
No Escape From The Shameless

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT & EXPLICIT SEX Please be advised. To admit or continue to pretend? Feifei is greatly troubled. "Would he love me, a man, just as much as he loves me as a woman?" Yuan fell in love at first sight at the most stunning beauty he had ever laid his eyes on. He firmly decided from that day on, "This beauty will be in my arms, in my life, in my bed!" Then began the pursuit of a shameless man to make Feifei HIS. Then began the plan of a cunning fox to entice Yuan in his beauty trap. Feifei : I.. I am actually a man. Yuan : ???? Feifei : Really... I am. Yuan : Let me do a thorough......check? Feifei : ?????

babyPig · LGBT+
Zu wenig Bewertungen
139 Chs



When Yuan found Feifei and Yanyan, they were almost about done with their business.

"Yuan, this is Heng Yan." Feifei held Yuan's arm as he inclined his head to Yanyan.

Yuan gave a nod of greeting to Yanyan.

"Yanyan, this is Yu Yuan."

It's the devil up close! Yanyan shrieked mentally.

Yanyan can feel her legs already shaking.

Her mouth seemed to have been stitched close by tension. So she just forcefully widen her lips to a smile.

And Yanyan's smile turned out to be the creepiest smile Feifei had ever seen!

It reminds Feifei of ghosts and night terrors.

Yuan chuckled.

He casually brought Feifei's head into his chest, leaned down and spontaneously kissed Feifei on top of his head.

He was really amused seeing Feifei's frightened reaction to Yanyan's smile.

Next, he kissed Feifei's forehead before silently releasing him.

He then took their bags containing their purchases and quietly walked behind them like a slave, following them.

Yanyan was stupefied seeing how Yuan casually kissed Feifei.

It's as if, him kissing Feifei is the most natural thing in the world to do.

For some reason, she was envious of the relationship between Feifei and Yuan.


Not for long, Yanyan became jittery. She is getting suffocated by Yuan's imposing aura.

She now wants to conclude her trip with Feifei and run far away from Yuan.

"Feifei, let's go back to Hisoki?" Yanyan suggested while darting her gaze to the silent Yuan.

Feifei followed Yanyan's eyes that fell on Yuan.

Feifei secretly smiled. Yuan is back to his usual aloof and distant self.

Despite Yuan's indifference, he looks striking and very appealing.

Infact, Yuan is the most handsome and attractive man he had ever met!

He then glanced at the skittish Yanyan.

Such a gorgeous man, why would Yanyan fear Yuan?

Maybe Yanyan doesn't like handsome men.

Yanyan has such bizarre tastes. Feifei thought.

Doesn't all women like good looking men? Even he likes delicious looking men!

"Feifei, let's just end our excursion here, okay?" Yanyan suggested.

"Have you by the way sent the money?" She added as an afterthought.

Feifei nodded and smiled.

"I already sent it after I dropped by from Yuan earlier."

"Then, let's go home?"

Feifei quickly glanced at Yuan.

"That...you see, Yuan and I have something to do. Let us send you back to Hisoki first, okay?"

Yanyan secretly looked at Yuan then stared straight at Feifei. She has a malicious smile on her lips.

"No need to send me home." Yanyan giggled at Feifei.

Feifei : ????

"Is that okay? After all, we made an appointment together." Feifei asked.

"I understand, Feifei. I understand." A malicious smile appeared again on her face.

Feifei looked at Yanyan with a strange expression.

"Then, can you please arrange for someone to have my bath barrel delivered to Guhya tomorrow?"

"Okay. No worries, my friend. I'm going to take care of it for you."

Feifei smiled and handed the keys to Yanyan.

"Let me know how much I need to pay for the delivery and I will pay you back tomorrow."


Yuan and Feifei walked Yanyan to the Market Square were the public wagons are located.

When Yanyan boarded the wagon, Yuan handed to her all her bags which was full of her purchases.

Feifei then waved goodbye to his friend and turned back to Yuan with a smile.

Yuan smiled back and took his hand.

"I want to eat cake." Feifei squeezed the hand Yuan is holding.

"uhm." Yuan then guided him to a cake shop.

When they entered the shop, there were quite a lot of people eating cakes.

The cake here must be delicious. Feifei thought.

"The peach cake. Ahhh it looks so good." Feifei pointed to a beautiful peach shaped cake.

Yuan choked.

Yuan guided Feifei to a table at the corner, pulled a chair for him and placed his bags of purchases opposite him.

