
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

Lord_Banned · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

First battle

Hours passed since the event that occurred, unfortunately, a few classes were still left till the end of school, after the end of school, Yu tried to find Chika but unfortunately couldn't find her, it did make him feel a bit sad but then again after what she went through it wasn't surprising she wanted to go home earlier.

What happened after the hug...well that's for you guys to find out in the future.

Yu got home and eat a fantastic dinner with his parents, he didn't tell them what happened because...well he just didn't. Then he went out at night to go shopping, why would Yu go shopping? Well, to put it simply, Yu only has underwear briefs and he desperately needed boxers. The past him was...something.

'These boxers look nice, maybe I should buy other things as well, I already ordered clothes through the internet but it's never bad to have more, also I'm fucking rich so what do I have to lose' Yu thought to himself, he decided to shop for a little more.

After everything was done, he decided to head home, while going home he once again sensed something, 'This feeling...should I ignore it? No wait, this feels different, it feels, dark...I'll check it out.'

Yu changed directions and walked toward the ominous power, after a few minutes of walking he reached an abandoned house, the feeling came from behind the house, and from what he saw there was a forest.

'Think Yu, do you really wanna do this? Then again, I'm itching for some action and to finally test out my powers in a fight, fuck it' He thought to himself, he looked around to see if anyone was around, indeed there was not, he then pushed open the gate and walked in.

He was carrying the bags of clothes he had and certainly, he couldn't fight with that, after all, it might get damaged. So after walking to the house, he left it on the front door. He walked into the house and indeed it was just as he imagined, dust everywhere, broken pieces of furniture.

'lovely home we have here' He thought while entering the house.

It seemed like it was abandoned for years while walking through the house to get to the backyard, he saw a small frame on the floor. Yu got curious so he decided to pick it up, the frame had a family picture, a mom, a dad, and a kid holding a black cat.

Yu looked at the picture for a few seconds, 'Interesting, I'll keep it, for now, I have a feeling I might need this' Yu put the frame in his pocket, and kept walking towards the backyard. Once he reached the backyard, he saw dark fog that led toward the forest.

'hmm, totally not suspicious, totally' He thought, Yu did the only smart thing to do...he followed it. Yu followed the fog deeper and deeper into the forest, he no longer knew where the power came from so he was depending on this fog, he already had a barrier up, fun fact barriers are invisible unless they are hit.

Yu walked until he finally reach the end of the fog, he looked around and all there were trees, leaves, etc.

Then a few seconds later it appeared, behind Yu a Black cat slowly walked towards him, Yu turned around to see the cat and what do you know, it's the same cat as the one he saw in the family picture.

Yu stared at the black cat as the black cat did the same, not a second later it opened its mouth which became bigger than Yu itself, the cat tried to devour him but Yu who had its guard up quickly jumped back to avoid it.

The cat took a bite of the air and its mouth then went back to normal, Yu stared at the cat who seemed to be in shock, but seconds later it started morphing into something as big as the trees around him.

Now what stood in front of Yu in four legs was a black cat that was as big as a tree, it had 3 eyes, 2 green eyes which were in the place it was supposed to be, and 1 that was on its forehead, it was blood red with a black slit pupil.

The cat formed a psychotic smile, "You were cuter when you were smaller" Just as Yu finish speaking it extended its tail to attack him, its tail was quite big, half the size of Yu and it was going at quite the speed, Yu disappeared from its spot dodging the attack and quickly appeared close to the cat.

It's not that he can teleport but with the speed he uses not even the cat can see him moving, Yu's body/clothe was outlined by a grayish-golden aura, and the cat quickly brought back its tail to hit him, but then Yu disappeared again.

Yu was using his telekinesis in a tactile fashion so that he can move around like this, similar to Teruki. It was like a body enhancing technique.

'So this is what you call a dark spirit, with how slow it is, and with the power behind its attack, I can easily kill it' Thought you while moving at unbelievable speeds, appearing in one place then appearing in another.

He was toying with the cat, and the cat had enough intellect to know this, the cat let out a viciously angered meow, and instead of using its tail, he used his claws, weird black energy surrounded it, he then started viciously swinging his claws around and the dark energy from the claws turned into black slashed that destroyed everything that it impacted.



Everything around was destroyed, the slashes had a lot of power behind them but it wasn't refined enough to cut something, it just exploded everything, there was dust everywhere but soon enough in front of the cat, stood Yu with his hands in his pockets with a multi-layered grayish-golden barrier around him.

"Wow, so you ran out of options so decided to destroy everything around in hopes of hitting me, smart plan, too bad your just too weak to even scratch me" Yu then disappeared, and the angered cat looked around to find him but was met with the full force of a punch to the face sending him flying back.

The cat flew back destroying trees in its path, the cat then stopped in the house's backyard on its back, before it could do anything, Yu dived right into its stomach kicking it with full force, the force of the kick was enough for the very ground to get destroyed. A loud boom could be heard through out the neighborhood.

