
Chapter 8

I forgot to do this at the start so let me first tell you that this is my 1st fanfiction please enjoy it and if you think that there is something missing then leave a comment about it.

Thank you hope you enjoy the chapter

but suddenly a bright light invaded his vision and before he could react he realised that he was left alone in the room and Tony and captain had vanished.

Sam looked around for a while and then asked the system

"system where did Tony and captain go"

[they have returned to the marvel world as the scroll could only maintain enough power to bring a single person to a different world.


"shit, tell this sooner. "

Sam had already determined which world had he come to. He had come to the DC universe but superman was still to young nor had batman's parents died so Sam was thinking what should he should do next. That is when he realised the timeflow over here was really slow but it was only 25 slower and not 100 times

. It seem the changes he had made to the scroll has led to these differences.

Sam then realised that if it was the DC universe then the assassins at nanda parvat at himalayas should be there and he should say hi to them as ninjas and assassins are twin brothers just have some differences.

So Sam headed to nanda parbat and reached a forest and rocky kind of place in between which there was a castle, he quickly went through the forest by using thunder god jutsu to teleport and then climbed up to the main hall where four people were knelling in front of a man dressed in Royal purple attire.

That person looked in his 40s and had death aura near which Sam believed was due Lazarus pit. Sam recognised that man, he was ra's Al ghul the leader of league of assassins.

While Sam was looking around ra's looked towards the place where sam was hiding and said "

You are really good at hiding if you were able to reach here undetected and I Could only spot you due to my instincts."

Sam came out of the shadows in his ninja uniform and stood there as if he did not care but on the inside he still had his guard on.

Ra 's looked at Sam and could tell that this person was very strong and he would not be able to defeat him.

Ra' s came in front of Sam looked at him and then said "you are powerful very powerful but can you defeat me in technique, I can see that it is only power that you crave for. So let's have a match only using technique."

Sam looked at ra's like he was looking at a kid

Sam had absorbed a lot of fighting experience when he absorbed the will of konoha and till now even the captain himself could not beat him in technique so he readily agreed.

Sam and ra's started to battle after some time Sam felt he was wrong as even if he had all the experience from the battles and he had only learnt some martial art whereas the ra's had trained in thousands of more styles than him and had become adept in them. He had also made his own style in which each move was a killer move and disrupted the rhythm of others martial arts


The battle ended with Sam not even being able land more than 5 strikes. Sam felt like he was the kid now and a monster was standing in front of him. Sam wanted to learn, he wanted to not only become stronger but use his current strength properly so he looked at ra 's and said"thank you for showing me what I lack can you teach me martial arts in return I will only ask for half of the organization and the other half you can keep it"

When ra' s heard this he was not angry as he knew the person in front of him could kill him any second therfore he looked at Sam and said "ok we have a deal then" they both shook hand and after that for 3 months Sam trained under ra's and now he was in 100% contole over his power and he believed that even superman will lose without having time to understand what had happened.

During his time at league of assassin Sam had changed many rules and also had a positive influence on them showing them that assassin's could also be protector.

Ra's had also taken an oat in his mind to protect this planet and use the resources to do good.

Today Sam was planning to leave. In the main hall ra 's was standing with nearly hundreds of ninjas with him to see of Sam.

Sam come over and ra's signaled with his hand and three men came out with 2 big bags.

Sam came in and gave ra' s hug and then ra's pointed at the bags and said "here is the money you had requested for"

Sam looked at the money and then bent down and stored it a scroll.

Ra 's had seen Sam do that many times so he was not shocked and he did not pry into it too much.

Sam then moved towards ra's and then gave him a box and said "this box contains a secret pill made by one of my ancestors it can increase the body strength of a normal person by three times without adding any muscle to the body, also give the body 9 times it original potential and increase the lifespan of a person by 3 times. use it wisely" said Sam and then vanished.

Ra's took out the pill and asked his men to prepare a room. Ra's ate the pill and could feel the power inside him grow and his body return to the peak condition and he also spat out three mouthfull of black blood and all the side effects of lasazur pit were gone. Today was a day that marked the birth of a legendary group but this story is for some other day.

Sam had left from nanda parbath and he was going towards Gotham to meet the waynes

Few days afterwards a handsome man with a handsome and slim body but packed with muscles could be seen sitting in an luxurious office.

Two people came in the room and greeted the man. The two people who came in were Martha and Thomas Wayne and the person who was waiting for them in the room was Sam.

Sam got up looking at them and said "hello Mr and Ms Wayne". Thomas looked at the man in front of Him and shook hands with him "its our pleasure to have you here Mr Sam. So how does it feel to be a 5% owner of an huge company"

Sam gave a smile and said "well I feel good."

They had a small chat and then Sam started working there as member of the board and a scientist he developed the touch mobile phone and many other apps and games this led to the enterprise becoming bigger than ever. Sam and the Wayne's became the only joint owners of the enterprise.

Sam had visited the Wayne manner a lot had spent a lot of his time with Bruce and the butler Alfred. After becoming good friends with Waynes Sam could not let them die so instead he thought of making their death look fake and hide them somewhere.

On a Sunday morning the Waynes receive a call from Sam telling it was urgent and he needed to meet them. At night Sam came in the house in such a way that no one would notice.

The whole family was sitting in the guest room with Alfred standing next to them.

At that time Thomas's phone rang and Thomas looked at Alfred after the call ended and said "Alfred , Sam is standing outside please bring him here"

Sam came inside and Thomas looked at him, it looked as if he had not had eaten anything for days and he was covered in snow. Martha looked at Alfred and told him"get something for him to eat and also some warm clothes".

Alfred moved out of the room while Sam said with a sad look "Martha its ok I have to move from here fast or else I will be risking your lives so please listen to me first"

Martha gave a angry look and said "what ever it is it can wait right now you are in our manshion and you are under our protection let's see who harms you, we will talk once you have eaten something.


Sam had to reluctantly agree and from outside he looked anxious and scared but on the inside he was just admiring how good of an actor he was.

After Sam was done eating he took out a small glass container with a blue liquid in it and then he said" Thomas do you remember that the past month I had not come to the office and I only met you during that month and no one else as I was creating a medicine that can help people avoid genetical diseases and also cure many other diseases and I was successful in doing that.. But it also has a good side effect,it strengths a person by three times"

Thomas heard this and could not believe what was told to him and even Martha and Alfred had the same look but Thomas knew that Sam would never lie to him.