
Nine Sacred Things: The Greatest Gift Treasures

An ordinary girl? I don't think so. All years serving is what she do. But yearning that her fate will twirl. Shedding gemstones as tears , you don't know? Life is full of difficulties, unlucky all follow. Yet she wanted to escape from another misery. And saved by handsome guy that shrouded with mystery. For the second time too from fraudsters. Showing weird things, what's the identity? Then that's how she'll starts her journey... Unfinished former work date: August 18, 2019 - October 30, 2020 Rewritten: January 1, 2022-

shistineJdLd1 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

C1; Episode 1/15: Who Is He?

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Episode 1: Who Is He?

Entry: 3

Day: Thursday

Date: March 29- 31, 2022

Time: 12: 01 am- 7: 36 pm

Author: shistine

Warning!!!: You may find some uncomfortable moments here like sexual assault, bad words and violence. To those who don't want something like that you're free to stop reading. While others that want to continue, read at your own risk!


Tak Tak Tak

The heavy footsteps walking in the v-type narra wooden tiled floor reverberate throughout the entire room covered in quite luxurious cream colored walls. Theres only red soft couches and narra wooden table flowery carvings as furnitures you can see. No one talks, just three adults roaming around back and forth from the straight line of human statue and pretty dolls.

A disgusting one with an aura of a neuvoriche stops time to time again at one statue like human to another. He goes to the pretty dolls too, not wanting a single one to miss out. It seems like he's inspecting something as his expressions changes every time he glares and scrutinize his licentious and perverted golden eyes as he rubbed his chin while he clicks his tongue or use it to licks his lips in some disgusting manner. But every time it ends with sighs, disdain and disappointment.

Behind him were a woman and man, seemed like couple. Their auras are impure, dark, wicked and evil that tinged with greediness, selfishness and cruelty. They have the flattering smile plastered in their distorted face and their eyes full of hunger for money and interests. An opportunists, their self- interest is what matters most to them. The two looked at each and smiled sneakily. Both have the same thoughts.

Both: {A fat cash cow appeared! Why don't we rip him to bleed? Hehehe...}

The two were really a couple made in hell...

But they became nervous, worried and anxious once they saw their VIP costumer slash their fat cash cow showed disappointment and seemed so dissatisfied with the quality of the products, the human statue, human dolls and a human merchandise. And it increases as time goes by but their VIP costumer still hasn't choose what to buy. Their forehead tickled with cold sweats. They both frowned and looked intently to this fat cash cow as they don't want to lose, such big source of income. Also they didn't want to get a bad review or else their business will go downstairs.

While the two wretched couple are worried about their merchandise if it will go sale today, the 'merchandise' are worried and scared out of their wits. Under that disgusting pervert guy's uncomfortable eyes, the 'merchandise' trembled and felt nervous.

His inspecting style is always same and applied the same amount of attention on each items. He will linger his disturbing eyes from the bosom to their skin and downhill then coming back to their head. Then to their beautiful and alluring faces. That's just his visual inspection.

Next right up is the physical test... He, as an 67 years old perverted man he still want to taste a supple and tender skin. He grabbed the hands of the human dolls and rubbed in some uncomfortable manner.

"Ugh...!!! You... Mister, wha- what are you doing?," shocked, the human doll raised her voice in a very worried voice. She broked the deafening silence in the room but got a hurtful slapped instead.

"You! B*tch! Shut up!!! Who told you to talk?!," someone's anger and cussing with a slap replies the human doll.


The merchandise sucked a cold air. Hiss... That surely hurts a lot. She felt stinging pain in her cheeks and she felt that her ears bleed. It hurts so much! Too much painful that it made her cry and broke down. She collapses to the ground. Tears streaming down her eyes to her cheeks but it made the pain worse.

This makes some of the human statues, human dolls and merchandise sick. It makes every single hair of their body raises. They grind their teeth, surpassing the disgusting feeling that creeps inside of them. Others want to ran away. If only they can hit this man without offending someone, they already done it.

Endure, they need to endure everything. But why must they?!

Many trembled in fear. They wanted to pity that fellow but they knew that their situation is not any more worse than her. So few garnered up a little bit courage and tried to flirt with him so that they will be chosen. But the heavy atmosphere inside the room is suffocating.

Actually, what products those two wicked people selling? They are children above seven years old to 18 years old minors that will line up straight like now as a merchandise needed to be test out and be a display. Right now all display are female because the costumer is a man. Something like this is too common in Cincidumo kingdom.

Cincidumo is a kingdom that locates at the southern part of the Atlajika World, a magical planet from a very far far away place in the universe.

This kingdom is small, weak and drowned in poverty. Far cry compared to its rich and well managed surrounding kingdoms.

Truly poor with scarce resources of food and fertile land, bad and complicated seasonal disasters. No good economy improvement showed since quarter of a century ago, basically two hundred and fifty years ago.

Because of this situation, Cincidumo seemingly became the most poor and pathetic kingdom of all the thirty kingdoms in the certain continent.

Having a poor and depressing life conditions thus it resulting to many bad choices and ideas made by its people. Crimes are committed and arise one by one. Starting from stealing foods and resorted for more big, serious and heavy crimes like murders and selling off their own bodies for gold, silver and crystal coin (money, their currency).

This caused further destruction and additional problems in the kingdom of Cincidumo. It gives headaches to the incompetent monarchs of Cincidumo. There's no way you'll have a peace of mind here. It's plague with dangerous and ominous aura. Expect to experiences violence from this wrecked kingdom...

There in some secluded forest, live a wretch and evil couple who does a very illegal and inhumane job. They are Bosnia and Dinggo Nisuzue.

They adopted and even kidnapped many children from infancy to a ten year old kids and raise them into slavery or sold off once they turned 18. They cause many evil things. The style and the ways they handle things are too cruel. They turtore unobedient children so that they'll submit and work forcibly without fighting back at them.

They were human traffickers. Too hateful, isn't it? Maybe, you would wonder why they still didn't catch by authorities?

Well actually, they were very crafty, have many accomplices, hideouts and strong backing. And by the injustices and problems revolving around the kingdom, authorities and monarchs don't have time to eradicate such hidden and horrible organization and people.

