
Chapter 11

The bright light faded and Sam could be seen standing in Steve's house then he suddenly held his head as he was going through the worst pain he had ever felt it felt like it was breaking him apart from the inside.

After some time Sam calmed down and the system voice rang in his head

[ Sam inplace of going to the parallel universe you had created you have somehow returned to the normal MCU universe it seems that due to you tampering with the scroll it has returned you to the normal universe where you have actually never existed]

Sam smacked his hand on his head when he realised what he had done.

First Sam moved away from Steve's house as they were no longer friends at least for some time and then he went into a hotel and booked a room.

Sam came inside the room he sat down and thought about how the family he had created was gone and how pepper did not even know him he wanted to cry over what he had done but then he thought about all the events that had happen and then he realised that this change is timeline and it becoming normal can actually be a blessing in disguise. As when he went over all the events he had altered he always felt that something bad was going to happen and his instinct told him that something wrong was happing so he called the system and asked

'so system can you tell me what would have happened over in that world'

[ as host can no longer go to that world I can say that you interfering with the help of Hokage had scared the whole world and this had also led to many mad scientists doing experiments and a war would have soon erupted you are actually lucky nothing like that happen remember you forgot that the will of konoha is to protect not to showoff and fight you are suppose to be a shadow in light known to all never to be seen protecting all never to felt.]

When Sam heard that he did not react and just sat down. He was happy for what had happened but now he had new goals. First was to meet that f*cking black head guy as when it comes to making a secret organization no one is better than him.

Sam asked an ANBU to come out and gave him a scroll.

Next day at the Helicarrier nick fury was in his office looked at the scroll and after confirming that it had no tricks attached to it he opened it and read it but just after he read half of the scroll he started to sweat he called Maria Hill and left the base. (at his house) . Fury entered inside, and then suddenly shot at the white wall after which Sam cam from his wall camouflage and said "well did not expect anything less than that" said Sam moving forward at which nick shot another bullet which the nth metal stopped. Sam vanished from fury's sight and appeared behind him and said "did you read the scroll" when fury heard this he put his gun down and said "next time you enter my house you are dead. So who are you and how do you know about us." while he was talking Nat had already approached Sam from behind and was ready to Lock him up but Sam just moved from his place locked Nat down on the floor with one of his legs pressing down on her hip giving him the pleasure he had never felt before, but he controlled himself and said "are we done here so now can I have a cup of coffee and I will tell you people all I want to tell you"

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