
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs

A Truely Junk!

Magnus Astor, the appointed lord of Silverwood City, surprisingly sought to rejuvenate the city's economy through the establishment of brothels, aiming to create the largest red-light district on the continent, as a pioneering figure in the world of pleasure houses.

Despite being stripped of his wealth by Gideon Astor before leaving, Magnus had his own ways of acquiring funds. Upon arriving in Silverwood City, he sent a letter to his uncle, Emperor Thane Astor, the emperor, who doted on him, discreetly sent carriage after carriage of gold to support the seemingly pitiful prince.

With substantial financial backing, Magnus's grand vision for Silverwood City was realized. The city transformed almost overnight, bathed in bright lights and filled with the fragrance of perfumes and taverns, along with the presence of enchanting women of all shapes and sizes.

The once impoverished Silverwood City underwent a dramatic change, rapidly evolving into a renowned destination for pleasure-seekers across the northwest.

 It became known as 'Spring Breeze City,' attracting countless scholars, patrons, and adventurers. They marveled at the scale of the brothels and indulged in the city's offerings, spending lavishly without a second thought.

Within just three years, Spring Breeze City's development soared, gaining fame far and wide. Even residents of the imperial capital, Dragon City, traveled great distances to experience its allure. But when they discovered that the mastermind behind it all was Magnus Astor, their reactions were a mix of knowing and disdainful smiles. Nonetheless, this didn't deter them from enjoying the city's pleasures.

The fame of Spring Breeze City even reached Dragon City, and its neighboring Silver City was among the first to know. However, Gideon Astor appeared to have given up on any hopes for his wayward son.

For three years in Silverwood City, Gideon Astor hadn't inquired about Magnus nor visited him, clearly having given up on this son. Without his father's oversight, Magnus's behavior in Silverwood City grew increasingly indulgent. 

He spent his days in endless revelry and nights in the company of courtesans.

It was just yesterday evening that Magnus planned to visit The Velvet Chamber, the largest brothel in Silverwood City. 

Before heading there, he stopped by his favorite apothecary, which was run by a merchant from the distant land of Surewin Country. 

The store was known for obtaining exotic and peculiar medicines, particularly for various aphrodisiacs and sexual tonics.

Having frequented this shop for his needs, to maintain his virility. Last night, before his visit to The Velvet Chamber, he had a new drug that boasted the ability to 'conquer ten women in a night without faltering.'

Though only eighteen, Magnus, a seasoned patron of pleasure houses, was thrilled by this claim and purchased the drug at a high price.

Upon arriving at The Velvet Chamber, Magnus, who was not only of noble status but also the covert owner of these brothels, occupied the most luxurious private suite at the top of the building.

In the suite, he immediately consumed the drug he had purchased. Almost instantly, he felt an intense surge of heat and a powerful reaction in his body, akin to a volcano ready to erupt. However, Magnus was not worried; accustomed to such substances, he knew this was a sign of the drug's potency. Instead of alarm, he felt an exhilarating thrill, anticipating the night ahead.

Encouraged by the drug's potency, Magnus Astor instructed The Velvet Chamber's madam to bring him the ten most beautiful girls. The madam, though shocked at his request, dared not disobey and promptly fulfilled his wish. 

However, to everyone's surprise, the next morning brought news of Magnus's sudden death.

Upon hearing this, the madam was petrified, collapsing to the floor, unable to be consoled or helped up by anyone. Shortly afterward, Magnus's entourage arrived, and word quickly spread to his household. His personal maid, Seraphina, rushed to The Velvet Chamber with a group of attendants.

The best physicians in Silverwood City were summoned, who concluded that Magnus had died from excessive indulgence and exhaustion. 

Just as they left, Magnus miraculously woke up.

Instead, he was another Magnus Astor, a modern-day university student from the 21st century on Earth, sharing the same name.

"Damn it, how did I end up in such an absurd person's body?" he thought. This Magnus had died from overexertion in a brothel!"What a fuck!"


"How could I have ended up in this person's body? I might as well have died on impact," he lamented, overwhelmed by the thought of his transmigration.

In his understanding, transmigrators usually experienced extraordinary events like lightning strikes or meteor impacts, but he couldn't recall any such incident happening to him.

As Magnus clicked the 'Claim' button for the gift pack in the Martial World game, a strange sensation overtook him. The room around him seemed to blur and spin, and a feeling of vertigo gripped him. Before he could understand what was happening, darkness enveloped him, and he lost consciousness.

When he next awoke, he found himself in the body of the indulgent young lord of Silverwood City, the notorious Magnus Astor, known for his extravagant lifestyle and notorious exploits. It was a drastic shift from his previous life as a modern university student.

Magnus was bewildered by this sudden transition. "How on earth did clicking a button in a game lead me to transmigrate into such a peculiar character?" he wondered, struggling to make sense of his new reality.

In this world, Magnus was no longer a regular student but a prince with a tarnished reputation, living in a world vastly different from his own. He felt a mix of disbelief and frustration as he tried to come to terms with his new identity and the bizarre circumstances of his transmigration.