They were human traffickers. Too hateful, isn't it? Maybe, you would wonder why they still didn't catch by authorities?

Well actually, they were very crafty, have many accomplices, hideouts and strong backing. And by the injustices and problems revolving around the kingdom, authorities and monarchs don't have time to eradicate such hidden and horrible organization and people.


The female merchandise was dragged to the underground prison. In return for 'damaging' the product, the disgusting perverted man must paid an extra of a hundred thousand gold coins. He clicks his toungue in annoyance. It seemed like he gets nothing good here. What a waste of money and time!

Look at this situation ha! The female merchandise's fate turned to be like this when she just only struggled a little bit yet those wicked and opportunistic couple uses this chance to ripped off someone's money. They don't even felt a little bit remorse, guilt nor sympathy for what happened and they have done. Those people are truly cruel, wicked and heartless!

"It seemed like everything displayed here is not to your liking, my lord," the wicked woman worriedly said while smiling wryly.

"Of course! Nothing here is worthy of my attention. Everything seems too mediocre and bland in taste, some are sour and others are bitter. There's also too sweet! I would like someone a little bittersweet. Everything you have is graceful, delicate, innocent, cute and suductive. It would be nice if you have a delicate looking yet though, not fragile and easily broken unlike that b*tchy one earlier," like a stating a fact, the old man shrug his shoulders and displeasingly voice out his thoughts.

The female behind him felt offended by the disgusting perverted but rich man's words. Her veins in the corner of her forehead bulge. It's llthe evidence that she surpasses her urge to scratch someone's face. There's really a time, place and situation that she needed to suppress her wicked acts. Especially when that condition will bring a huge losses. But of course that doesn't  mean that she can't think of wicked things in her head like this one...

Bosnia Nisuzue: {Not worthy of your attention huh?! Who wants your attention?!... Is he stating that my products are not good?! How can I lack a good goods?! Even it's seller is not someone you can be nice to associate with?! How dare he looks down on me! You disgusting old perverted man you're just rich yet you already acted snobbish and arrogant!}

"Darling, what do you think we shall do?," the wicked woman whispered and showed her worried and troubled even seemed a little distressed in her crinkly face as she turned her back and leaned towards her husband. Her eyebrows frowned and her eyes darted uncontrollably every where. This VIP costumer of them is surely hard to please! It's giving her a headache!

"I don't know. You know that all I have is brawls not brains... Oh wait!," the sadistic, selfish and horrible man wanted to stay out of this matter because he couldn't think of solution when the idea came up to his brain that as tiny as a pea. His sudden jerking made his wife intrigued.

"Do you remember her? The unwavering and stubborn girl from eight years ago? That one, that ten years old girl we adopted that years ago? You know what she became much prettier! The fiery blonde haired girl with emerald eyes that tinted with a faint rainbow color? The one that always giving us headaches! If she's not that too pretty like fairy, I wouldn't keep her here. But of course torturing her those years were all quite fun!," the sadistic man started to ramble on and on. Slowly uncovering the girl's details as he speaks. And showing his true colors.

The wicked woman try to recall that someone her husband talking about. And she finally remembered. "Oh yes!!! That hateful and disobedient child! But darling, she's not here today! You know earlier that she snucked out again. That time, we don't have a time to look for her because we're preparing to display our products... Oh! Darling! We must call her back! Immediately! I'm sure this d*mned fat cash cow will like that troublesome child as it suits to his description!," the wicked woman quickly ordered her husband to find the girl they are talking about, not wanting to waste more time.

But the questions are: Where can they find her? Can they find her before this VIP costumer runs out of patience? And will that child willingly accepts to be sold off to a disgusting perverted but rich man like that person? Whether this question will be answered or not, they needed to find her first!

"You go find qng bring the child back while I stall the time for you! I'll deal with this d*mned fat cash cow!... Now! Darling, go!," at times like this, the wicked woman uses her big brain to do stuff like that and strategize so that they won't loss a good deal. Like always!

The sadistic and horrible man just nods at his wife and rushed out from the room. This sees by the disgusting perverted but rich man that now already sitting in the sofa in a comfortable lewd position.

"Where is that horrible looking man going? Where is he fleeing at? Tsk! Slacking off in his work I wonder how the madam hired such sucked *ss man!," he suddenly commented and even clicked his tongue in feeling shame for that Dinggo Nisuzue, the sadistic and horrible man.

"Oh! {I wanted to scratch his face then struggle him to death! I wanted  to watch him screaming in pain and wish he never born! How dare he speaks ill of my husband in front of me?! He's just a fat cash cow that waiting to be ripped off his gold until he bleeds and nothing more!} You know, my lord, your taste in women are unique so we were quite having a hard time looking for a suitable one for you! Fortunately, I have another hidden beauty! And this time I'm confident that you'll like her!," hiding the obvious rage, she answers the disgusting perverted man as she tries to calm down herself. She walks a few steps before arriving the across the opposite side of the disgusting and perverted man's sitting couch. Now the two are facing each other with appropriate distance from each other.

Hah! As wicked as she can be, you wouldn't expect that this wicked woman to be too loyal and loving to her husband! Maybe that is the only good thing about her.

"Then where is that hidden beauty that you're talking about?," interested in the hidden beauty, this disgusting perverted man rubbed again his chin and looked truly disgusting as his eyes shows that he's thinking some k*nky things in his head!

"My lord, {I wonder if she'll like some disgusting and perverted thing like you. By that troublesome child's nature I bet she wouldn't. Who would like you, who is some old disgusting and perverted one that about four times that of the age of her?} as I said, a hidden beauty is hidden! So it'll takes time to retrieve it! Please understand the situation and be patient. It'll be good for your own sake. {Even good for my husband and my sake!}," her mind is thinking something different while the words came out of her voice is not flattery. The smile in her face cranked, it's too weird and unpleasant.

"But if you're feeling bored you can play this game..." she suggested and get a board game thingy under the table. Then she pretended to attentively tell the rules and mechanics of the game. They played quite few times but the always winner is the wicked woman.

