
Fooling Around

[Picture of the general Island that the park will be constructed in]

You know I just found out the true scale of All Might's power, when he fought the Nomu he was actually 60 TIMES weaker compared to his prime.

Since All Might said that if he was in his prime days, it would only take 5 Punches max to beat the Nomu, instead of the 300 Punches he did during canon.

And during his fight against All For One, AFO said it took All Might to reach 5KM in under 30 seconds, and that's when he was significantly weaker. (166.67 m/s)

So if my math is right, Prime All Might can run at sustained speeds of 10,000 m/s, 10 km/s, or Mach 30, and we all know that All Might can go beyond 100%...so 10,000 m/s is not even his top speed.


"Don't worry, I can get us up easy, and I can make parachutes with Momo's quirk too!", Kaga said enthusiastically.

"What? When and how did you even get Momo's quirk?", Himiko asked with eyes full of curiosity.

"Simple, I can store items...so I just imagined storing their quirk, and I stored Momo's quirk when she went to the bathroom alone, then I reverted her body back to when her quirk wasn't stored.", the way Kaga said everything was mind-boggling.


"Hacks! Which God's child did you save that you have such hacks~!", Himiko joked and wasn't jealous the slightest bit, which Kaga already expected that's why she's so easy going with these two.

"Anyway, for Shoto, I'm finding him an Ice and Fire manipulator quirk. With a quirk that aids in control it won't be strenuous for the body.

As for Himiko, Super Strength and Shape-Shifting, I guess. I'm basically giving quirks that won't raise alarm within the public eyes.

For Himiko, the public thinks you copy quirks by blood, so your diverse usage of quirks is understandable. But if you divert too far from it, many will start asking questions."

Kaga explained to which the two nodded at, Shoto could manipulate his quirk but to a very minimal degree. And Himiko who was a close-combat fighter needed the strength to be effective.

"Anyway, let me make parachutes", Kaga said and began exposing her belly and started imagining a detailed picture of a parachute, and just like Momo's, Kaga's belly shined.

Three parachutes bags popped out of Kaga's belly, to which the three wore right away, "So how will we go up exactly?" Shoto asked as he stared at the sky.

But Kaga didn't answer, she looked up towards the highest cloud and decided to connect a warp gate with that cloud and the ground that they were standing on.

The ground beneath their feet rippled like water, and they immediately fell into the warp gate and started screaming due to their sudden loss of balance.

"YAHOOOOOOOOOO~!", Kaga screamed in joy as she was the only one that was prepared of the three of them.

"KYAAAAAAA!", Himiko screamed in terror as she balled up like a child but eventually calmed down after hearing Kaga's playful screams.

Shoto on the other hand didn't even release a shout of surprise, but his butt cheeks clenched to the maximum. This showed that he himself did not expect to drop from the sky suddenly...but this was Kaga they're talking about. Everything is a surprise!

Kaga balanced herself by spreading her body flat, and when she felt comfortable enough, she took out her camera and began picturing Shoto and Himiko who were showing different degrees of body control.

Himiko was faring well since she knew how to control her body even while falling, Shoto who is more of a medium-long range fighter didn't have the same body control as Kaga and Himiko and therefore struggled.

After feeling contented with the pictures she took, she went back to enjoying the feeling of the wind that breezed past her body and letting it sway her hair to different directions.

If a dive instructor were to see them, he would cry in shock, the trio had no sort of safety equipment nor the proper attire. The three only had summer clothing since Kaga simply warped them up the sky.

Soon enough it was time to open their parachutes...but this is where a guide comes in handy and teaches them the dos and don'ts.

Kaga who was ahead of the other two opened her parachute when Shoto and Himiko were right above her, this resulted in the two slamming into the chute of Kaga, rendering it useless.

When Kaga felt something slamming into her chute she facepalmed herself, 'Top student in a prestigious school...and also Top for lack of common sense in not distancing ourselves'

Storing her chute in her Storage Space to untangle the bodies within it, she decided to just fly with her ice and grab Himiko since it's a whole better experience than slowly gliding down.

Kaga who grabbed Himiko startled her, "Wasn't such a bright idea to have opened my chute when the two of you are still above me", Kaga said.

"WHAT!? DIDN'T HEAR MUCH!", Himiko shouted back under the loud rustling of the wind, 'Of course, how did I not think of that...'

Kaga decided to not speak and just zoom down at an even faster speed with Himiko in her arms, leaving a trail of glittering frost.

Shoto who was seeing this can only shake his head and also ditched the parachute bag that he had, he chose to propel himself by ejecting streams of fire from his palms and feet, trying to catch up with Kaga.

Soon enough, the group were back on the ground to where they warped into, "Well...that was fun~!", Himiko cried out as she remembered the thrilling speeds they going at.

"If neither of us could fly...that would have been scary though", Kaga commented on the side, with the two agreeing to it since they were all grouped up...which was just a recipe for a disaster.




The group decided to have lunch and talked about the park in general, "By the way, how are you going to bring back the dinosaurs?", Shoto asked since from what they heard they were still bones.

Himiko lost all attention from her food and paid attention to this question and looked towards Kaga, "I'll show you after we eat", was all Kaga said.

But she underestimated curiosity...she who was about to take a single bite was looking at Himiko and Shoto who were slurping down their food...much to the shock of the people serving them.


