
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

Lord_Banned · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

New me

It was another beautiful morning in the country of Japan, students of all ages waking up and preparing for school. You could already see adults saying their goodbyes to their families and going off to work.

The sound of a loud ring tone could be heard throughout a room, outside you could hear the birds chirping, and you could see small bits of sunlight entering the room through the curtains.

This room in particular, was normal, there was a computer set up, a tv, gaming posters on the wall, a nice bed with a teenager panting on it...wait what?

'What the fuck, that was the worst thing I've ever gone through!' Thought the boy, this was James, you're most likely wondering who he became right? Well, you're about to find out.

After taking a few seconds to catch his breath, as if the world was telling him to fuck himself, he suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his chest and head, his chest felt like it was going to explode while at the same time felt incredibly hot and his head started profusely hurting while memories, knowledge, etc that were unknown to him entered his mind.

After what felt like hours but was only 4 minutes, the pain slowly disappeared until it was no more, James who was holding his head, slowly lowered his hands. He felt as if the world around him was disappearing. He now knew who he was...but he couldn't believe it.

'This has to be a joke...right? YOUR LYING!' James jumped out of bed and ran towards the mirror in his room that was on the closet door, he stood in front of the mirror and his eyes turn...dead. As if they had no life.

The person he was looking at in the mirror, the man that stood in front of him, the memories he now has, he was now...Yu Ishigami from the Anime/manga Kaguya-sama: Love Is War.

The dark blue hair that went past his ears and left eye, the skinny, weak, and worst of all short body frame he had, he had become...Yu Ishigami, no doubt about it.

(I will now refer to James as Yu)

Yu felt like the world was crumbling down before him, he wanted to let out a scream so loud that all of Japan would hear it. Indeed, he didn't want to go to a dangerous world but...A ROM-COM UNIVERSE OF RICH KIDS! COMMON!

Yu took a deep breath, then collected his thoughts, this universe was a peaceful one, with no monsters, no fighting, nothing. Not only that he has become Yu Ishigami, a rather likable character by everyone, let's be honest, who can't relate to Ishigami.

He's rich and his not really what you call ugly, he can just gain muscle, get a haircut, and he'll become a lot more attractive, it bothered him that he was fucking 5'4 but he can't do anything about it. Yu sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

'I can vaguely remember the faces of the people I knew when I was James, I can't even call myself James anymore, I am Yu Ishigami, the knowledge I know about this world that came from the anime isn't exactly small, but it won't matter much anyway, I guess I have to accept that I'm going to live a normal life...' Yu thought to himself, he then looked towards the mirror again to look at himself.

He suddenly felt a vague feeling in his left eye, he couldn't see his eye because it was covered by his hair, he lifted his hair with his left hand to see his eye and what he saw was the last thing he was expecting.

Ishigami's eyes in the anime are dark blue, but right now, his right eye is dark blue like it's supposed to be but his left eye pupil is a 3-dimensional square design with a grayish-golden color.

'WHAT THE FUCK! Why is my eye like that? Wait, the god did tell me that he'll send me some gifts, WAIT, this world might not be as normal as I thought, maybe there's more to it, THANK THE LORDS!, I take back everything I thought about you, God!' James Started punching the air in happiness. This world indeed had a lot more than he was expecting. He'll soon find out what those things are.

While Yu was punching the air he didn't notice the fact that his mom was coming, soon enough his mother opened the door while saying something.

"Hey Yu breakfast is read-" She couldn't finish her sentence because of the sight in front of her, Yu stopped punching the air and looked at her, they both stared at each in awkward silence with straight faces.

"...prepare for school already and come down to eat breakfast" Yu nodded and began preparing for school.


Yu sat in the student council room, currently, there was no one in the room so he had time to finally think of all the recent events, everything has happened too fast for him, and now is the time to think and collect all his thoughts.

Also, his left eye is always covered by his hair, all though it bothers him, there's not much he can do for now.

'So, I already joined the council, and from what I can see I'm already mostly friends with all of them so If my prediction is right, I'm around season one, meaning that I haven't developed any feelings for anyone and I'm still just doing the treasurers job, I also haven't joined any clubs, which is good' Yu thought.

