
Chapter 4930

 Long Chen and Mo Nian rushed into the Demon-Conquering City immediately, causing countless strong men to exclaim. Obviously, they recognized the identities of Long Chen and Mo Nian.

 After all, in the battle three days ago, Long Chen and Mo Nian killed nearly a thousand powerful Heavenly Saints. All the Sons of Destiny were killed by Long Chen himself. The deputy master of the Fire Temple was even physically destroyed, and his soul was destroyed. Almost collapsed.

 Nowadays, except for the people from the four major families in Fumo City, the rest have moved. After all, if Fumo City loses Fang Tianyin, it is equivalent to entering a state of death. The city does not even have the most basic city defense, and no one dares to come here. Stay for a long time, otherwise the monsters will come and kill you without even a barrier.

 In fact, many forces had sensed the crisis long ago and began to evacuate before the opening of Tianmu Mountain. Those who evacuated now are basically the last batch.

 The battle between Long Chen and Mo Nian in front of Tianmu Mountain, even if the Fire Temple deliberately blocked it, there was nothing they could do. After all, too many people saw that scene.

 These people were making the final move when they suddenly saw the figures of Long Chen and Mo Nian appearing. Some of them were so shocked that they even dropped the things in their hands.

 "Oh my God, what did I see?"

 "It's them, yes, it's them..."

 "They're still alive..."

 For a time, countless people screamed because it was rumored that Long Chen and Mo Nian had been killed. The deputy master of the Fire Temple was killed.

 Long Chen and Mo Nian ignored the screams and didn't care that others would recognize them. They flashed and arrived in front of the city lord's mansion, only to find that the place had become a piece of rubble.

 At that moment, Long Chen and Mo Nian's hearts kept sinking. The scene they least wanted to see appeared.


 At this moment, countless powerful auras rose into the sky and rushed from all directions. Gao Jianli, Cao Guofeng, the master of Tianxin Hall and the master of Huangquan Pavilion all came.

 When they looked at Long Chen, their eyes were full of shock, but also filled with ecstasy. They led their respective sect strongmen to tightly surround Long Chen and Mo Nian.

 "Boy, your fate is so great, you are not dead?" Gao Jianli looked at Long Chen, his eyes full of greed.

 "I just escaped, but instead of looking for a place to heal my wounds, I came directly here to check on Xing Wujiang's family. Hehe, you two are really loyal." The master of Tianxin Palace said with a sinister smile.

 "It's true that there is a way to heaven if you don't take it, and there is no way to hell. You will fall into it on your own. No matter how great your destiny is, I can't withstand your torment like this!" The master of Huangquan Pavilion also said with a smile.

 The four major city guards were also in front of Tianmu Mountain at the beginning, but they did not participate in the war because they were doing a more important thing at that time.

 "I'll see how you die today!"

 Cao Guofeng sneered and waved his hand.

 "Buzz buzz buzz"

 Following Cao Guofeng's movements, the others also moved. Each of them held a golden seal in their hands.

 As soon as the big seal appeared, Mo Nian's expression changed:

 "The aura of Fang Tianyin, how is this possible?"

 The golden seals in the hands of Cao Guofeng and others all have the aura of Fang Tianyin. Maybe its aura is much weaker, but the fluctuation , absolutely can't be wrong.

 "Hahaha, that idiot Xing Wujiang wanted to destroy Fang Tianyin. Before Fang Tianyin was destroyed, he divided most of his power into our four divine seals. After all, we still have to thank him." Tianxin Temple The palace master laughed, the wrinkles on his face trembling, looking disgusting and terrifying.

 It turned out that the reason why they did not participate in the battle was because they were desperately trying to absorb the power left by Fang Tianyin. Fang Tianyin was destroyed by Xing Wujiang.

 But it was not willing to die like this. It released most of its power and was absorbed by the four golden seals. They absorbed not only the energy of Fang Tianyin, but also its will.

 Fang Tianyin hopes to retain his obsession in this way, so that it is not completely dead.

