
Illegal Assembly

"It's the law passed by the king."

Leticia answered indignantly.

"Correct! do you know how should it be delivered?"


The woman stopped. She tried hard to answer, but she was afraid she would answer wrong but them if she wouldn't answer similar effect would happen.

"Exactly, thank you for stating your point, miss Leticia."

Isabel smiled sweetly. Her speaking in public has improved. She's not as afraid as she was.

"Make sure you have enough research before stating a law, otherwise it will be thrown back at you."

"Says who?"

Ibir came interrupting her discussion. Did Hash forget to capture this man?

"Your highness, this woman said that private practice will be demolished."

Leticia stood up and flung to the second prince's side.

"This assembly is Illegal, I did not allow this."

Everyone in the hall looked panicked and confused.