Innate Stage and are preparing to break through to the Myster Stage."

Alaric shook his head, "It's not that simple. I've just reached the peak of the Innate Stage and am barely touching the threshold of the Myster Stage. It might take another year or two. But you, big brother, you've been at the peak for a year now. You must be close to breaking through."

Orion nodded, "I am showing signs of advancement, but it'll likely take another six months before I can attempt to reach the Myster Stage."

Listening to his brothers' conversation, Magnus couldn't help but feel dwarfed by their achievements. Both of his brothers, geniuses with forty spiritual roots each, had reached the pinnacle of the Innate Stage at such young ages—a feat unattainable for most in their lifetimes.

In contrast, Magnus had only recently achieved the Two Clouds Warrior level, with just a single, measly spiritual root to his name. The disparity between them felt as vast as that between a commoner and a millionaire.

Sensing Magnus's discomfort, Alaric suggested setting aside their achievements for a moment of brotherly bonding over drinks. However, Orion's response was dismissive, indicating a willingness to continue their discussion regardless of Magnus's feelings.

Despite the tension, Orion shifted focus to reveal a mysterious object he brought—a heavy black pouch. When unwrapped, it revealed a shimmering, electrified orb that filled the room with an ethereal, silver light and a buzzing akin to flowing electricity.

The orb, identified by Alaric as a Thunder Crystal Stone, was a source of wonder for both brothers. This display of power and rarity not only showcased their remarkable abilities but also momentarily bridged the gap between them, drawing their shared fascination towards the wonders of their world.

Orion's pride in presenting the Thunder Crystal Stone, a rare and powerful artifact, brought a brief moment of unity among the brothers, highlighting the extraordinary realms they navigated within their lives.

"Big brother, I heard that the Thunder Crystal Stone can only be found in dense forests where thunderstorms are frequent and rain never ceases. "

"Moreover, the chance of it forming is extremely rare. Some time ago, someone in Dragon City offered tens of thousands of Cloud Crystals but still couldn't acquire a single Thunder Crystal Stone. How did you manage to find this item?"

Orion's face showed a hint of pride as he shared his story. "This was indeed a stroke of luck for me. Half a year ago, I was on a mission to capture a band of marauders on the western border. These scoundrels were constantly harassing the border towns, showing no mercy, not even to women and children. I had been tracking them for a while."

"When we ambushed them, I didn't expect them to resist so fiercely, attempting to break through our siege. I ordered their immediate execution after a fierce battle, eliminating almost all of them. However, their leader managed to escape."

"Concerned he might regroup and strike again, I pursued him alone. He rode a level 7 Cloud Beast, Swiftwind Howl, which was incredibly fast.

I chased him to a steep cliff, abandoned my horse, and pursued him on foot. Eventually, I pinned him and his mount with a spear atop the mountain!"

"The Thunder Crystal Stone was found on that bandit leader. He possessed many valuable items, but this stone was the most precious. My cultivation is based on lightning attributes. If I forge this into a spear, my combat power could increase by at least 20%!" Orion said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Alaric couldn't hide his envy. "Big brother, you're truly fortunate. Such a treasure not only enhances your combat abilities but might also deepen your understanding of lightning attributes, aiding you in breaking through the bottleneck to the Myster Stage!"

Orion laughed heartily, unable to conceal his delight. Turning to Alaric, he boasted, "Back then, you and I could fight a hundred rounds without a victor. But with a spear forged from the Thunder Crystal Stone, you'll no longer be a match for me!"

Alaric, feeling a mix of helplessness and competitiveness, knew that the strength of each in their family mattered less compared to their bond.

Yet, as members of the Astor family and talented cultivators of Cloud Force, both yearned for greater power.

While he felt happy for Orion's fortune, Alaric also wished for a stroke of luck to boost his own strength.

"Heh, don't be disheartened, old two, the Thunder Lightning Crystal is rare and not something you can seek out intentionally. There's no need for you to envy me." As Orion spoke, his face clearly showed smugness despite his attempt to comfort his younger brother.

"Psh... So it's just a Thunder Lightning Crystal. I thought it was something truly remarkable. Is it really worth getting so excited about?" Right when Orion was enjoying Alaric's envious gaze, a discordant voice sounded in the room.

"Hmm?" Orion's piercing gaze immediately shifted to Alex, who was sitting on the side, looking at him with a slant.

"Kid, do you even know what a Thunder Lightning Crystal is? An ignorant fool like you shouldn't comment carelessly and belittle the value of the Thunder Lightning Crystal!"

Orion's gaze towards Alex was cold and disdainful, nothing like Alaric's concern and warmth towards Alex.

"Eh... Big brother, maybe he genuinely doesn't know its value and misspoke unintentionally. There's no need to take it to heart." Alaric quickly tried to smooth things over.

"Hmph, if he doesn't know, he should keep his mouth shut instead of spouting ignorant remarks that make us, the Orion family, look bad by having such an uninformed person among us." Orion was relentless in his criticism and sarcasm towards Alex.

"Hehe..." Facing the critique and sarcasm from his eldest brother, Alex, sitting on a stool with his legs crossed, simply coldly chuckled, his eyes filled with the same scorn and disdain.

"What are you laughing at!" Orion snapped angrily, glaring at Alex. For some reason, Orion felt that today's encounter with his youngest brother was different from the past.

This kid seemed healthier and more spirited than before, not showing the same listlessness, wandering gaze, or unsteady steps of the past. Although he was still casually sitting there, he was full of energy and had a steady breath.

However, what surprised Orion the most was not Alex's improved condition but his audacity to interject and demean the Thunder Lightning Crystal, a treasure Orion had acquired with great difficulty.

This was truly unexpected!

In response to his eldest brother's glare and scold, Alex remained nonchalant, gesturing for him to calm down before turning his gaze to his second brother, Alaric.

"Second brother, I didn't come here empty-handed this time. I've brought you a significant gift. Since big brother is here too, let's give him a chance to broaden his horizons." Alex said with a mischievous smile on his face.

However, Alaric was taken aback by Alex's words, frantically signaling him not to mess around. Knowing his youngest brother's character, Alaric feared what Alex might present, especially with their eldest brother present.

If Alex brought out another "Intimate Remedies" or something related to romantic affairs, it could provoke Orion's temper.

"Never mind, never mind, third brother. Big brother's Thunder Lightning Crystal is indeed a rare treasure; no need to embarrass yourself with your offerings. Let's change the subject..." Alaric attempted to steer the conversation away, but his efforts were in vain.

Orion, already eyeing Alex with a mix of curiosity and scorn, said, " Don't stop him. I'm curious to see what our 'most accomplished' youngest brother can bring to the table to enlighten me."

Against Alaric's wishes, Alex boldly met Orion's challenge, asserting, "You can rest assured, big brother. My item will prove to be more valuable than your Thunder Lightning Crystal. You might as well take a good look!"