 They concentrated on absorbing the power of Fang Tianyin, so they escaped in the end. However, they were unconvinced and believed that if they could absorb the power of Fang Tianyin early, they could easily capture Long Chen without the need for the deputy master of the Fire Temple. And Mo Nian.

 Because according to them, they had absorbed at least about 60% of Fang Tianyin's power, which was enough to kill any strong person.

 So Long Chen and Mo Nian came to fight, carrying the residual power of the Tianmu Mountain battle, but they were not afraid at all. Instead, they were filled with endless surprises, feeling that Long Chen and Mo Nian had thrown themselves into a trap.

 The most important thing is that Long Chen and Mo Nian's auras are fluctuating, and they are obviously still seriously injured. They are more confident.

 "Say, where are Brother Wujiang's family members?" Long Chen roared.

 Long Chen is not afraid of these golden seals. As long as they dare to use them, Long Chen will dare to smash them with the Qiankun Cauldron. The Qiankun Cauldron cannot kill people, but there is no problem in destroying such things.

 "They were all cut to pieces by us, and we didn't even spare the newborn babies. What? Do you want to avenge them? Come on!" the master of Tianxin Palace said with a sinister smile.

 "Then you can all be buried together!" At that moment, Long Chen's killing intent was overwhelming.

 "Don't listen to them. Xing Wujiang's family members have been transferred long ago." At this moment, a clear voice came.

 "Clan Chief Yuluo"

 Hearing that voice, Long Chen and Mo Nian were immediately overjoyed. They turned around and saw Chief Yuluo walking out together with the four elders protecting the clan.

 "Thank you, Chief Yuluo!" Hearing Yuluo's answer, Long Chen completely let go of the huge stone in his heart. He was full of gratitude to Yuluo. Being able to save Xing Wujiang's family was an explanation to him.

 "Ashamed. In fact, when we rushed back, the Xing family members had already evacuated. The city lord should have known that this trip would be dangerous and had made all the arrangements." Yuluo Clan Chief said with a look of shame on his face.

 When Long Chen heard this, he immediately understood. No wonder Xing Wujiang had been talking about fate, luck, and feelings before. He had already expected a near-death trip.

 He tried to fight and fight, but unfortunately he failed to fight his fate in the end. Thinking of this, Long Chen and Mo Nian both sighed. However, the only good thing was that Xing Wujiang had an heir.

 "Shut up, you bitch, go to hell!"

 the master of Tianxin Palace roared. As a gray-haired old woman, she hated seeing those beautiful women the most. She was especially jealous of the Yuluo clan leader. Shi finally found an opportunity, the golden seal in his hand glowed, and the vast divine power instantly made the entire Demon-Suppressing City tremble.

 Seeing the Master of the Tianxin Hall getting angry, Chief Yuluo snorted coldly, formed a seal with his hands, opened the vision behind his back, and a huge tree appeared, which was the tree god of the Yuling Clan.

 Long Chen snorted coldly. He had already communicated with the Qiankun Cauldron. As long as she dared to sacrifice the golden seal, Long Chen would smash it with the Qiankun Cauldron.

 It is not convenient for the Qiankun Cauldron to fight head-on with others. It is afraid that after exploding other people's weapons and shocking the people to death, it will be contaminated with the power of the blood soul's death grudge, which will not only seriously affect its alchemy effect, but also slow down its recovery speed. That was something neither it nor Long Chen could accept.

 But the Qiankun Ding was never afraid of weapons that were released from his hands. Long Chen was waiting for his golden seal to be released, but at this moment, a shocking change happened.


 The golden seal was originally powerful and powerful, quite like Fang Tianyin releasing its pressure, but within a moment, a purple-gold seal's rune appeared on top of the golden seal.

 "Xing Wujiang"

 the four city guards exclaimed at the same time when they saw the runes of the purple and gold seal.


 As they were horrified, the golden seal of the master of Tianxin Palace was instantly covered with cracks.


 then it exploded and fell from her hand.