
Chapter 10

The monsters were being trained so that they could be used later.

Sam came out of the pocket dimension and heahed towards smallville, he used his new armour to fly there.

Sam reached near smallville, he came down and started to walk towards the Kent's house. Suddenly a good idea struck him so he went to a house in their neighbourhood and bought it.

After that he brought Thomas and Martha out of the pocket dimension and then woke them up.

Thomas woke up first and looked around. He remembered being shot. he looks around and finds himself in an unknown environment, a comfortable house though not luxurious. he is relieved to see Martha still on the bed and then came a figure in the room whom he had though he would never meet. Thomas came up to Sam and hugged him and then suddenly gave him a punch. The ring in Sam's hand tried to stop it but Sam stopped it and let Thomas punch him. Thomas looked at Sam and said while shouting "what do you think of yourself a superhero or something that can handle all problems on your own, you could have died. You are a part of our family you are like a son to me"

Sam felt like his heart that had been broken for so long being fixed. The fire sign was also reacting and he could see that the sign had changed and now he could summon more people and his body strength was being enhanced to a new level.

Martha woke up due to the Thomas shouting and looked at Sam after which Sam received a slap from Martha. After they had eaten something sam said"after I left your house I left the country but some people followed me and tried to get the formula but then assassin's came and protected me in place of killing me or forcing me to give them the formula. so I went with them to meet their leader and there I was told that their organisation had changed and it was not them who tried to kill me. So I stayed there and learnt martial arts and strengthened myself when a news came in telling that their next target were you both so I thought of a plan and replaced you with two bodies that looked exactly like you and then took you to the league of assassins base where you were healed. I have brought you here so that those people stay away from Bruce "Martha did not like Sam's Idea but Thomas knew that Sam did the right thing as getting them away can keep Bruce safe and Alfred was there with him like always.

Thomas got up and nearly bowed and said" thank you sam" Sam reacted faster and stopped him from bowing and said "you just called me your son and now you are bowing to me". The three of them

Spent some time after which Sam told them that he will be going to greet the neighbours.

Sam came to Kent's house and knocked the door, Jonathan came out with a kid walking next to him the kid looked 10 years old Jonathan looked at Sam and asked "what may I do for you Mr.."

Sam looked at Jonathan and said "hello actually I just shifted here with my friends and we are your new neighbours.so I thought I should come to and greet you"

Jonathan was surprised that someone actually sifted to such a remote area but he still had a smile on his face and said "oh hello I am Jonathan Kent, this little guy over here is my son Clark Kent and I have a wife her name is Martha."

Sam shook hand with Jonathan and said "hello I am Sam" and then bent down and shook hands with Clark after that Sam flipped his had and a basket full of fruits appeared out of thin air and then gave the basket to Clark and said "Clark is it, these here are some fruits for you" said Sam and then looked at the astonished Jonathan and said "magician, slight of hand it was behind me the whole time".

Clark was excited seeing magic and Sam showed him some more tricks after he was invited in the house and then he met Martha Kent who was cooking.

Sam returned to their house he had actually taken some of Clark's DNA so that he could use it to get some powers of superman.

Sam spent 2 years to make a serum and then injected it into himself. This finally gave Sam hyper speed faster than superman by 100 times at least as he had the connection with speed force and his strength was nearly 200 times what it was before but he still could not shoot laser from his eye nor could he fly without the ring.

In these two years the waynes and Kents had become best buddy's, they spend a lot of time together. Sam had gotten closer to Clark who would run upto Sam every now and then to play with him.

Sam believes that it was time the Kent's told them about clark so he went up to Jonathan asked " Jonathan I believe you have not told us something about clark and its totally fine if you do not want to but do not let that kid suffer he just wants to play on a football team let him do it" Jonathan had always known that this would have happened and so that night he called Sam and the waynes for dinner and talked about Clark's secret but he did not expect that the waynes to not even be surprised.

Thomas looked at Jonathan and talked about how, while on a drive with a pregnant Martha Wayne, Thomas witnesses a strange object fall to Earth. As he inspects it, Thomas' consciousness is transported to Krypton, and presented in a holographic form. There, he encounters Jor-El, wishing to know what kind of a world Earth is, as it is one of many possible candidates for him to send his son Kal-El to. Thomas tells Jor-El that the people of Earth aren't perfect, but are essentially a good and kind race, who would raise the child right, convincing Jor-El to send Kal-El there. Upon returning to his body.

When Jonathan heard this he was happy that they finally knew from where their son was. After having a small chat Sam asked Jonathan " can I teach Clark to control his power" Jonathan was surprised with what Sam asked as he knew even if Sam was powerful he can still never stand a punch from Clark. Thomas butted in and said "you see Sam here was thought how to control his strength which he gained through a serum that he had made so him training Clark was the best option. Sam had actually shown Thomas how he had enhanced the serum further to give himself super strength so th as had full faith on Sam's strength.

For six months Clark learned martial arts and was thought more about his powers and finally he was able to reach the point which took superman 4 years reach.

Sam at night was leaving the house when he saw 4 people outside waiting for him. Sam cam out and looked at them and said " so you people knew about me leaving" Martha looked at Sam as if she was looking at an idiot and said "well someone cleared his whole lab for three days and was acting to be happy when he was sad and also said inspirational words to Clark and said that he will not always be there to protect him and it was Clark's responsibility to protect those who are weak. And if we can't make out that this person will be leaving then I believe we are all idiots "

Sam looked embarrassed about being caught so he told them the truth" I will be leaving and I don't think I will be able to return so bye "Sam said that and a golden light shined and Sam vanished.

(returning to marvel world)