
Chapter 4903

 Long Chen saw a wider world through the amethyst sky pupil. The grassland that could not be seen at a glance seemed so small in front of it.

 "I'll go, I saw him."

 Long Chen even captured a figure that was flying wildly. That figure was none other than a powerful vampire who fled in a hurry.

 "I will catch up with him and kill him."

 Seeing this scene, Long Chen couldn't help but be overjoyed. Now that he had determined the general direction, he was about to set off, but suddenly the scene in front of him disappeared.

 "What's going on? Where's the person?"

 Long Chen's vision disappeared, and the Purple Crystal Sky Eye returned to its original appearance. Long Chen gently tapped the Purple Crystal Sky Eye:

 "It can't be broken, right?"

 "Then It's the natal pupil of the Tiantong clan, how could it be broken? However, that person didn't have much power left here. You just took a look and drained all the power.

 Now it is free from the shackles of its owner . , generates self-awareness, it will retain part of its power for itself to sleep. When the power is full, it will wake up from the dormant state and can be used again. "Qiankun Dingdao.

 Only then did Long Chen remember that the senior had said that his purple blood was needed to warm it before it could continue to be used.

 "Try it."

 Long Chen sent the purple crystal sky pupil into the soul space, and began to use the power of purple blood to warm it. However, the purple blood was always controlled by the dragon's blood pressure, and Long Chen could not extract too much of the purple blood. force, otherwise the purple blood will also enter a dormant state.

 When the power of purple blood wrapped around the purple crystal sky pupil, the purple crystal sky pupil trembled slightly and began to actively absorb the power of purple blood.

 However, what pleased Long Chen was that the Amethyst Sky Pupil's absorption speed was extremely slow and gentle, and would not affect the stability of the purple blood.

 In this way, Long Chen waited for an hour and took out the Amethyst Sky Pupil again. This time, Long Chen knew how to open the Amethyst Sky Pupil. He could look ahead with his own pupils and the pupils in the Amethyst Sky Pupil. Wider space.

 "Let me go, it turns out that the world in the Amethyst Sky Pupil is so beautiful."

 Before Long Chen didn't look carefully, the picture disappeared. Now Long Chen observed the world again and found that the world seen by the Amethyst Sky Pupil was more beautiful than the world seen in the Amethyst Sky Pupil. The world he sees with his naked eyes is more vivid, more beautiful, and more colorful.

 You can even see the rain and dew in the air, quietly nourishing all things, and you can see the runes of laws running between heaven and earth, like colorful petals, dancing with the wind, creating gentle whirlpools.

 Through this amethyst sky pupil, Long Chen saw countless things that he could not see before. Long Chen seemed to have re-recognized the world, and everything he saw seemed so magical.

 The most interesting thing is that Long Chen can control the distance and size of his field of vision through his thoughts. When Long Chen looked back and forth like a curious baby, suddenly the amethyst sky pupils produced a wave, as if they had caught something.

 Long Chen hurriedly stopped shaking, and then the Amethyst Sky Eye's field of vision narrowed rapidly. In a grassland, Long Chen found an open space.

 The open space is not big, only a few hundred miles in radius. The soil in the open space is red, and in the center of the open space, there is a bunch of green leaves.

 The green leaves are in a zigzag state and are only three inches high. There are nine leaves in total, which are surrounded together and look extremely strange.

 "This is... Saber-tooth Blood Ginseng."

 When Long Chen saw the handful of green leaves, he couldn't help but exclaimed. Saber-tooth Blood Ginseng is the main ingredient for refining the Nirvana Pill. Long Chen also obtained it through Huayun Trading Company. I haven't heard of its existence through other channels.

 It is rumored that this saber-tooth blood ginseng is a chaotic spiritual strain, which is extremely spiritual. It is no longer a simple treasure, but a tree demon that can attack and know defense. Its power is its ability to escape from the earth. As long as it wants to escape, almost no one can catch it.

