
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

Lord_Banned · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

2 vs 1

In a swamp, you could see a humanoid evil spirit floating above it with hundreds of tubes/tentacles attach to itself and the swamp, the evil spirit was protected by its tentacles/tubes which every time Yu and Akira tried to attack, it easily blocked the attacks.

The evil spirit used its tubes like a whip to attack Yu and Akira, each attack had power equal to bombs and more, and each attack was enough to destroy the ground, trees, etc. It destroyed anything it hit. Unfortunately for the evil spirit, the 2 teenagers that it was going against weren't so weak to be easily killed by these attacks.

Yu was using the technique, air whip, a technique he has been training the most, 2 grayish-golden whips were coming out of each hand, they had a range of 120 meters for Yu but he was currently not using them at full length, Yu could expand it and shrink it with ease. He could grab things easily or use them as a long-range weapon to cut anything.

Currently, Yu was using it to cut everything the evil spirit threw at him, while Akira was launching his Katanas.



Explosions could be seen throughout the entire swamp, trees were being destroyed, the water was erupting, and explosions could be heard and seen, Yu was being attacked by dozens of tentacles/tubes but he swiftly cut all of them with his air whips.

While Yu was trying to cut all of the tentacles/tubes Akira was launching his katanas to the main body which was easily blocked by more tubes that came from the water. From what Yu saw, Akira can create Katanas.

"OI Akira, these fucking tubes keep regenerating and we've made no progress, any ideas?" Yu asked while moving at great speeds through the swamp cutting everything that was attached to the evil spirit.

"From What I can see, every time we cut the tubes, it just regenerates and it's using the swamp itself as its power source, every time I've tried to attack the main body it easily gets blocked so we have 2 options, one is to destroy the swamp or 2 get an opportunity to destroy the main body" Akira spoke while cutting tubes that were trying to hit him, his swordsmanship was quite amazing.

'FUCK! I'm still not strong enough to destroy something as heavy and big as a fucking swamp! All we need to do is to kill the main body ' Yu then came up with a bright idea, "Akira, how confident are you that if I gave you an opportunity to destroy the main body, you could kill it?!" Yu shouted while moving at great speeds towards Akira.

"If you gave me an opportunity...I would kill it without fail!" Akira responded seriously, at that moment Yu arrived next to him making a dust cloud, and with a swing of his hand, he cut all the tentacles/tubes that were following him with air whip.

"Perfect! I noticed that every time I got too close, it would try to surround me with its tubes, so the plan I came up with is pretty simple, we'll both run straight toward him but you'll be behind me, and I'll destroy everything and give you a big enough opportunity to finish him off, the only thing is that you have to do it in one strike" Yu said, Akira looked at him and smiled.

"That's all I need" Akira said, just after finishing speaking he was enveloped in a different power other than his, this power was Yu's.

"I'll guide you, and once I give you the opportunity I'll throw you straight towards him" Yu said with a smirk, Akira nodded, Yu disappeared from his spot as well as Akira.

'Damn, I knew he was fast but to personally feel it myself!' Akira thought while being behind Yu, instantly the evil spirit attacked them with all he got, sending hundreds of tubes after them.

Swiftly Yu instead of using 4 whips, he decided to use 10, he easily cut all the tubes trying to surround him and Akira with incredible speed and strength, the strength Yu were putting behind his attacks was enough to even cut some parts of the swamp.

The evil spirit roared in anger and decided to finally use his full strength, all the water in the swamp started levitating, and not even a second later it all went towards the evil spirit, the evil spirit was now inside a giant sphere of water.

Tentacles/tubes formed outside the sphere and all of them attacked Yu and Akira, Yu moved at monstrous speed in a zig zag pattern towards the evil spirit with Akira following right behind, Yu moved his hands with grace while causing chaos, he cut all of the tubes that were after him.

Finally, it was time for the last attack, Yu lifted his arms, and put all the power he had into this last attack, he swung his arms at maximum strength and speed towards the evil spirit using all the 120 meters of the 10 air whips with his hands.


A giant explosion happened, and everything was destroyed/cut in the path of Yu's attack but even with this monstrous attack that destroyed and cut everything in its way, the monster managed to survive by dodging, but even then, the sphere was already broken.

