
Meeting Leila and Jason Tse

"It is the cliched zombies"

Isabel and Hash talked at the same time, stared at each other and laugh.

"You can say that the virus took over their sanities, but just like other viruses, once the host body dies, they'll also die."

Hashim shook his head.

"Maybe such diseases only exist more advance civilization."

He's not wrong, Hash thought.

"I agree, advanced civilization reached the peak of its evolution, even the smallest units." 

"Primates and dinosaurs!" 

Shouted Hugh from the living room. He probably heard it from the animal documentary he was watching. Everyone laughed.

"What an odd contrast."

While they're having a pleasant conversation at the dinner table. Hasher's phone rang violently.

"Who is this and how did you get my personal number?"

Annoyed, his voice is stern and loud.