"Was the revival of the dinosaurs that enticing?", was all Kaga asked as she too was also forced to hurry in eating her food.


"It is~!"

After hearing their answer, Kaga went and phoned the architect of the project.

[Ojou-sama? Is there anything you need?]

"Is there a large dome ready for use? We'll be conducting an experiment"

[Oh! We just finished installing one of it, so having Ojou-sama give it a test run would also prove beneficial]

"Very well, tell the people inside the dome to exit the place, a dinosaur would be placed in advance for testing"

[It will be done, Ojou-sama]




Currently the trio were now within a warehouse just after they basically swallowed their food in record time.

"Go on, pick your pokemon, let's see if you can tame it too~!", Kaga said and pointed to the hundreds of extinct creatures.

The one that stood above them all was the Sauroposeidons, and they stood at a massive height of about 20 meters. Truly a group of giants.

But that wasn't what the group were looking for, they were looking for the Tyranosaurus Rex which is the dinosaur shown in almost every dinosaur movie, there were even movies of All Might fighting one.

"Found it~!", Himiko said as she points excitedly towards the bones of a T-Rex.

Kaga immediately stored the the T-Rex along with her two friends, and she also went inside of it.

Inside of the Storage space, Himiko and Shoto were looking at a space that was all white, the ground was the same as everything...white.

As they looked around, they could see numerous objects floating around, villains that were caught but not moving, everyday items and clothes, and even tons of food.

"Welcome! This is my personal domain, I can control time here!", a familiar voice said behind them.

"No wonder you can bring back the dinosaurs~!", Himiko said amazed at what Kaga just told them.

Kaga then instructed them to move to the side since she didn't want to affect her friends with whatever time powers she uses here.

Using her imagination, Kaga proceeds to rewind the clock on the dinosaurs remains all the while watching it. After a minute of fast rewinding, the dinosaur in front of them now returned to its former glory.

The overall look of the dinosaur's skin was similar to the komodo dragon's skin, except many times thicker and tougher.

"So dinosaurs don't have feathers...", Shoto commented on the side, "I wonder if they roar or sound just like a crocodile?"

"Well let's see!", Kaga said as she pulled everyone out of her space, and they quickly made it to the dome enclosure that was said to be ready.

When they arrived, there was a noticeable crowd of workers gathering in the entrance, and when they noticed Kaga or in other words their boss, they made way and greeted her.

Looking at the massive dome enclosure from the outside, you would think a giant will never be able to escape from it, especially after looking at the massive titanium alloys bars that barred anything inside from getting out.

As the trio entered the dome, they made their way to the middle where there was a clearing and a medium sized pond of water. The inside of the enclosure was massive, it was made so that the dinosaur inside wouldn't feel trapped or restless.

For safety measure, Kaga made a levitating platform of ice for the three of them, and when everything was secured, she stored the ancient beast out.


The sound of the beast landing on the ground resounded within the dome, especially with its weight reaching in the tonnes, it stood at a towering height of 7-meters!

Like the predator it is, it began observing its surroundings and sniffed around in search of prey or enemy. It caught a whiff...and followed it, only to see a group of small things floating in the air.

The T-Rex stared at the group.

The group stared at the T-Rex.


The beast released a vibrating snarl similar to that of a crocodile's threatening sound. As the face-off continued, it seems the T-Rex was the first to break.


The roar was loud and deafening to those near, and a foreboding feeling to those who heard it from afar.

"So it can roar...mystery solved", Shoto said with a nod as if one of the world's mysteries have been solved.

"Okay, now we lead it to the fence and see if it will be able to damage it", Kaga said and began peppering the T-Rex with spheres of solid ice.

This seemed to have angered the beast as it charged after them, each step creating the a loud thud that made the workers outside of the dome anxious.

The trees and plants gave way to the beast before its sheer size and power, the running speed of the T-Rex was surprisingly fast given how the weight of the beast says otherwise.

When the trio neared the dome's wall, Kaga quickly made a warp gate that led directly just outside of it. The T-Rex didn't even bother that there was something in front of it, it trusted in its strength, and just thought of the metal bars as another tree.

As the beast neared the bars, it bursted in speed and tilted his head like a battering ram, planning to use his thick skull to power through.


The beast rammed its head onto the thick bars which created a large bang of noise, all the workers and employees who saw this took multiple steps back.


It seems the beast was hurt from its own attack and roared at it, after some more nudging but failure in moving the walls, it decided to leave and roam whichever place he is in.

"Congratulations! The dome held its place and didn't even budge nor show any signs of breaking." Kaga said as she examined every aspect of the dome with her byakugan and was happy that there were no cracks inside of it.

The architect who heard this was relieved, she was experienced and had confidence in her design, but never has she made something that was supposed to stop a beast of that size.

Kaga also checked made sure that none of the workers were secretly filming this, she wanted to surprise the world with a bang, and not allow some cheap leakage of information and rumors. And she was satisfied with the result, truly top-quality workers.

'Time to tame it in my Nine-Tailed Fox form!', Kaga thought.

'Next chapter...thought', a voice said in her head.








Look...I don't mind if you guys put a low-starred review and I won't delete it, AS LONG AS IT HAS PROPER CRITICISM. I don't want people putting low stars JUST because it wasn't their favorite genre.

Ex: "Not Yuri so 1-star, please change"

But if you're going to put a 1-Star Review just because you want to play around and taunt the person writing, then I hope you find something to do.
