
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

Lord_Banned · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Some Gods are Cultured

In a vast space that was truly infinite, the ground represented a mirror that reflected everything above it, the sky having a beautiful blue color with only some clouds, and for some reason it was sunny although there was no sun, you could see a darkish-golden orb floating above the ground, the orb did nothing, it just...floated.

'You gotta be fucking kidding me...I DIED, JUST LIKE THAT! I died just like my fucking mother, is this karma?!?!'

This orb was none other than James, well, his soul to be exact, the car accident was more than enough to kill him and the old man, but as for the people in the other car, well they survived, of course not unscathed but still alive.

James doesn't remember much about the event, all he remembers is that when he "opened" his eyes again he found himself in this place that looked almost identical to the Tokyo ghoul song opening place.

'How long has it been since I've gotten here, I can't even tell what seconds are, it's almost as if the concept of time doesn't exist here, Am I going to stay here for all eternity? Is this heaven? Hell maybe? Is dad okay?'

James could do nothing but ask himself questions, so many questions yet no answers, with each question he asked himself, the angrier he felt himself getting.

Then it happened, his attention suddenly changed to the circular white portal that appeared in front of him, 'what the fuck, a portal?' James thought to himself.

Slowly a person came out of the portal, first, James saw a foot come out, then the other, and soon enough a man appeared in front of him. James felt incredible pressure coming out of him. In his eyes, the person in front of him was a being that he couldn't even fathom.

The weird thing about the situation was that the "man" looked...normal? Well, everything was normal except his face, it was a face similar to that of a mannequin except that it had a black question mark on it.

Everything else was normal, he had a white shirt with the words "Anime!" In it, he was also wearing black joggers, on the left side showing demon slayer and on the right showing My Hero Academia. He wore Jordan's that had the Sharingan design on it, and finally a white hat with the word Spy X Family, with a mini Anya over the word spy.

'God?' Thought James to himself, the being stared at James, and after the being looked at James for god knows how long, it finally said something.

"WELCOME JAMES, TO THE AFTERLIFE!!!" The being screamed with excitement while throwing his arms up as if he told the biggest most amazing news ever. His voice sounded like a mixture of that of a man and woman, majestic yet perfect.

'YOU ASSHOLE!!!' Screamed James in his mind with anger, he knew for a fact that this being/person or whatever could read his mind, he read more than enough Fan-Fictions to know.

"Oh come on now, aren't you excited, after all, you are in the presence of none other than...THE GOD OF ENTERTAINMENT!!" Once again screamed the God, anyone could tell he was excited, suddenly he pointed with both his hands at James who was still discombobulated at what was going on.

"You're to turn into a dog if I tell you to!" Said the God with excitement, suddenly James turned into a golden retriever barking," arf arf arf"

"Turn into a monkey If I say so!!" He added, James then turned into a macaques monkey while making monkey noises.

"I AM THE MOST WONDERFUL OUT OF ALL THE GODS, YES IT IS I, THE GOD OF ENTERTAINMENT!!" Shouted the God with nothing but pure excitement in his voice while James once again turn into the darkish-Golden orb. God had one hand with a peace sign next to his face while his other hand had a peace sign as well with his arm extending.

'...wow, I'm honestly so happy you're the first god I meet' Thought James in a sarcastic tone, the god nodded in approval.

"I know I know, well I'm sure you have your questions, and a certain idea as to why you're here, which is indeed true but first, I'll let you ask me a few questions" Said the God, James could feel that he had a smirk.

James thought for a few about what questions to ask, then after a little time, he finally got them.

'What happened to the old man?' Asks James, a question to him that has been stuck on his mind ever since he has gotten to this place.

The being started massaging his chin and then spoke, "He's currently going through his life with an angel" James nodded well not actually but if he had a body he would.

'How are Hannah, my friends, and my dad handling the news of me dying?' James was curious and afraid as to what his father might be doing as well as feeling specifically, his father had no one except him, and now...well his dead.

"...unfortunately, I can't provide you that information, when someone dies in a world, every bond, any attachments, anything at all that is related to that world is completely blocked from said person" Said the God, James was extremely furious at this, but no matter what he thought of the matter, he couldn't do anything.