Not being in a club was good for Yu because it gave him extra time, Yu wasn't really worried about fighting with some monster or something, as far as he was concerned, this world was still normal, what his focusing on right now was God's gifts and his image.

Yu slouched on the sofa and looked at the ceiling, 'God said gifts, meaning there's more, how am I going to receive these gifts? Well, however way it happens, all I know is that I can't control when it happens, so I just hope it happens at a good time and it doesn't catch people's attention'

'Everybody currently thinks I'm a weirdo and all because of what happened in the past, really can't trust these bitches, I don't really care for the thoughts of other people about me but I won't let people disrespect me, now that I'm thinking about myself, I need to work on my body, I'm too weak, I used to be a track star so I'm naturally fast, I need to learn how to fight as well' Yu continued thinking for a few minutes.

Soon enough the bell ring, and he headed back to class. Soon school ended and he didn't wanna stop by the student council room, today he had no communication with the student council members.


"HEY ISHI! DINNERS READY!" Screamed Yu's mom from downstairs, Ishi is the nickname the family has given Yu since he was very young. He always told them he hated it but in reality, he liked it.

'This dinner I'll tell them about my plans' Thought Yu while walking out of his room.

At the table he saw his father and mother, Yu also had a brother but he lived in his own place. For some reason, he was feeling an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time. Was it...warmth? He didn't know.

"Hmm, is it just me, or have you changed?" Asked Yu's father with a curious expression. Yu heard that question and chuckled before sitting down. His parent sat straight in front of him.

"I'll answer that question later, let's first begin eating" Yu said, both his parents looked at him curiously but nodded nonetheless.

"Itadakimasu!" Everyone said and began eating, Yu had to admit, his mother was an awesome cook, it's almost like all moms are 5-star chefs.

They eat for a bit until Yu finally began talking, he had a serious expression.

"Mom, Dad, ever since the incident that happened, I know both of you look at me a different way, different than you used to, and even if I tell you I didn't do it...I'm sure both of you won't believe me, so I've decided to finally grow the fuck up, I can't keep living this life of boredom, I've decided that from today onward, I'm going to change, I'm going to start working out, change my reputation, and...FINALLY, GET A GIRLFRIEND! So yeah, That's all I have to say" Yu announced, his mom and dad looked at him in shock and regret, regret to what he said was true.

They indeed looked at him differently ever since the event, the boy they raised wouldn't beat some kid up just because he was jealous but that's what everyone told him.

They both looked at him, and the young, shy, and anti-social kid who Yu became after the incident was no more, now he was a new man.

This was Yu's first plan, making his parents look at him in a new light, he knew that this isn't just going to completely change their view of him but its a start. The get a girlfriend part was just to add to his speech, after all, his still 15, and knowing his previous personality, it fits him a lot, and it's not like he didn't have thoughts of it for the future. After all, a certain pink hair girl certainly would catch his eye.

While the mom put her utensils down and covered her mouth trying to keep the tears from escaping, the father looked at Yu, he saw his serious expression and grew a small smirk.

"Yu Ishigami...." Said the father with a serious voice trying to raise the tension with seemed to be working but it didn't affect Yu, Yu looked at his father straight in the eyes after a few seconds the man grew an even bigger smirk, "I'm proud of you" He finished.

"Yu smirked as well and replied, "I know" the dad chuckled and the family continued having a wonderful family meal until something happened.

"So Ishi what'-" While Yu's mom was talking, Yu was raising his spoon to eat his food, he didn't know the changes that were going on inside him, and just when it was about to reach his mouth he felt a sensation all over his body and then the spoon...bent, making the food fall on his lap.

"..." Everyone at the table stopped what they were doing which was eating, they stared at the spoon in pure shock, it was the shock that made their face just turn straight. They didn't know if their eyes were playing a trick on them, but the evidence was as clear as day.

"..." The awkward silence kept going with no one saying anything, if this was a prank someone would have said something by now, but indeed...no one said anything.

'YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME! NOW?!?!? REALLY! WHY WOULD HIS GIFT COME NOW!?' Yu screamed in his head, he stood up from his chair, walked towards the kitchen, and grabbed another spoon, he then left the one that just bend there and returned to the table.

His parents looked at him with a straight face while he once again used his spoon and before it reached his mouth again...it bent.