
Chapter 9

Sam will be soon returning to marvel world and there is a surprise coming after that

Thomas now understood that someone must have found out about it and is trying to get the formula from Sam and Sam was trying to save it.

Thomas stared at Sam and then said "do you know who is after you." Sam nodded his head and said "league of assassins "

When Alfred heard this even he was scared. Thomas looked at Alfred and asked "Alfred you know who they are I can see it from your face, tell me everything about them"

Alfred was going to say something but Sam interrupted him and said "that is not important, actually I am here to say thank you for what you have done for me I will be leaving the country and if faith permits we might meet" Sam said this as he motion towards Alfred who understood what he wanted to do.

Alfred moved behind Thomas and Martha and gave a chop on their necks before they could react and made them faint.

Sam got up took the glass container and came near Alfred.

"Alfred use this on yourself don't let other know about it and please protect them. Tell Bruce that I wanted to meet him but could not and Alfred take this chip keep it safe "sam said this as he handed him a chip and the solution

Alfred looked at things in his hand and said "sir I can't keep this it..." but before he could complete his sentence Sam said " please keep them I don't have time. The chip can be used to open a secret lab in my house's basement if required you can use it in the future"

Sam ran away and then he vanished the next day.

That next morning both Martha and Thomas got up and saw that they were lying on the guest room sofa.

Thomas was very angry as he knew that Sam may die any time.

Martha and Thomas glared at Alfred who closed the door and told them a little about how these assassins have never missed a target and could go to any lenghts to do what they want.

Martha shouted in an agree voice and said "you knew all about them and you knew that if he went out there he will never return alive but.. But you still did that" she had started crying at the end of he sentence.

It took them some time to return to their normal lives but they understood that they had to move on.

Time passed and today was the day when both Martha and Thomas Wayne will be shot.

Sam was hiding in the shadows with two ANBU beside him who were holding two bodies identical to Martha and Thomas. A man came in the ally running toward the wayns and shot at them and at that moment the ANBU swapped them with the bodies and knocked them out.

Sam could see Bruce cry and his hands filled with blood. Sam had a deep bond with Bruce he felt like Bruce was like a little brother and seeing him cry made Sam's heart bleed. Sam gave Bruce a final look and then moved from there and returned in the pocket dimension with Martha and Thomas . The team of ninjas he had left over here had finally created a 1 acre safezone with different camps setup in it for doing research of things inside the pocket dimension.

Sam was walking around when a ninja kneeled and greeted him "hello master"

Sam answered "hi so give me status report on what all have you found in this place"

The ninja handed Sam a scroll and said "this place has a lot of unknown things like monsters which you have fought and after 3 years passed the pocket dimension is growing, which we believe depends on how you are growing. We have found some metals out of which some of them we have been able to identify like vibranium, gold, silver, iron and nth metal " when Sam heard nth metal he felt like the world had had gone crazy. Sam had been struggling to increase his power but he could not use rinnengan due to all its moves having high Chakra usage for which he needed to increase his level but his level only increases through quests which he rarely received and he had kept some points to use at the time of emergency therefore Sam really needed something to give a great boost to his power as he did not want to use the help of summons because it goes against the will of konoha itself as the will is more focused on protecting friends and those people that can't protect themselves at all.

Sam interrupted the ninja and said "can you bring me 5 kg of nth metal". The ninja looked at the report and then said" yes we can. "

Sam had many uses for the nth metal and its uses still had not been explored it is said that the person who wears it is granted a lot of power depending upon how good his connection with the metal.

Sam planned to create a suit with it that he can store in a rong.It took Sam a month to create the suit and used the Uzumaki mask to check what all abilities did the metal grant him

Gravity Negation: Grants the ability to fly and allows the wearer to carry objects 20 times heavier than what they normally could.

Heat Generation: The metal generates a heat aura, sufficient to keep a man alive under Arctic conditions.

Symbiosis: The metal bonds to and vastly augments the physical dexterity of the host wearer, even restoring lost physical attributes which recede over time.

Metamorphosis: Pure Nth Metal bonded to a host can shape and form into weapons or armor with adaptive features at their command. It will even move to protect the wearer from oncoming assaults against their person.

Regeneration: Its restorative powers are such that Nth Metal allows its user to regrow missing body parts.

Resurrection: The metal can also restore the host after total biophysical desiccation, restoring life to a dead body, or even physically reintegrate its user at a bio-molecular level.(locked)

Magic Negation: In recent continuity users can physically interact with as well as disrupt the presence of ghostly entities.(locked)

Energy Transference: Nth metal has the power to absorb and store vast quantities of energy for later redistribution.(locked)

Power Augmentation: The metal has the effect of greatly enhancing a user's powers, Despero having used it to augment his already considerable physical and mental capabilities beyond the norm.

Adaptation: The symbiotic metal has the capacity to adjust and augment itself in order to better aid its wearer with new abilities.

(I copied the ability part from wiki so if you want to know more you can look it up)

Sam nearly felt invincible wearing the armour that was like cloth on his body.

Sam then looked for ninja for the full status report which talked about some normal plants and trees and it seems many new species are being found every day and the monster that are killed are fed to other monstersfor training purpose