So they both became bored. But the wicked woman is getting too impatiently and slowly losing it. Each second passed, the wicked woman felt that a piece of gold coin is decreasing from the deal they'll get later if this continues. Oh! She felt like crying! How long does she still needed to wait?!

Bosnia Nisuzue: {Hurry up darling! Dinggo Nisuzue! You're wife and this d*mned VIP costumer will turn crazy soon enough if you don't return with that troublesome girl! Where the h*ck is that troublesome girl goes to?!}

Meanwhile at the sadistic man's situation...

"This is not good!!! Where the hell am I supposed to find that disobedient girl?! In that f*cking vast forest?! How?! Where?! Ahhhhhh!!!," he shouted in frustration, voicing out his troubles finding a 18 year old girl.

He subconsciously walked in to the human merchandise' and slaves' chambers. And it gave him an idea again. He carries his whip and barges inside. All the female human merchandise were all back to this room since no one was picked.

"Hey! You... Come here!," his loud voice scares all the female human merchandise and it seems like no one wants to obey him so he begins being harsh and rough to them.

The rough and callused right hand grabbed one female human merchandise. She's trembling tremendously and begs him to let her go.

"M- master! Ple... plea...se let... th- this low- lowly... one... g- go!" She's writhing in pain as he tightens the grip.

"You d*mned one, shut up! How dare you begged me to let you go?!... Looks like I slacken in disciplining you disobedient products! That's why we don't get a sale today. We wouldn't hqve to resort to this last card if not for you, you bunch of too good- for- nothings!," he shouted angrily. And happily vents his anger like lunatic by whipping the female human merchandise in his right hand.

He laughs maniacally while she whimpers and sobs, screams in pain and agony. She didn't do anything wrong to be hated like this! But as a human merchandise, what can she do? Her fate is not hers and whatever happens to her doesn't matter. She can only accept everything and endures the whipping.

While her tears are mixing with her fresh red blood. She now became gruesome and hideous to look at. The beautiful young woman earlier is gone. It seemed that she'll be disfigured after this. And her worth will decrease and sooner or later she will become a servant or worse she will die from this whipping by blood loss.

She doesn't deserve this and no one here deserve to be beaten. Unfortunately, in this kingdom, the morality is discarded and human rights are disregard almost by the whole population.


After finishing the instense venting frustration, the female human merchandise fainted like that of the earlier fellow like her in the suffocating room. The sadistic and horrible man left with satisfaction in his face and he grins his lips widely after he called for two burly servants to carry out of the room the fainted female human merchandise and let the other one clean the stone floor that been stained with blood. You know that it's a bloody sight!

Dinggo Nisuzue: {Now! Let see if they still dare to disobey my orders!}

"So... Let's get serious to our main business! ," he exclaimed and looked maliciously at the other female human merchandise.

It made them gulped their throat and frantically nodded while said," Yes! We're ready, master!" The sadistic and horrible man smirks looking at their terrified faces but obedient manner.

"One of you reported to me that stubborn and disobedient girl snucked out again, who the hell is that?," he directly questioned everyone as he scanned the whole crowd.

Each one of them looked at each other, asking the other using their questioning eyes and gestures without any sound coming out from their mouth as they remembered that this sadistic and horrible man doesn't like noise, and asked if it's the one who reported the disobedient girl sneaked out.

Until one female human merchandise raises her right hand and everyone curiously adverts their gazes to that one.

Under everyone's curious gaze, she is shaking a little but she managed without any stuttering, she confessed what she know," Master, I'm the one who saw and reported sister Reine sneaking out the chamber earlier this morning!"

"Hmmm... Yes, it's truly you. Do you know where she is? I f*cking needed that disobedient girl right now!," the sadistic and horrible man said while cleaning the whip that thickly covered in fresh dirty blood. He stops a few seconde to gives her a single glance before continuing to wipe the blood stains.

But he looked again at her when he felt that she didn't have a plan to tell him any further.

"I...," the female human merchandise hesitates to answer but she change her mind when she saw the threatening and scary dark eyes of the sadistic and horrible man like it was a sucking vortex, once you fall in that you'll be trap in a bottomless abyss, falling and falling until you have a mental breakdown.

She didn't want it to happen so she tell the truth to the sadistic and horrible man, petrified," In... In her hiding place. The one spring inside the cave at the back of this chamber! Master... You... It's not too faraway from here, about five hundred meters. I know master already know it but it's easy to get lost so allow me to escort master there."

"Ok fine! I'll be your honor to escort me there! But of course good dogs should be rewarded right?... If you got it correct you'll have the reward you want but if not...," he gestures his hand like it's splitting his neck. It only means one thing, if you deceive me then prepare to die!

The female human merchandise flinched and sweat cold beads. She gulped her throat and she started her flattery. She said ensuringly," How would I dare do that to you master?... Rest assured I couldn't do that. My pretty head and life is what matters most to me! I'll be truly my honor to help the master. And more importantly, I could be rewarded once it's done!"

"Good!," with what the female human merchandise said he finally felt relieved a little.

When the other female human merchandise hears that, they suddenly filled with envy and jealousy. They didn't even care about his gesture only his golden words. Why is it that they aren't the one who find out the disobedient girl sneaked out? Wouldn't they will be the one to get a reward if they did? What a shame they didn't!


Dinggo Nisuzue, his six burly servants with the female humane merchandise's leading the way, they arrived outside the mouth of the cave. The path towards this cave. One will trully easily got lost in the woods before going here. But the female human merchandise is being too familiar here. It seemed like she also goes her a multiple times already.

"Master! Sorry for being to audacious but can I request something?... Just this once!," it seemed like she's desperate about not going inside.

Dinggo Nisuzue: {Is there something dangerous out there?! That's why she didn't want to go inside? Is this damned female human merchandise fooling with me?!}

"Speak!," he have doubts but since this female human merchandise makes things easier for him then he'll let her wish whatever she wants just this one. He'll not be selfish for once.

That's because he still needed to hurry capture that disobedient and troublesome girl. Before he represents her, she must also get bath before she got there.

"Can I not come inside please?," she requested. She doesn't want to go inside of the room.