 Moreover, this saber-toothed blood ginseng is cunning and suspicious by nature, and is also as timid as a rat. When it senses danger, it will immediately run away. Those who are weaker than it will only become its food, while those who are stronger than it will not wait to get close to it. It has already run away.

 Therefore, almost no one in the outside world has seen the real saber-tooth blood ginseng. Huayun Trading Company is still very powerful and sent several drops of saber-tooth blood ginseng essence to Long Chen, which is extracted from the saber-tooth blood ginseng juice. .

 And this thing was actually the inventory of Huayun Trading Company, and it was also an antique that had been stored for who knows how many years. Long Chen was still very moved at the time, but what he wanted was not these essences, but the living saber teeth. Blood ginseng.

 Not to mention a few drops of essence, even a basin of essence is just a drop in the bucket for Long Chen. It is not enough. He must get live saber-tooth blood ginseng and plant it in large areas in the chaotic space.

 "Buzz buzz..."

 At this moment, the Purple Crystal Sky Pupil began to tremble, and the picture Long Chen saw began to blur. This was a sign that the Purple Crystal Sky Pupil had consumed too much power and was about to enter a dormant state.

 Long Chen hurriedly stopped watching, put away the Amethyst Sky Pupil, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really a good thing, but it doesn't last long enough."

 Long Chen put the Amethyst Sky Pupil into the soul space and continued to nourish it with purple blood. At the same time, he bowed three times respectfully towards the direction where the powerful Tiantong clan disappeared:

 "Senior, don't worry, your eyes will witness me reaching the top of the world and rebuilding the order of the Nine Heavens."

 After saying that, Long Chen ran all the way in the direction where he saw the saber-tooth blood ginseng. After running for a long time, Long Chen opened the amethyst sky pupil for observation three times in a row. Long Chen needed to make sure that the direction was absolutely correct, and at the same time, he also needed to measure. distance.

 Only in this way, Long Chen would be able to estimate the approximate distance between the scene he saw and himself by adjusting his perspective in the future. Long Chen did not dare to walk too fast, lest he disturb the saber-toothed blood ginseng.

 After walking forward for several more hours, Long Chen stopped because he could already see the land with his naked eyes, but he couldn't see the saber-tooth blood ginseng in the core area of ​​the land.

 "Good guy, you can see so clearly from such a long distance." Long Chen calculated the distance and found that at his speed, it would take three hours to reach here at full speed.

 When I was watching before, it seemed like it was right under my nose, but I didn't want to be so far away.

 "You can't get any closer. The perception of the saber-tooth blood ginseng is extremely powerful. If you move forward, you will be noticed by it.

 Although it has given birth to nine leaves and its cultivation is comparable to that of the Heavenly Saint, your energy and blood are too strong. If it is too powerful, once it is discovered, it will escape immediately." Qiankun Dingdao.

 "Compared to a heavenly saint, you would be scared away by me?" Long Chen was speechless for a while. This was too cowardly.

 "I need to seal 90% of your cultivation level, and then you stab yourself a few times, leaving yourself seriously injured, and then seduce it." The Qiankun Ding spoke, and runes wrapped around Long Chen's body. At that moment, Long Chen suddenly felt weak.

 "How many more stabs are needed to seal 90% of the cultivation level?" Long Chen couldn't believe his ears.

 "Then do you want to catch it?" Qiankun Ding asked angrily.

 "Okay, I'll give it a go."

 Long Chen gritted his teeth, took out a bright broken knife, and stabbed his thigh.

 "That won't work, you have to stab the vital part, otherwise your aura will not be disordered at all." Qiankun Ding reminded.

 Long Chen gritted his teeth and stabbed his body more than a dozen times. Because of the seal, Long Chen's physical strength decreased, and soon there were more than a dozen bloody holes in his body.

 When Qiankun was satisfied, he let Long Chen move forward. Long Chen staggered, dragging blood stains, and approached the area. As a result, just after taking a few steps, Long Chen looked through the amethyst sky pupil and found the saber tooth blood. Ginseng disappeared in an instant.


 Long Chen was so angry that he almost vomited blood. This guy actually ran away. ?