Then he stood in line for Feifei's peach cake.

This peach cake reminds him of Feifei's delectable ass that he choked.

When Yuan came back, he has a peach cake on a small plate, a cup of water and a take home bag with him.

Feifei was surprised.

"What cake is that?" He pointed to the take home bag.

"Hawthorn. Their bestseller." Yuan answered as he took the seat beside Feifei.

While Feifei was eating, Yuan was watching him intently.

Yuan observed as Feifei opened his small mouth and ate a slice of the cake.

Imagining it was his cock Feifei was eating.

He was also distracted by how Feifei's pink tongue licked the cake.

His cock twitched.

When he saw Feifei sucked the fork, he also sucked his breath.

Tonight will be a long intense night for them. Yuan secretly promised.

Yuan leaned close to Feifei and whispered.

"This cake looks like your ass." Then he bit Feifei's ear.

Feifei almost let go of the fork.

Yuan chuckled.

Seeing a tiny crumb at the corner of Feifei's mouth, Yuan leaned close to Feifei.

He shielded Feifei from outsider's view as he licked and sucked the corner of Feifei's lips.

"You're much to my taste than this cake." Yuan whispered against Feifei's lips.

Feifei : !!!!

"You...others are watching!" Feifei held Yuan's shirt in shame. His face getting red.

"They won't see anything."

Yuan looked down at the red faced Feifei.

"Why, do you want them to see what I'm doing to you?" Yuan whispered softly.

Feifei looked at Yuan with big, frightened eyes.

"Yuan..." He softly called.

Yuan chuckled.

"You will learn, baby." Yuan promised.

Feifei choked.


When they went out from the cake shop, Feifei wanted to buy something for their dinner and breakfast tomorrow.

"I already made arrangements." Yuan kissed Feifei's head. His hair smells good.

Everything about Feifei smells good. Yuan thought.

Feifei looked at Yuan in admiration.

This man really is capable.

"What have you prepared?"

Yuan just hummed.

He hailed a horse wagon and they got in.

"Where is your horse?"

"I left it at Lily Lane. That's where my townhouse is located."

"Is it far from where you work?"


Yuan took Feifei's hands and pulled Feifei close to him.

With both Feifei's legs parted on either side of his, he let Feifei straddle him on his lap.

Yuan groaned.

When will Feifei confess his secret?! Its already glaringly obvious to him.

Yuan stared hard at Feifei's enchanting face.

Does Feifei naively think his secret is still a secret? Yuan groaned again.

Then he kissed Feifei harshly as punishment.

When Yuan domineeringly plundered Feifei's mouth, Feifei can feel his toes curl in pleasure.

He moaned as he held Yuan's shirt tightly.

Feifei is so lost on the pleasant sensations and the enjoyable feeling the kiss evoked on his senses.

He was so absorbed and into the kiss that when he felt something hard poking his ass, he was startled.

He pulled out from the kiss and bit Yuan's lips.


Yuan chuckled.

Yuan held Feifei's hips as he roughly grinded his stiff cock on Feifei's ass.

"But you love the shameless me." Yuan murmured hotly in Feifei's ear.

Yuan trailed hot kisses on Feifei's neck and nibbled the skin from time to time.

Feifei threw his head back as he gave Yuan further access to his neck.

Yuan looked at Feifei's dreamy state with his lips slightly parted.

Those pouty lips. Yuan breathed heavily.

He will abuse those slutty lips later. He vowed.

He then pushed his finger in Feifei's lips.

"Suck." Yuan ordered.

Feifei looked at Yuan in surprise but sucked the finger as he held Yuan's eyes in his.

Feifei twirled his tongue on Yuan's finger as he continued to suck vigorously.

The bewitching sight almost stimulated Yuan to the edge.

Yuan growled.

He licked Feifei's neck, wetting it lightly then sucked gently on the skin.

Feifei's breath hitch.

Yuan spread his legs and raised Feifei's skirt.

Looking down at Feifei's flushed face, he took his finger from Feifei's mouth and replaced it with his lips.

Then his hand went inside Feifei's underpants and palmed his butt cheeks, squeezing it tight.

Yuan held Feifei's ass as he rocked Feifei's hips to his cock. Rubbing it slowly back and forth.

Applying slight pressure, he grinded their hips together in a faster rhythm.

Feifei whimpered a cry.

His eyes begging Yuan to do something.

"Let's get shameless together?" Yuan growled against Feifei's lips.