

Known_Stranger · Aktion
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2 Chs

the beginning of end

Chapter 1

The start of end


(Afternoon of starting of spring. Class 3. Teacher is explaining. A boy looking out of window with cold eyes. Bell rings. Boy walking through the hallway hears someone calling him. Turn around.)

Motoharu: hey! Wait for me.

X: oh! What is it motoharu?

Motoharu: long time no see. I didn't saw you in summer holidays. Did you go somewhere?

X: well, no. I was in the town, spending most of the time reading manga.

Motoharu: well, that's strange. Once I visited you but you were not home.

X: is anything you wanted to talk about.

(Motoharu understood he didn't want to talk about the topic)

Motoharu: not anything particularly, just wanted to chat. Oh! Did you heard about that incident?

X: which incident?

Motoharu: the one before starting of the school. That was really amazing and cool.

X: yeah, I heard about that. I think that was a little bit show off.

Motoharu: I think our country needs incident like that.

X: don't know. Anyway I have work in home I am leaving.

Motoharu: ok then, see you tomorrow.


(X reached home and saw someone's shoes. Nice shoes from branded company. Her mom was talking loudly to a stranger. Tall boy, around 28years old. Blonde hairs)

Mom: you came home. Your friend is here.

X :( friend, huh? I don't even know this person. Who is he claiming to be my friend?)

Jake: long time no see, x. you have not changed a bit, when I left the town.

X :( do I know this person? He knows my name although. Something is fishy.)

Jake: can we go to x's room I wanted to talk to him.

Mom: you have came this far. X takes your friend to your room.

(Jake goes to x's room following x. He sits on his bed. X sits on chair and silently stares at Jake.)

Jake: so, how you doing, x?

X: cut it out, do I know you?

Jake: I don't think so. But I know you.

X: you told my mom you are friend of past. Who are you?

Jake: okay, I was thinking of having a good talk but you are really freaking out. I know what you did?

X: (what this man wants from Me.) is it about the window I broke. It was really mistake...

Jake: you know what I am talking about.

X: I don't have a slightest idea about what you're talking.

Jake: maybe you want to hear it from me. About xiang. Did it remind you something?

X: yeah, he was killed by someone and was parcelled to commissioner's front yard. That incident really shook me.

Jake: the killer also hacked the news TV and broadcasted himself just after minutes of finding dead body.

(Morning time. Every one having breakfast watching news. Suddenly news stooped and a man showed up wearing black suit black mask like a ninja but the dress was poorly made)

Ninja dressed boy: good morning country, I have hijacked this channel. I am just here for some storytelling, so hear me carefully. Once there was a man...

(News reporters: hey stop the broadcast. What is happening? Just shut it down.)

Ninja dressed boy: he was walking down the streets. Suddenly hears the screaming of a woman. He walked there some goons were troubling the woman. There were 3 of them so I handled myself .they were looking furious. They said you don't know us we are peoples of xiang. Get ready to die. Saying it they leaved. That was really depressing. People doing bad things under more powerful bad peoples. It was just the incident of last night. Oh! I forgot I have to make a call.

(Phone ringing .guy that was other side picked up his call.)

Ninja dressed boy: did the parcel arrived, commissioner.

Commissioner: who are you? What is the meaning of this? Why have you send this the body of xiang in a gift wrap?

(Everyone shocked. Did he killed the country's most wanted and also sent the body, gift wrapped to commissioner. Sounds of mumbling, shouting can be hear from every home)

Ninja dressed boy: it is a gift for you. Aren't you happy?

Commissioner: stop kidding around, this is a serious matter. If peoples working for xiang will get to know that body was found in my front yard. They will surely kill me. So surrender. It will also protect you from them.

Ninja dressed boy: sorry but I am a bit busy here I am live telecasting something important, so pardon me. Oh! And maybe by mistake you are live telecasted too. (Hangs the call). That is just last warning, for that 3 of them and rest who are doing crimes under someone. So, bye for now.

(Back to present)

X: yeah I know about it. What's the point? Why you are asking me that. Am I suspicious of being him?

Jake: no, you are not suspicious I am pretty sure, you are him.

X: dude, you are just wasting time.

Jake: so, anyway what are you doing after the old man died?

X: (old man. He knows about him) I don't know what are you talking?

Jake: see I know you killed xiang there's no point for lies. From where you hacked and live telecasted we knew your location although your security was hard to crack. Just tell me how?

X: ok, you want to hear truth. Then hear I was walking through street to my home late in evening I saw a man drunk holding a gun. He was so drunk he can barely stand still. I recognized him. Then there was a pulse in my brain. If I killed him I will be popular. He was too drunk to defence. I didn't even thought why he was alone and not with his goons. I just pulled his gun by force and shot him in head. Soon after this I panicked. What I have done. Am I drunk too doing things before having a second thought? I didn't know what to do. I just searched around. I found a delivery at someone's door. Suddenly I hit by a story. I took out its content and wrapped the body in the box and then you saw all story on TV. That was just lost of my sense nothing else. If you want to arrest me just do it.