"Such unnecessary! Is that it?!... You wasted my time! Go back and don't show up yourself in front of me anymore or you'll always remind me of tricking me! If you don't want to die then do it!!!," the female human merchandise bursted another bubble of this sadistic and horrible man.

Phew! Fortunately, right? She don't need to enter the cave. Though the cost of it was she needed so be more careful in the future not to appear in front of that sadistic and horrible man. But it seemed like she's scared to let her sister Reine to find out that it's her who blew up her cover. She's utterly scared and guilty that her sister Reine will hate her if she knew. They have already been a sworn sisters but now she betrayed her. That bonds might cutted off, forever.

She knew that her sister Reine will felt extremely sad and maybe also furious. So she didn't want to appear inside the cave, her sister Reine won't know it's her. Even if her sister Reine will suspect her, she will only say that she doesn't know how they find her there. And without any evidence she can't come up with the confirmation that idea is from her. When the time comes her sister Reine will have no other choice but to dismiss that idea. Hah! What a good betrayal!!!


Inside the cave, Dinggo Nisuzue's team entered the cave and go further in of it. There's nothing special about the cave but it's quite beautiful and fascinating though. Just crawling wild flower ivy in the walls of the cave and some mushrooms growing in the ground while weeds are in some other parts.

The small polished and smooth stones were neatly arranged as a pathway. On the other hand, the big stone rocks seemed to be used as a chairs, tables, cabinets and other furnitures. And the wide flat stone that big enough for a single person to sleep in was covered with haystacks that served as the bed.

Everything here seemed to be deliberately crafted by someone skilled and this cave was used as a living quarter as there's even a female clothes in top of one big stone rock.

And the further they go they saw daffodils and tulips with few weeds besides the trails of the pathway. The rippling sounds of water is slowly heard echoing as if it's accompanying the soft and melodious but sad voice of a person singing.

"🎼 🎶 Butterflies~ So pretty yet short lived! Just a little time yet filled with happy memories~ Hope! Life forever like this!!! In turbulent world you can find peace~ Though happiness was like a butterflies! You need to wait for a long time and work hard! Before you get into that stage~ Happiness! Not easy but worth it~ I... !!!" The beautiful and meaningful music piece sings by a melodious and soft voice came to a sudden halt as terror and shock crept into the singer's system.

"Father?!... No it is master! Why are you here?! How did you find this place?!," startled, she immediately stands up. The beautiful maiden wearing a thin and plain sky blue dress with fiery blonde hair and emerald red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet hues colored eyes that looked like fairy exclaimed as a surprise and unbelivable expression pasted in her charming face as she saw the figure of a tall fine mature man along with its six burly and muscular servants. This fairy like maiden seemed to be sister Reine that female human merchandise talking about earlier.

"So this is the place you always sneaked to?!," once again rage in his heart won over the control of the sadistic and horrible man's body and mind. He furiously shouted at her while pointing his finger in the ground.

"Come with me! Quick!," he sharply ordered. But the beautiful maiden like a fairy is being disobedient. She stubbornly shakes her head and too bent in refusing to go with the sadistic and horrible man," No! I won't go with you! I'll stay here! You can't force me!"

How could she still go back to that hellish place? All what she'll experience there is pain, sadness, misery, despair, disappointment, depression, hatred, deprivation of freedom, losing of dignity and unreasonable punishments. Once she go back, she knew... She knew that she'll suffer the same grievance or maybe even more worse. So she's unwilling!

"Hah! F*ck! You disobedient girl! Do you really think that I can't force you to go back with me?! I have hundreds of thousand ways to do that!... You punks go! Grab that disobedient and troublesome girl," he threatens her yet he immediately commands the six burly men servants to capture the maiden.

The two starts to act like immediately once they heard their master's order. They rush to her in fast speed of lightning but it easily dodges by the maiden without any sweat as if she has a keen sense of seeing and hearing. It's even applies when she performes high jump in accordance to her quick reflexes, making the two unable to stop crashing to each other.

Seeing that normal average brute and speed of lightning didn't work on the maiden, the other one decides to use his power of water element! Using a spell, from the spring, the water spring up and materialize into something like a thin cloth that binds someone thightly. He controlled the water as if it obey his commnds and have conciousness.

It locks its target to the girl, a fairy like fair maiden. Splash splash the water dematearialize and it became a stale and normal water once it hits the stone and earthly ground.

"What?!," but it is shocking to see the water that becomes normal starts to reform its shape again. This one will be an endless torture! How can she dodge of all that if it's endless?! The cycle will repeats itself repeatedly, again and again. While she will get tired of dodging it from time to time!

Reine: {Hah! Do you think it's an omnipotent spell? Nah! Fortunately, I know how this works. The spell caster must give his or her 100 percent attention and focus to what his or her is doing so that the spell will be stable. Of course, the profesional one and masteral level don't need much focus to do that as they are too familiar with the spell. You just need to hit the spell caster to loss his focus and you can finish this endless game!}

So here she goes! Sprinting at fastest speed she can do, she dodges all the water binds though it seemed like it's following her, and moving forward. One, two, three seconds... She get closer with just three seconds to that burly man with cross scare on his face! How fast is that?!

Now to end his endless game of torturous water cycle, he must taste this bittersweet side kick! "Hiyah!"

"Blergh!" That kick is more than enough for the water element burly servant with crossed scare on his face to loss his focus. He collapses to the ground and feels the indescribable pain in his stomach. It feels like the organs of his body recieve an intense beating, it hurts so much!

"Three down! Half more to go!," she said rejoicing as she smugly smirked at the rest of the six burly men servants.

"Ugh...," now the three big and burly men servants are hesitating whether they still need to capture that fiesty one? They don't want to be a meat paste like those three.

"You cowards! She just beats three men and you are already this scared!?," he reprimanded them for backing down without any fight. But what does he mean by just beats three men? Those are all men! A men that have strength that ten times of that grown woman have and they have powers on top of that! A petite, weak and delicate fairy looking maiden beats a men like that, isn't that scary? How can that sadistic and horrible man take it to lightly?!

