
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

Lord_Banned · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

The unknown world

On top of a tall building in Japan, you could see on the rooftop 2 teenagers sitting down having a conversation, around them were various types of food for them to enjoy, it might look like a calming scene for anyone but the conversation they were having was very serious.

Akira was teaching Yu about the world, and every single question that Yu have would be answered tonight, finally, Yu would understand this world more.

"So, what exactly are evil spirits?" Yu asks while slurping down on his smoothie, Akira while staring at the beautiful night sky, answered the question.

"Evil spirits are what espers and exorcists like to call, humanities curse, an evil spirit can be born by the wicked emotions of humans and negative energy of souls, they can also be born when an animal or human dies with a lot of malice and they turn into an evil spirit, evil spirits are made of the opposite energy me and you have to use our powers, that energy is called cursed energy while espers, exorcist, etcetera have Soul energy" Akira said with a serious tone.

'Curse energy and Soul energy, so it's not just a mob psycho world it also has a little bit of jujutsu Kaisen in it, wait, maybe I'll be able to develop a domain expansion...after all, I can absorb evil spirits, meaning I can potentially have curse energy' Yu thought, he then went ahead and asked another question, "What's so different about espers and exorcists?"

Akira chuckled at the question which left Yu a little confused, "Espers are people born with psychic powers, and most of them are mercenaries that do whatever they want in the world, while exorcists solely focus on getting rid of evil spirits, not only that exorcists have techniques which are called Soul techniques and inherited ones while espers...well they just have powers and use it in whatever way they want" Akira finished speaking while Yu finished eating a burger.

'I see, I'm guessing the strongest esper and Exorcist have to be crazy powerful, well shit, now my goal just got a lot harder, wait, how does Akira know all this information?' Yu thought while staring intently at Akira who was paying attention to the lights of the buildings.

"Akira, how do you know all of this information?" Yu asks Akira, Akira turned his face to look at Yu and answers.

"I'm part well used to be part of an exorcist noble family or clan, whatever you would like to call it" Akira said with a serious face, this statement holds a lot of weight, after all, Akira doesn't know Yu very well yet, so he doesn't know if Yu will start to avoid him or something like that, fortunately..."Really? You got family issues huh, I used to have some too" Yu could care less.

Akira smiled at Yu's remark, he was planning on asking Yu how he could absorb evil spirits or their energy, after all...that's simply not possible, throughout history people have tried to do just that, trying to use the energy that Evil sprits use, but every single one of them died in a very brutal way.

Humans can't use the curse energy evil spirits use, but when Akira looks at Yu, he could tell, that he had that very same energy as well as the Soul energy. Well, Akira didn't care, but if the exorcists were to notice this or find out, it might get bad for Yu. Although that didn't matter because "his" protecting Akira and he'll also protect Yu.

"Akira, who were those people?" Yu asks with a serious expression, he didn't have to explain who he was talking about, Akira understood perfectly the people Yu was talking about, Yu was referring to the people that we're coming after them when the evil spirit was defeated.

"Around the world, there are a few organizations that are filled with espers, but there is one specifically that is very dangerous, they call themselves the unknown world, they are spread throughout the world, they say their purpose is to get rid of all the evil spirits in the world, but behind the scenes, they take in child espers, run experiments, and do a whole lot of shady shit, latest news about them is that their experimenting with, quote on quote souls to find exactly how are evil spirits born, for you Ishigami...they are your worst enemy, after all, Ishigami...no human in this world is capable of absorbing evil spirits" Akira finishes speaking.

Yu felt as if a boulder landed on his shoulder, it made sense, after all, now he has to worry about a whole organization, if the unknown world were to find out he can absorb evil spirits...he would become the enemy of a world-wide organization.

That's when Yu realized...now he has to become the strongest in the world and not because of his goal...but to survive.

"Ishigami, it's best for you to just stop killing ev-" Akira wanted to tell Ishigami to stop killing evil spirits but he was cut off by Yu who knew what he was going to say.

"Sorry Akira, but I can't do that, I know more than anyone, that living a life that you don't want to live...is painful, at any moment I could die, so if I'm going to die then I'm going to die while doing what I enjoy, and fighting, well that's pretty fucking fun, so I'm going to keep killing evil spirits, and if this organization wants me to come after me, then let them come, I only get stronger with each passing day" Yu says, unbeknownst to him, his left eye letting a golden glow that could be seen by Akira, Akira was shocked for a few seconds but let out a chuckle after.

"...I see, then I'll help you fight them, I pretty much hate them, so fighting along someone who they will soon come to hate will be fun to me" Akira said with a grin, Yu grew a small smile and responded.

"Try not to hold me back, I'm a genius after all"

Yu and Akira spend about one more hour together and he came to find out that the principal of Shunchin academy was a powerful exorcist, that could help him train from time to time, Yu was flabbergasted at this information but was excited.

The person that was protecting Akira was indeed him, but Akira didn't tell Yu that the principal was already interested in Yu. Akira told the principal a few things about Yu and he came to be interested.

They then went home but what was waiting for Yu at home was quite...interesting.

"what in the actual fuck..." Yu muttered, in the middle of his room there was a white envelope with the words "final gift" on the front, It took a second for Yu to understand this was gods final gift.

He walked towards the envelope and grabbed it, the envelope was easy to open, he took out the paper and read what it said. What was written in the envelope is what follows:

"Good job surviving up until now, here's my last gift, enjoy it"

The second he read the last word his right eye immediately started burning and his head was once again filled with information, and a whole lot of other things he didn't have a clue about, well not exactly have a clue but moe like he was too tired to try and understand but unlike last time...right there and then he fainted because of the pain.


After a long night, Yu slowly opened his eyes, sunlight was hitting him right in the eyes, he didn't close his curtains yesterday because well...he fainted, he could hear the ringing of his phone telling him that it was time for school.

The first thing he did was grab his phone out of his pocket and turn off the ringer, he then let out a long yawn. He stood up and looked at the floor, the carpet was wet from the amount of sweat he had while sleeping, Yu sighed and went to the restroom.

He looked at the mirror and said, "Dismantle and cleave, and something different from the six eyes yet similar...god, I have nothing to give but my thanks" He finished while clapping his hands together and looking up as if he was praying.

His right eye was exactly the same as Gojo's eyes...


'Oh fuck...' Yu thought to himself.

{A/N: As your lord, I'm ordering you to give me stones before I enslave yall, also spread the word of this masterpiece}

leave some tips, or anything, have a nice day or night

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