
Nine Continents Immortal Martial Records

I am an ordinary human, yet I cultivate the Dao. Since I have embarked on the path of cultivation, I am destined to defy the heavens! A soul traverses to the Nine Continents, only to discover that the qigong learned on Earth is actually the pinnacle cultivation method in this continent, intricately connected to the legendary cultivation. Thus, the protagonist begins an adventurous journey in this foreign land.

eFly · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Chapter 20: Rising Reputation

The confinement room was not open to visitors.

Flower Shirong had no idea what was happening outside and could only hope that the Ling family disciples wouldn't transfer their resentment towards him onto Flower Zhao and the other Flower family disciples.

The incident of Flower Shirong defeating Ling Yuhai with a single strike caught the interest of many students, especially when Ling Yuhai's urgent treatment in the medical room raised questions about how he got injured.

News of Ling Yufeng seeking revenge on Flower Shirong for avenging Ling Yuning started to spread, thanks to someone with ulterior motives. For a while, the incident of Ling Yukuang being injured by Flower Shirong became widely known.

The Flower family disciples were the most shocked by this news. At first, they naturally didn't believe it since they knew Flower Shirong's true character the best.

But as more details emerged and more evidence pointed towards Flower Shirong, some people chose to believe it.

However, many still had doubts:

"That timid Flower Shirong? Are you kidding me?"

"Flower Shirong defeated Ling Yuhai? That sneaky coward? Are you sure you're not joking? Everyone knows Ling Yuhai is at the Martial Warrior Realm Eighth Stage!"

"I know Ling Yuhai, the Ling family disciple, at the Martial Warrior Realm Eighth Stage. But who is Flower Shirong? Do you know?"

"I know he was confined after stabbing Ling Yuning. But Flower Shirong defeating Ling Yuhai? Are you sure you're serious?"

"How is that possible? Flower Shirong is just... well, that guy who couldn't last three moves against me. Is he really so miraculous? Then I must be invincible!"

"You're talking about Flower Shirong, who was half-dead after being beaten by someone not long ago? The salted fish turned the tables and defeated Ling Yuhai? Truly a comeback from the brink of death!"


As more and more people were released from the confinement room and witnesses provided firsthand accounts and details of the fights, the truth finally emerged, leaving no choice but to convince people.

Among those spreading the truth, the Flower family disciples were the most active.

In the Yishui Academy, the Ling family disciples were known for their arrogance. Although they restrained themselves to some extent due to the academy's rules and regulations, they still acted more ostentatiously than any other students and didn't show mercy when asserting their righteousness.

The Ling family disciples had access to cultivation resources that other family disciples couldn't compare to, resulting in them being one or two steps ahead in terms of cultivation. They often emerged as champions in the competitions held at the academy.

However, there was someone who refused to believe it, and that person was Blue Shihai.

Every time Blue Shihai clashed with the Ling family disciples, he fought fiercely and fearlessly, repeatedly injuring them without hesitation. This earned him the title of a "Little Demon King."

Although Blue Shihai's family background was not prominent, his father served in the Great Qin Army, adding a layer of mystery to his family. This made the Ling family hesitant to provoke him.

As a result, the Ling family disciples were even more reluctant to provoke Blue Shihai. They felt fearful and tried to avoid conflicts with him as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, just when Blue Shihai was settling down, Flower Shirong suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Not only did he stab Ling Yuning, but he also beat Ling Yukuang to the point of trembling in fear and turning pale. Now, Flower Shirong had gone even further. With a single strike, he crippled Ling Yuhai's right hand. Fortunately, prompt medical treatment prevented a lifelong disability that would have affected his future cultivation.

For a while, Flower Shirong's name spread throughout the academy. Students who didn't know him started asking about the person called "Flower Shirong." His fame was unmatched.

This situation gave Flower Shicong a chance to show off.

He was the most familiar with Flower Shirong and had the loudest mouth. He vividly described incidents like Flower Shirong peeking at the street girls bathing when they were three or four years old.

Unaware of the lively discussions outside, Flower Shirong remained oblivious in the confinement room.

Days passed in increasingly hungry cultivation, and the four-month period of confinement finally came to an end.

On this day, the old warden opened the cold iron door. When the intense light pierced into the dark confinement room, Flower Shirong felt a momentary dizziness and confusion.

Flower Shirong, who hadn't seen sunlight for three months, instinctively closed his eyes, feeling uncomfortable.

After a while, Flower Shirong slowly opened his eyes, gradually adjusting to the light before him.

The voice of the old warden timely sounded, "Congratulations! Flower Shirong, your four-month term has ended. You can leave the confinement room now!"

Four months had passed?

It was time to go out?

Flower Shirong looked at the old man who would come to the iron window almost every day and stayed there for a while. For a long time, neither of them spoke. Then, calmly, Flower Shirong walked towards the outside of the confinement room.

The sunlight was gentle, and the breeze was soft.

Flower Shirong, who hadn't seen sunlight for a long time, stood under the warm rays, bathing in this rare warmth and breathing in the air filled with spiritual energy.