"You don't follow my orders?! Go on! If you want to suffer more than what those three failures get if you don't capture that mischievous and troublesome girl!!!," again, he likes to threaten and tourture people. Installing fears and miseries to make one forcefully but obediently do any of his biddings. But if that one don't feel scared of him anymore, what do you think he'll possibly do?

You already know how brutal he is and he can be more! So threatening is just a piece of cake. The three gulped and turned to catch the maiden.

Reine: {Now I became mischievous.... What else do they call me? D*mned, disobedient, hateful, troublesome, the kid from eight years ago...? What now? I'm a trouble! Hmph! Who asked them to trafficked me? Now they are blaming me for their misfortunes?!...

I didn't do anything that much. I just struggled to get out from that hellish place every time I have. Who even likes to stay at that kind of place? Slavery, human trafficking, brutal punishments, uncertainty on one's life...

They don't have any regards or consideration for people's life! All matters are their self- interests and themselves. Should I go back there to be slaughtered? I already endured many things just to get out of trouble and pain for myself, how can I go back just to experience all those things again? I'm already too pitiful, must I became more pitiful? Should I make things difficult for my own?}

"You are a horrible person! Heartless! B*stard! Savage! Lunatic!...," the maiden like fairy named Reine starts to swears loudly while dodging the catchers' ploys of catching trap.

"Tsk tsk tsk! D*mn! How many times do I have heard that from a troublesome girl like you?! Are you planning to make me go deaf?!," clicking his tongue in annoyance he also bickers with the maiden. Both are serious and unyielding. One wants to catch and the other wants to flee.

"What have I ever done wrong to you guys to treat me like this?!," her heart and emerald tinted now full of red sparkles are raging with anger and hatred. She wants a reason for them doing this.

"Tsk! Stop resisting! Why are you always make troubles for us, huh, you disobedient girl!?... You let me ask you! This place, you can't survive if you became weak! Be obedient and repay our kindness and honor of calling as like a real parents! We give you shelter and food, what do you still want?! You just need to be obedient and your life will become easy!!!," irritated by the maiden named Reine's ranting, he shouted angrily and too annoyed.

Of all the trafficked human here, she's the most stubborn and toughest person with best combatant skills and strong survival instincts. He don't know if it's innate or not but it makes things harder for him to discipline her.

"You give me shelter and food but I already repayed you when you beated me for no reason! I can call you like a real parents!? That's an honor?! Who forced me to call you that?! Isn't it you and your wicked wife?! You are such a hypocrites!!!," her angry, hoarse and loud like thunder voice echoed inside the cave, making the sadistic and horrible man, Dinggo Nisuzue, subconsciously cover his ears. He hates loud and noisy things!!!

It seemed like Reine will really make him deaf. She seemed to lose control of her anger. She gnashes her teeth and tightened her grip on her fists. She's trembling in extreme sense of ferocity and indescribable anger. Her emerald eyes loses all the other rainbow color hues except for the ones that are burning and red like flames. It's flaring up as if she's ready to end all the things here. As if her sanity is losing same as her reason.

"Ugh..." Without noticing, all the three burly men servants are already down in their knees and writhing in pain. The sadistic and horrible man knitted his eyebrows close to each other. He felt nervous. How long has it already been?! Oh no! His scary wife will blame him for not bringing her fast. He must think of solution! Ah!

Even if his brain is as small as a pea, he can still thinks an idea especially when the situation is urgent. He smirks his lips and his black eyes like that of a crow, glints a cunning and malicious light.

"You choose! I'll destroy this place and thing precious thing or you come with me obediently!!!," As he knew that she always cared about a single thing like tbe things she created like this. But he knew that this orb that contains and looks like that of the starry sky is far more important than this place she created.

Dinggo Nisuzue: {If I remember correctly, this useless orb was with her when we trafficked her eight years ago. It must be important to her ad she didn't let us touch it even a single graze. She even hugged it tightly, not wanting to let go. Why not use this to blackmail her? I might succed.}

"You...!!!," Reine regained her sanity when her eyes laid down on that starry orb. It brought her back from her losing and clouded state of mind to normal one. All the rage, hatred and anger replaced with nervousness and worries.

She grits her teeth and calms her raging heart down. With grim face she forced herself to nod and said," Fine! You got me! I'll go with you but first..."

Before she finishes her words, she sprints full speed ahead, snatching the starry sky orb in a blink of an eye from the hands of the sadistic and horrible man.

"What?!," it shocked and surprised the sadistic and horrible man. It caught him off guards.

Dinggo: {Just how fast is this d*mned troublesome and disobedient girl?! To snatched something from my hands without even me being aware? It's too to know that it's not my hands any more! This d*mnable one!!!... Humph! Whatever! It's useless anyway now that she don't have any choice to go with me!}

"You! Incompetent and coward fools! Get up! Or you'll be buried here alive?!," he threateningly said with darkened face. That sadistic and horrible man even kicked those six burly men servants and it made them scream in pain.

"Get up!!!," he sharply commanded that it makes those six to get up with so much effort. They pushed themselves to their limits just to walk.

"I need to get my thing!," Reine said and smiled triumphantly. The fearless, delicate and fairy like maiden is back again. Unbelievably, she left the cave unscathed after all those fighting and threatening. But she almost have a mental breakdown there! If not she saw that starry sky sphere or orb then she might do something more unexpected...

But what she can't help thingking is that...

Reine: {How did her father- I mean this sadistic and horrible man discovered my hiding place. This place is too secluded and easy to get lost. No one will arrive if they don't know the place and forest very. Is it... Seemed like someone betrayed me. For what?! Why?!}

It's like a bitter medicine, she felt suffocated by thingking someone dear to her betrayed her. But she needed to get thoughts together. She'll put it in the back of her head and deal with that matter later. For now, she is curious about whythis manis so adamant tobrought her back even after all the troubles. She needs to be extra carefully and wary a little bit. No one knoews what might happened.