"YOU BETTER FINISH THIS AKIRA!" Screamed Yu while using his last bit of power and strength into throwing Akira toward the monster, Akira zoomed towards the monster at incredible speed, but the monster still had one last attack, it used all the reminding water to cover his arm and make it a giant tentacle/tube.

The monster roared once again which indeed was a battle cry and extended his arm directly toward Akira as its last attack for this battle, his arm was 4 times the size of Akira, Akira focused his breathing and muttered...

"May you rest in peace..." He swung his sword horizontally just a second before the attack from the evil spirit was going to hit him, but nothing happened until a second later, the entire arm was cut in half as well as the evil spirit. The arm instead of hitting him because it was cut in half, both sides went past him without touching him.

Akira landed on the ground and saw the evil spirit turning into particles, in a few seconds the entire area was nothing but particles, Akira sighed in relief, but then he saw something happen.

All the particles started going toward Yu.

Yu was on the ground sitting down, all the particles started entering him once again through his legs, and he once again felt that amazing feeling.

He felt himself becoming stronger however he felt a weird and amazing feeling, but it wasn't the feeling that he felt last time. This feeling was new.

'What! That isn't supposed to be possible!' Thought Akira while looking at Yu, Yu notice him staring and smiled.

"Good shit Akira, I'm tired though" Yu said while turning his head to look at the sky, Akira again sighed, 'You aren't a normal psychic are you Ishigami?' Akira thought.

"Yeah, I'm tired too" Akira responded while walking towards Yu, Yu suddenly felt multiple signals coming towards them, directly towards them.

"AKIRA! WE GOTTA GO!" Yu shouted while getting up, it was many of them, at least 20 maybe more, he didn't have the type to count, all he knew is that they were coming in fast.

Akira made a confused expression, "Why?" Akira asked, "I sense multiple signals coming in fast!" Yu exclaimed loudly, Akira finally realized who they were.

"Yeah never mind, we gotta go!" Akira said, Yu started running in a certain direction and Akira followed.


"So someone or some people defeated it...and in that short amount of time too" A woman said, This woman was the boss of a very peculiar company, organization, group, however, you want to call it. (the same boss women of the last chapter and before)

"Ma'am, do you think it's the same person that killed the cat mid-level spirit?" Ask a woman, this woman is the secretary of said boss woman.

"Most likely...seems like things are getting interesting" The boss woman said, she then ordered the group of people to search for anything.



Yu walked out of the gas station after buying some health supplies, the regeneration of an Esper is multiple times better than a normal human but with the number of scratches and cuts on Akira's and Yu's bodies, they needed some just to at least make the pain a little less.

Yu walked toward Akira that was sitting at the edge of the sidewalk in front of the gas station, it was currently sunset.

"Your swordsmanship is fucking incredible" Yu told Akira while sitting down right beside him. Akira chuckled in response.

"Thank you, to me it's still not good enough" Akira said while looking at the beautiful sunset in front of his eyes, Yu raised an eyebrow and looked at him curiously, "not good enough? Who you trynna kill, the sword god?" Yu asked while giving Akira some rubbing alcohol and perfume.

Akira chuckled, "Something like that...why did you buy perfume?" Akira asked while looking at it with a blank face.

"Cause we smell like shit" Yu responded with a straight face, ' he not wrong...' Akira thought.

"Hey...do you know who those signals were?" Yu thought while spraying some perfume on himself, "...you don't know who they are?" Akira asked with a surprised expression.

"Am I suppose to know?" Yu answered, Akira chuckled in response, "I knew you weren't a normal esper" Akira said with a short laugh.

"How about this, give me your phone" Akira asked, Yu, tried to pull out his phone, just to realize...it wasn't there. His expression turned very grim.

"It's not there...it must have fallen out during the fight..." Yu said with a voice of despair, Akira tried to cheer him up.

"Don't worry I'm sure..." Before Akira could finish speaking, he saw Yu check his other pocket and take out a phone.

"nevermind, I just checked the wrong pocket!" Yu said with a bright smile, Akira stared at him as if he were nothing but shit on the sidewalk.

"what's with the look?" Yu asked, Akira sighed, 'what a drag' Akira thought.

hope you enjoyed it, remember to give me any tips if you guys have any have any

have a nice day or night

Lord_Bannedcreators' thoughts