He decided to be a logical person and just accept it, '...reincarnation or transmigration?' The last questions James had.

The God smirked unknown to James, "In between per se, you'll transmigrate but you'll become him while he becomes you" James understood what the being said, when someone transmigrates, they become a person, but that doesn't mean the memories, actions, knowledge of said person goes to the person who transmigrated.

So by the owner of the body becoming the person who transmigrates to him or the other way around as well, they gain the memories, knowledge, etc. Some people like saying that the stronger soul is the one that takes authority, but that can't be proven, or more like James doesn't know if it's been proven.

'I see...well what world am I going to?' Asks James, the God crossed his arms making an X-shape then said, "I will not tell you that"

'why?!' James asks confused, the God replies, "Because...it's more fun like that"

James understood that the being in front of him would think it is fun, which it is for him, but James...HE WAS PANICKING!! He could be sent to any dangerous world, the Nasuverse or maybe the naruto universe, maybe going into a universe he doesn't even know, he was fucked!

"Don't worry, the world your going to isn't going to be immediately dangerous, not only that I'm giving you a few gifts" Says the God, James sighed in his head but then he suddenly saw the being glance to his right, staring into the distance.

"Interesting..." Said the God who turn back to look at James, James was very confused but he guesses something happened.

"It seems like the old man you were talking about was granted 2 wishes, he first wished for his entire family to have a magnificent life, and the second one...he gave it to you..." Said the God, this shocked James to the very core, it made his mind go blank...why would he do that?

James blames himself for what happened, he thinks that if it wasn't because of the fact he made that Uber or the fact they were talking, the old man wouldn't have died as well as himself...

"He also said if it was possible to pass on a message he wanted to tell you...do you wanna hear it" James accepted.

"Don't blame yourself for what happened because I know it wasn't because of you, so do this old man a favor and use this wish to make yourself happy" Said the being, after finishing speaking there was silence, nothing but silence.

If it wasn't for the fact James was just an orb and didn't have a physical body, he would be in tears, it hit him right in the soul what the old man said.

'...What's going to happen to him now?" Asks James in a low/sad tone, in his head of course.

"He's going to go through the reincarnation process, he'll be reincarnated and once again begin life" Says the God, James thought for a few seconds then made a rather big decision.

"I want to use the wish for him to live an amazing life" Said James, the God stood there in shock, this decision wasn't what he was expecting.

"...are you sure? It's the only wish you have and get" Said the God trying to convince James, using a wish, a literal WISH, is something with the utmost value, you could ask for anything and you'll get it because it's a literal wish, no matter how you look at it, the being did not expect this outcome.

'I'm sure' James responded, the God nodded then he snapped his fingers.

"Well, that's that, now, is there anything you want to ask me before I send you off?" Asks the God, James thought to himself, and then he concluded.

'...why me?' Asks James, a simple yet hard question, why James? why of all the people who watch anime or read manga, why him?

The God grew a smirk that can't be seen by James, "why you? it's simple really...I like the color of your soul" before James could protest the being clapped his hands and suddenly a black hole appeared behind him.

Everything got instantly sucked into the hole like literally, the nanosecond it appeared everything got sucked in it. Now the vast space that was once filled with a beautiful sky and a very pleasuring ground was no more.

The God stood in nothingness for a few seconds before the question mark on his face turned into an exclamation point, he then smirked before saying, "I choose the right person...I'm sure he'll fix that world, hm, you know what, I'll give him an extra gift for being nice, you know what they say, you do nice things, you'll nicely be repaid."

The being then extended his hand, and suddenly a cube appeared in the palm of his hand, the cube had the exact colors as James's soul, the cube slowly started levitating and spinning around, and by the time it was at the same height like the god's head...it disappeared leaving golden particles.

I know someone is going to think this so I'll answer, just because the old man was going to get reincarnated does not mean he would have lived a happy life, that's why James wished for that, that's what made him happy. Also, it's not like isekai reincarnation where he has his memories. (this is for the old man btw)

Have a nice day or night

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