Reine: {So this is why he brought me here?! He even let me take a bath first and let me eat good snacks before coming here! Just to be sold off?! ...Just by looking at the disgusting and perverted eyes of this man, it's making my stomache churns,  I feel like throwing up all the food I ate.}

The disgusting and perverted eyed the fairy like maiden who was now neat, clean, refreshed, blooming and beautiful. This disgusting and perverted man's lingers in every part of Reine's body. Petite, delicate- looking, charming, good body curves, fair but there is fierceness and disgust in the eyes. A bittersweet as he said!

"Great! You didn't disappoint me this time! My waiting is worth it! From head to toe, all are perfect! It matches my taste! So now can we start to make a deal?... Hmm, how about three million gold coins?," extremely satisfied he now immediately proposes the payment.

Three million?! ... Gold coins?! How much is that?! You can already buy many things like fertile lands, mansion, jewels and many other luxuries with just quarter of it but the wicked and opportunistic couple is not satisfied with just that. Didn't they planned to make this person bleed of money? So they will truly execute that plan. " How can you do that, my lord? We raised her so painstakingly to be this great perfect girl. She's the most precious thing here to us, how can you just purchase her with mere three million gold coins?!," the wicked woman started to be cunning again. Swindling and trickery, she's really good at it.

"What? What do you mean? Is three million not enough?!, confused he asked. He frowned and scratched his head. He goes to thinking and then he looked at the opportunistic couple.

Bosnia Nisuzue: {Humph! Got cha!... This d*mnable disgusting and perverted man took the bait now I just needed to add fuel to the flames!}

"Aiyah! Of course, my lord! This thing is the most expensive and dearest to us. As I said earlier, a hideen gem! Hidden gems are precious and rare! Shouldn't you buy it for more expensive price, my lord? The pricer the product the higher is it's value! So how about another two million, my lord? You can get many bonuses for purchasing our dear and expensive hidden gem! Not just a beauty that matches your taste, but can also fight for you and... a great stamina! She's not easy to get exhausted so you can have a long lasting fun in bed!," with the wicked woman's clever mouth and cunning, she tries to pursued the disgusting and perverted man.

"Oh! I got it! Five million gold coins, is it?... Fine I'll puchase her!," the disgusting and perverted man get what that wicked woman is hinting and he got lead by her persuasion. Finally he merrily agreed to the deal. He smiles full of delightful and licentiousness as he looked at the ravishing and delicate fairy looking maiden. It seemed like he already planning many naughty and bad things in his head.

The three planned and signed a contarct about the purchasing price without even asking Reine for anything nor asking any concerns about her. As those opportunistic couple already knew that she'll stubbornly refuse no matter what.

Reine just stays still while looking at them with darkened expressions and silence.

Reine: {How can that woman speaks like I'm the most beloved posession when I'm no better than those human merchandise they've been selling for many years?! The only difference is that they forced me to be their 'adopted daughter' and call them same as a child would call their parents. What hypocrisy is that?!... Aha! So they only wanted to get as much money as they can from that man?! What a mean and horrible thing to do!}

"Our dear Reine, I hope that you'll be a good girl when you go with the lord," her sweet and loving voice gave a frightening feeling to Reine. It giving her goosebumps as every small little hair in her body raises.

When that wicked woman gets close to her and tries  to touch her, Reine couldn't  tolerates it anymore and she slaps that hand away. "Don't touch me! Not with that disgusting, cruel, dirth and rotten hands of yours! No never!," she shouted full of disgust and so much hatred. Her voice echoes loud and clear inside the luxurious room. The room is soundproof but it keeps all the noise inside so it's an ear piercing shout.

"You...!!!," the wicked woman gets shocked by her sudden outburst. "Darling, come here! Let us wrap this disobedient and troublesome girl before we gave her to the lord!" The wicked woman commanded. Bulging veins showed in her not so pretty face, a distorted one.

"Wait... what?! You can't do this to me!!! Don't touch me, I said!!! Arg... Don't dragged me!!!!...," Reine's screams and shouts echo again and again making everyone irritated. The sadistic and horrible man have a big and seemingly unbreakable rope to tie Reine's up. Caught off guard, she couldn't react and dodge immediately, so that's why she got by him.

The noises just died down after Reine got striked in the back of her head qnd fainted. "Will that beauty be okay?," the disgusting and perverted man asked for a bit of concern. Actually he just didn't want his purchased product be damage because he paid a huge sum of money.

"Oh! No no no, my lord! Don't worry, she's treally ough and not easily exhausted as I said. That girl won't be damaged in a sense of way and she might even became obedient... My lord, can you please wait a week for us to prepare your purchased product?," the wicked woman replied.

The disgusting and perverted man thought that it's reasonable so he agreed to get his product after a week.

The wicked smiled evily and laughed maniacally after the disgusting and perverted man left the luxurious empty room. Her lunatic laughing reverberated throughout the entire room.

Bosnia Nisuzue: {I did it! I got five million deal! Who would thought that girl costs so much? Five million gold coins! Hah! In a weeks time they'll be rich! Super rich!!! Hahaha...}


That's what Reine hate the most of them. It's their selfish, opportunistic, unconcerned, mean attitude, cruel, notorious, evil, sly, cunning, disgusting and rotten personality. She's been gritting her teeth for EIGHT whole years for surpassing all the pain and enduring every hardships. She felt distressed and knew that she didn't deserve any of it! Nor her fellows don't deserve such harsh treatments.

Reine was one of the batch of children that been trafficked a eight years ago who lives a very arduous and difficult life.

She doesn't like the food they gave to them. It's a spoiled, moldy, leftover and sometimes hard as a rock foods like bun. This kind of thing can't be eaten! No way!

If people eat it they might get food poisoning or worse they'll get sick and die. Those wretch couple wouldn't possibly waste a crystal coin (hundred thousand gold coins) for medication, they're also too stingy. They might as well use it buying cakes other and luxurious fancy dishes.

Reine, when she just turned twelve years old many years ago she looks like ten years old girl. Well since the food given to them is not in the best condition of course she'll became malnourished and also she sometimes forced to eat grass and wild fruits than eat those inedible foods at least it can surely filled her stomach and savored such freshness and deliciousness.

Not until she found the cave where so difficult to find. A few times she lost in the woods before finding it. But she finally memorized the path so she started sneaking there and then. She build everything inside there to make her living condition better.