Jake: well, wow. I am totally unspeakable. How?

X: I know I am mad. Sorry for wasting your time. Maybe I need to work more with my security in ip address. (I don't know how he broke through my security. where I left the holes? it was just perfect.)

Jake: how? (Jake said with cold tone)

X: huh? What do you mean? Didn't I...

Jake: how can someone make a story with so much plot holes?

X: do you think I am still telling lies?

Jake: well there was no base of your story. Finding most wanted criminal in weak state around your area without any of his man with a gun which he can use to clearly shot you and you killed him and lifted an average man into the box to the commissioner's house which is around 5 km from your house. It's just pointless. Also shot him but no one in the block heard it. Tell me truth I am not here to hear your lies.

X: I know it sounds silly. That's the truth.

Jake: so how can you explain these photos?

(Photos with many goons injured by sword)

X: gang war I think. After the death of xiang his people were fighting to become the next boss.

Jake: no one was shot. No one had swords. So how there are sword's wound. Aren't you with some ninja costumes?

X: that doesn't prove anything.

Jake: that proves everything. Let me give you the picture after the death of the old man you wanted to help the world. So, you started to jog in late night finding crimes. With the incident with the woman and coming up with the name xiang, you get the perfect chance to get famous, wearing a costume like ninja, I don't know why ninja, you went to the mansion of xiang injured his peoples killed xiang with a gun to make it look natural. Then you warned his goons not to speak a word of your arrival. Gift wrapped the body and delivered it to commissioners house. We have a proof; we have found blood of xiang in there. So about now don't make the conversation long by saying you have no idea.

X: (looking down) how did you conclude it all? That was just the perfect plan. Now what you are going to arrest me.

Jake: arresting you was never an option. I am here to recruit you.

X: so you are from some type of secret organisation. I am not interested in enrolling.

Jake: its S.O.B.S. and I never asked you. It's an order from above. Whatever you are doing in that weird ninja suit is illegal. If you don't join us, we can't save you from government orders.

X: what does it stands for?

Jake: it stands for Secret Organisation for Beyond Science.

X: it's like words are arranged desperately to take out a meaning. Anyway you said there also peoples above you. I thought someone like founder will come to recruit me. So what is your position?

Jake: I am a senior.

X: My entire act went to vain. He is just a stupid senior. And I was trying to play cool so hard.

Jake: hey! What do you mean?

X: well, nothing. So what are the advantages and rules to join?

Jake: that was easy. You just have to sign here. You will be given a watch. It will contain all the things needed like your badge, map, and from that you can contact me. You can't take off the watch. It will help us to track you.

X: signing! What does this mean? I will not sign anywhere let me read it first.

Jake: I don't any problem with that.

(Jake gives the contract to x)

X: (shit! It's lengthy. Why is there so much terms and conditions?) Hey Jake! I trust you so I am signing it without reading it.

Jake: thank you for so much trust. Now get ready for full body check.

X: wait. What?

Jake: it's clearly written on the contract about it. It's on the second line.

X: you already knew I was not going to read a shit. I deny for whatever check you're saying.

Jake: but on the third line it's written that if you don't obey this contract we are free to reveal your identity and also arrest you.

X: well played, I will not understand a thing from my report. It's like normal human body.

Jake: we will accept it whatever is the outcome.

(Jake make x to wear a device on his head which was covering his eyes. But the way can be seen clearly. They went to a UFO like big structure clearly visible located on national highway. What is the meaning of it? What is the meaning of covering eyes also? He wonder)

Jake: finally, we are here. So do you liked the screen?

X: (holy Christ! They were screen. All I saw was just some screens showing me bullshit. Now I know nothing about where I am? I let my guard down and thought they were fool.)

(Body check up lasted for 3 hours. Now x is sitting in the office of Jake)

X: man, I am beat. They did everything they can on me.

Jake: well, it will give every possibilities of what you are.

(Nurse came and they both went to the main projector. The projector started)

Nurse: we have checked his strength and agility. Nothing was found extraordinary. Everything is normal. His muscles are just like an average teen but his strength is extraordinary. His muscles go off the limit but nothing happens. Like he is getting all the strength from thin air. His muscles should have torn long back.

Jake: that's interesting! What about the sword?

X: hey, who touched my sword? I never gave permission for that.

Jake: according to rule no. 8....

X: just tell the results.

Nurse: the sword is made up of unidentified metal it does not show any chemical reaction and never lose it sharpness. It is more hard than diamond and nearly unbreakable.

X: now I should head back to home. If you had heard someone's precious advice I had saved some time and completed one chapter of my manga.

The starting of the story maybe little bit weird and boring but as the story progresses you will see many amazing concepts such as time and multi universe. in starting the mc will have limited power which will upgrade with time. at last it is a unique concept of highschool superheroes. just give it a try and till chapter 10 it will start to wreck minds.

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