
Behind the shadow of a fantastic world

"The mongrels were now acquiring the same powers as we do."

That was what a voice said inside a dark cave.

"I told you before, the human power is adaptability. They adapt to their environment to survive."

The woman outside the cave answered while kneeling.

"None sense! All animals on that planet evolve, even plants. What I am particularly concerned about were those half-bloods having powers, they're discovering the truth about power, magic, and immortality."

"Bahl! why can't you come out from that damn cave? You need sunlight for fu*k sake!"

Bah's voice sounded like it had asthma. It's heavy and excruciating.

"Never mind, why are you here on my turf, Shanya?"

"Can't I visit my creator?"

"Right! like you treated me like one. Where's that bore you promised to bring me?"

He heard the sounds of people crying at the foot of the hill at the top. A thin copper string tied to their hands and feet.