But because of her stubborn manner and she always seemed causing trouble every time she sneaked out, she was frequently punished, a painful punishment such as beaten by stinging whips, brood and thick wooden planks, put in the a caged prison wherein her opponents were became a hungry, ferocious and brutal lion and tigers. From there, she inflicted with countless deep wounds, broken bones and internal damages.

Fortunately she can pull through out of this and barely manage to keep her life. But because of this, she also learned to fight. Maybe you don't know that of all the young people that been turtured and abused, she's the toughest and bravest. She never cried not even a single shed of tears.

Or so do we thought?


In a small black pitch room that deprived completely off of its light, vibrancy, warmth and freedom, a maiden with fiery blonde hair and tattered ragged clothes in the bed looking eighteen years old filled with gruesome and serious deep fresh wounds in her pale and fair smooth skin that evidently wounded from the merciless slashes of the whip.

Not just painful wounds but also cold and heavy shackles of iron chains wrapped tightly around her wrists and ankles as if someone afraid that she'll escape.

But she has no more energy not even to lift her own finger and hardly keep her eyes opened... Her eyes filled with nothing but emptiness. That small and dark room was so eerily quiet that its too deafening. However, with the maiden's subtle low but barely audible breathing makes that room a little bit something.

Her painful, stinging wounds were the only one that keeping her awake and felt a speck of warmth that barely keeping herself to life if not for the depressing and chilling atmosphere inside the very small and dark room.

Every corner you look you'll find nothing but darkness. The windows were nowhere to find. Only the shabby bed with a light quilt and the rusty metal door in front. There's no escape even if she wanted to.

Sadly what's with this pitiful sight? Why did she live a difficult life like this? Should she really need to force herself? She ONLY want to leave this place at peace! But that doesn't mean that she should be sold off to some disgustiong and perverted man!

Suddenly a creaking sound of the rusty metal door that been shut real tight for almost a week opened slowly. The light slowly evaded the pitch black room, blinding Reine's tired and half opened eyes.

Of course, if you've all seeing is the darkness then after a week your eyes will sudddenly showered by such glittering, shimmering and shinning sunlight who would easily adjust to that? Wouldn't you feel like you'll turned blind like what Reine thought of?

She immediately shut her eyes and blinks a few times before clearly seeing the blinding silhouettes that opened the rusty metal door.

"Oh! Look how you've suffered! Why don't you just obediently follow what we ask, my dear Reine? Wouldn't you will feel lesser pain if you do that?" That's the opening remark with a worried expression of a wicked woman, Bosnia Nisuzue.

She have charcoal colored hair and raven black eyes like her husband. Truly a crow, cruel, wicked, selfish, merciless, heartless and evil personality of a crow.

Her setup today is being too extravagant and luxurious. With heavy makeup that she thinks it will look pretty nice but nicely comical actually.

The wicked woman tried to speak to Reine more so that she'll give in but sadly Reine is not someone who you can easily be persuaded. Reine just glared at her and ignored her words after. She just wanted to rest. She's too tired to even argue. But this action of her, irritates the this wicked woman. She grabbed Reine's hair and pulled it upwards, with too much harshness.

"Ahhh! It- it hurts!," Reine screams when that wicked woman yanked her fiery blonde colored hair painfully.

"You disobedient girl! Pesky brat! How dare you glare at me like that?! Servants! Grab her!!!," that wicked woman shouted angrily in return and commanded the two burly men servants that behind the wicked woman to grab her.

"Noooo!!! Let go of me! Let go..." Reine exclaimed out of her lungs while struggling, trying to escape from those burly men's grip.

"Brat! Disobedient girl!!!," extremely furious, the wicked and austere woman, Bosnia Nisuzue, slapped Reine hard that it leaves a red fingertips in Reine's face and it makes her head go to the right side.

Shocked but expected, Reine only took a few seconds before she bring back her head looking at the wicked woman with burning gaze, extremely expressing her bloodlust. She doesn't want to do anything but her painful wounds forces her to resist.

"You... !," it successfully intimidates the wicked but now clown and distorted face ugly looking woman, makes her retreat a few steps backwards.

"Where is the whip?! Give me the whip!!!," she commanded when she regained  her composure and it gave to her in just after a few seconds.

"No! Don't hurt sister Reine!!!," the loud shriek and sudden intervention of someone didn't stop the landing of the whip in Reine's body.

"Ish!" Fresh crimson coloered blood oozed out from that slash wounds which is extremely painful but suprisingly Reine just let a suprised and whimper sound nothing more.

"Humph! Unrepentant!," the wicked woman unpleasantly remarked and tried to whip Reine one more time. "No!!!," this time the shriek a from a woman accompanied with a quick footsteps and desperate pleas.

She arrived at shielded Reine's body with her body. The determined eyes and acts of the girl to protect Reine makes the wicked woman stops.

"Hah! Oh well! It seemed l8ke I need to give you a farewell gift before you felt this place," the wicked woman said sharply and go out, too irritated.


The girl looks fifteen years old with remarkable white hair cascading down on her tan colored skin. Her eyes is purple in color and it looked too sad, worried, guilty and scared.

"Sister Reine! How could they hurt you this badly?! Why are they so heartless!? I shouldn't told them if I know this would happen even if I have to die!!!," the girl suddenly speaks in aggravating and sorrowful voice. She's too carried away by her emotion that she slips a words.

"What?! Wha5 do you mean even if you have to die?! What is it that you told them that if you didn't you have to die?" Reine suddenly panicked.  What the hell is that girl says?

"I'm sorry! When life is on the line, I choose to betray you! I'm sorry! But my life is more important. It's the most important thing that matters most to me! Please forgive me... Just this once!!!," the girl immediately get down on her kness and confessed. She poured out every emotion she have in heart as she said those sentences, words by words with full of difficulties and sadness. So she's actually the female human merchandise that divulged Reine's hiding place.