Dust was everywhere, Yu got back a little from where the cat was pummeled to the ground, slowly the dust dispersed and now instead of seeing a big devilish cat, he saw the small cute one, its body was slowly disappearing.

Yu stared at the cat for a few seconds until he remembered something.

'...wait now that I think about it' Yu walked towards the the cat, the cat was scared but nonetheless it closed its eyes waiting to be finished off, instead, the cat heard something be put next to it, it opened its eyes and there it was...a picture of the family it loved, the family in which cared for him, loved him, and more, even if they weren't the same species, he thought of them as actual family.

Yu stood a few feet away watching this unfold, a tear ran down the cats cheek and then he turned into particles letting out one last meow, 'right in the feels huh...may you rest finally in peace'' Yu thought but then something unexpected happened.

The particles that the cat dissolved into started going towards Yu, he was surprised but its not like it can hurt him so he just stood there, the particles slowly traveled towards Yu, then entered him through his legs, Yu felt a sensation he hasn't felt in his life, it was an indescribable feeling, it felt so amazing that he couldn't even describe, as if he was reborn.

Unbeknown to him, the impurities inside his body were slowly disappearing, and his physical body was becoming stronger, faster, better hearing, sight and more, all of his physical capabilities were improving.

'So another one of gods gift huh, I feel even more powerful, but why did it enter through my leg?' Yu lifted up his joggers a little and then he found a dot, a black dot under his knee.

'Interesting, I guess my legs have some type of power, I'll try to figure it out later' Yu then walked away, once he picked up his bags and started leaving he had one thought.

'I wonder how strong that evil spirit is in this world.'


"New job for you guys, a mid-level spirit is hunting the surroundings of this house, from the information I've gathered the family was brutally murdered when a robber came in and tried robbing the place, unfortunately for him it all went to shit for him, the robber was shortly captured and received a death penalty, the cat on the other hand managed to survive and saw the whole thing, it stayed in the house even after it was abandoned, died because of starvation, and now it became a mid-level spirit killing anyone who gets near the house even through the forest behind it" The very attractive middle age woman spoke to her 3 subordinates in front of her while showing papers on her desk.

She and her subordinates wore business suits and she was currently seating in the office giving the 3 a job.

"Well that's fucking depressing" The one in the left said, the other 2 nodded in agreement.

"Any information about its abilities?" The one in the middle asked, the women sighed.

"Not one" The 3 now had a gloomy expression.

"well, lets get going" The one on the right said, the women gave them the paper of the address and then they went on their way.


In no time, it was already the next day, currently it was lunch time, Yu and Chika were seating side by side while Miyuki was seating in front of them, Kaguya was...well bragging about her food.

"That looks delicious" Miyuki said with a sweat drop, clearly he was amazed by the food Kaguya brought, meanwhile Yu was already eating with a straight face.

"Well anyway, I'll have lunch now" Miyuki said focusing back on he's food, Chika was also already eating, she started at the same time as Yu.

"president you like oysters don't you? Would you like one?" Kaguya asked desperately, all she wanted was one of presidents weiners, or anything he made.

While miyuki looked at this folding he came up with an idea, before Miyuki said anything dumb, Yu spoke up.

"Hey president, you should give Kaguya-senpai one of your wieners, I'm sure she's never had a squid weiner before, especially as good as yours" Yu said with a straight face, Chika gasped, "YOU NEVER HAD A SQUID WEINER?!? President you surely have to share one with her" Chika exclaimed, what she didn't know was that she was helping Yu and Kaguya.

'Chika I regret what I said, I would indeed save!! Ishigami I owe you one!!' Screamed Kaguya in her mind in gratitude, "well its embarrassing to admit but...I've indeed never had one, president may you be so kind to share one?" Kaguya said blushing a little because embarrassment.

"Of course!" Miyuki responded, then Kaguya received her weiner, while all of this was unfolding Yu opened up one of his other lunch boxes, he brings a total of 5. It had a few weiners in it, Chika caught a glimpse of it and she indeed thought it looked delicious.

Yu gently elbowed her and whispered to her so that Miyuki and Kaguya wouldn't hear, "I heard you like weiners so I made some yesterday, want one?" Yu asked, he was actually embarrassed because of this and unfortunately for him Chika noticed.

She giggled then responded with one of her beautiful bright smiles, "Don't mind If I do" Chika said while grabbing a few, she eat one and then looked at Yu.

"Ishigami, your an amazing cook!" She said before devouring more of them, Yu chuckled then thought of something, he got close to her ear and whispered...

"If you want, everyday I can cook something for you..." Yu said, he brought back his head to see Chika reaction, she looked down at the table in embarrassment, she was blushing profusely, like her entire face was red but nonetheless, she responded...

"I wouldn't mind" She whispered while turning her head and staring right at Yu's eyes, after this day, Yu and Chika started having lunch together everyday. Seems like Kaguya and Miyuki weren't the only ones in a love war.

Today's victory: Once again Yu and Chika

hope you enjoyed, if you have some tips for my writing please tell me

have a nice day or night

Lord_Bannedcreators' thoughts