"*sigh... Its hard to hard to accept but it is understandable. I can forgive you but i can't forget it. It is a lie if I tell you that I'm not disappointed and sad. Anyway who wouldn't do that? Especially when their life is threatened? But you already did that so let bygones be bygones... They would know where I hide sooner or later. I'll be my fate to be sold off too. And I know that it was bound to happen.  I just didn't expect it to be earlier ...Ah! I'm not going to blame so relax...," when Reine sees her teary eyes, she instantly panicked. She wants to ease the tension. It seemed like she really genuinely forgiven the girl. Knowing that its also a hard decision to make but she's sincere in asking an apology from Reine, she forgives her.

Reine's words and statements makes the girl more guilty and ashamed but at the same time she's glad, relieve and happy. "I... I'm just too happy that you forgove me eventhough I... I'm really sorry sister Reine! I shouldn't have done that! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I even think of hiding this matter to you! I... I'm sorry! I truly am! But my conscience don't let me. I'm so sorry sister Reine! I think I don't deserve your forgiveness. I'm sorry! I don't... I'm so-," her tearful purple eyes, guilty, sad, sincere and regretful repentace in her voice as she confessed and asking for forgiveness again and again is too much pinful and sad to bare.

Too helpless, Reine finally hugged the girl and patted her back to calm her. Still, she couldn't believe that shes been betrayed by her sworn sister but most importantly the betrayer confessed what she did and said sorry.

"Why don't you cry, sister Reine? I never saw you cry. Even though you're experiencing too much pain and abused, you never shead a single tear," the girl curiously asked as she's also been a little worried.

"Why? Do you want to see me crying?," Reine asked teasingly, easing ghe atmosphere.

"No no no!!! I don't want to see sister Reine cry! It's just... You never did and that's too sad. But you also seemed tough and brave!," the girl said seriously.

Reine stops and thinks. Come to think of it she really never cry!

"What does being brave can do? You see I struggled so much but I still fell from the same fated hell hole. It's just bound to happen, ahaha...," Reine said casually but painfully qnd smiled awkwardly to hide the pain.

"No! Don't say that! Do you know the meaning of Puppa constellation?," the girl didn't agree to what Reine said. She then question her about a constellation. Reine gets confused and didn't know what is the connection of that constellation to what theyIare talking now. But of course Reine knew what it is.

"It's The Puppet constellation," Reine answered.

"Ah huh! You told me that the puppet constellation's backstory! Do you remember at the time, you told me that... The puppet is... Being controlled! A person's life is said to be already st in stone. Everything happened to us are destined and we must accept as what it already was...

But no! We can't be like that! We must pave for own path with our own hands and our own strength. So what's the hardships? We can overcome it! So what's the laziness? We can force ourselves to work! So what if we're stressed? Then take a break and move forward after. So what's about bad temptations? We will shunned it away! So what about pain? Don't be afraid because it can get better as time pass. So what about the wound? It can heal! So what if we tired? We can rest and tomorrow...

As long as we're alive, we mustn't give up! We must give up the struggle to break free from the shackles. Because once we give up, we'll be the same like a puppet, following others without own will and decision...

So looking at the Puppa constellation, I hope that it will remind us that giving up is not a choice, wtrive for your own path and don't be controlled by others... Those are the exact same words you told me five years ago when I'm beaten nearly to death and I want to sleep forever," she said seriously while admiration sparkles her eyes as she recites it wholeheartedly, word by words.

Reine: {Giving up, the Puppa constellation, huh? Yeah I remembered! I really told her that!}

"So... please don't give up living! I know you can break free this difficulties and live the life you want...," she added. Her words are meant to give courage to Reine and reminds her, her words in the past that the girl uses to moves forward.

"Of course I won't!... Thqnk you Chelsey," Reine said as she thanked and call the girl by her name.

Again the girl teared up and requested," Can you... Can you please sing to me a song, just this one last time! I wouldn't hear your voice anymore once you leave her so I..."

"Hush! Of course, I'll gladly do it! This one is entitled 'Farewell Song of the Nightingale," Reine accepted her request. She gulped and cleared her throat. Then her melodious and soft voice flowed out...

"🎵🎶 We already come this far~ Though not in hills, nor land~ We didn't go through horizon~ But I didn't expect this end~ For the last time~ I'll seek your figure~ And I'll sing a song~ For me a fleeting one~ May not we meet again~ So I'll give you this one~ Th3 farewell song of the nightingale~ For you a beloved one~

Now our bonds will severed here~ But I didn't expect this end~ For the last time~ I'll seek your figure~ And I'll sing a song~ For me a fleeting one~ May not we meet again~ So I'll give you this one~ The farewell song of the nightingale~

But this one will still be good~ Be good and hope you're alright~ Though this is the end~ I'll forgive you~ Your guilt and betrayal~ For me a fleeting one~ Mqy not we meet again~ So I'll give you this one~ The farewell song of the nightingale~ As a reminder~ For you, my beloved friend~ My sworned sister!!!🎶🎵"

The song finished and the girl clapped h3r hands in admiration, happiness but sadness at the same time. "Your voice... Is too good to listen at! I'll played it for a lifetime!!!," tears streaming downike river in her cheeks. She showed a ruby that glowing in red light.

"What? How did you get that recording sto-," Reine's questioning cutted off by the wicked woman's strict question.

"Are you finished already?! It's taking so long than what we agreed on!!!"

"Don't worry! I'm almost finish!," the little girl answered, her voice is trembling and a little hoarse from crying too much.

Then she stand up and walks toward the entranc3 of the rusty metal door. Then she stops her track and look back at Reine. She's still crying but her eyes still filled with extreme sadness, regrets and happiness.

"I hope you don't give up looking for a good life!," that's the last thing she said while she runned out fast outside the door of the room, leaving Reine confused with many questions...

Author: I'm very sorry! I couldn't update it yesterday when I already planned to update it 9 pm. But I didn't expect to dozed off before I knew it. I just woke up to continue rushing it then update it now. Sorry I didn't keep my promise, yet again. She 😓😣😪😢😱🙏🙏✍

I would like to extend it to 5 days one update with minimum 10k words cause school works are bugging me. Again, I'm sorry for late update but I hope you enjoy it! Next update! True update! For Episode 2: The Frauds, in April 7, 2022.