After a while, he took a deep breath and stepped towards the courtyard.

As he passed by the Alpha Confinement Room, he heard Blue Shihai's voice from inside.

"Flower Shirong, in just over a month, I'll be out, and I'll make sure to find you for a fight. Damn, I'm so bored!"

Flower Shirong smiled calmly and looked at the tightly closed iron door. "You... wait at least half a year before you talk!"

"I thought you agreed!" shouted Blue Shihai.

At the entrance of the confinement room courtyard, Flower Shirong saw a petite and frail little girl standing there, looking up occasionally towards the confinement room.

When her bright eyes caught sight of the familiar figure that hadn't appeared for months, a softness in her heart instantly surged forward, overwhelming her.

Flower Shirong hurriedly took a few steps, supporting her trembling body, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Xiao Zhao, I'm sorry to have worried you!"

Flower Shirong gently stroked her head, comforting her in a soft voice.

Flower Zhao struggled to hold back her tears, but they continued to stream down her face.

"Brother, you've lost a lot of weight. You must not have eaten or slept well inside, right?"

More than just weight loss!

Flower Shirong sneered inwardly. His body was now extremely weak, a result of severe malnutrition. Even walking felt somewhat light and floating.

They only provided food once every three days, and it was tasteless steamed buns with plain soup. The old warden was simply keeping him alive!

Flower Shirong coldly laughed in his heart. This kind of treatment was definitely instructed by the Ling family behind the scenes.

"Brother was confined, and I didn't dare go home alone. I was afraid Mom and Dad would ask about you, and I wouldn't know how to answer. So, I come here every day, hoping to see that you're safe."

"It wasn't until they carried Ling Yuhai away for treatment that I knew you were fine and had become stronger. Only then did my heart finally feel at ease."

There was a rule in the academy that allowed three days of vacation at the end of each month.

During these three days, the students were free to engage in various activities. Some went home to reunite with their families, while others went shopping, socializing, or sightseeing in town.

Within the academy, those three days felt particularly deserted, with hardly anyone to be seen.

Flower Zhao didn't dare to go home, but the other disciples of the family did. His parents must have already known about his involvement in the confinement incident.

Flower Zhao's actions were merely an attempt to avoid his parents' questioning, although it was a bit self-deceptive.

What could you expect from a twelve-year-old girl?

Flower Shirong tenderly held Flower Zhao's petite body, continuously comforting her, "It's alright! It's all over now!"

But was it really over?

Flower Shirong had his doubts.

Holding Flower Zhao's delicate hand, Flower Shirong walked towards the dormitory.

As they walked, Flower Shirong asked her about the recent happenings in the academy and shared some of his own experiences in the confinement room.

Four months of confinement without bathing or changing clothes had left a familiar and accustomed smell on him. It didn't bother him inside, but it wouldn't do once he was out.

Yishui Town had a population of nearly one million, with tens of thousands of children between the ages of seven and sixteen. These children were provided free board and lodging in the academy, which inevitably caused accommodation difficulties, leading to the possibility of shared dormitories.

When Flower Shirong and Flower Zhao entered the dormitory, there was no one inside. It was late morning, and the students were in class.

Flower Shirong took a thorough shower, changed into clean clothes, and threw the clothes he hadn't changed in four months directly into the trash can, as if bidding farewell to the Flower Shirong from four months ago.

At this moment, breakfast had already passed, and it wasn't yet time for lunch. The cafeteria was closed, and considering his negative credits, going to the restaurant wouldn't help either because meals would also deduct credits.

At that moment, Flower Zhao took out a bag from her treasure bag, filled with braised chicken wings, braised chicken legs, braised beef, and various other golden, glossy, and mouthwatering foods. Flower Shirong couldn't help but salivate, as nothing excited him more than this feast before him.

Tearing open the food bag, Flower Shirong grabbed a braised chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth while swallowing, saying, "Xiao Zhao, you'll have to take care of me during this period. Not only do I have zero credits on my emblem, but I also owe hundreds of credits to the confinement room."

With tears in her eyes, Flower Zhao choked up, "Brother, don't worry! I'll fatten you up!"

Flower Shirong chuckled and waved his hand, "It won't take long, maybe just half a month... Half a month should be enough. During this time, I need to get my body back in shape so that I can take on missions, venture outside, and earn credits."

"Brother, can I transfer some credits to you?" Tears welled up in Xiao Zhao's eyes.

"No need. How many credits can a girl like you save? I'm already tight on funds for my meals. Just give me half a month, and I'll definitely get myself back on track. Trust me!" Flower Shirong reassured her.

"I trust you! You're the one who defeated Ling Yuhai, surpassing levels!" Xiao Zhao's excitement grew. "Brother, you don't know, when we first heard the news, nobody believed it. Everyone mocked you. But when those who were confined confirmed it, those people were left speechless. Brother, you've boosted the morale of the Flower family's disciples!"

Xiao Zhao's eyes sparkled with pride.

"Did the Ling family's disciples cause any trouble for you?" Flower Shirong asked.

Xiao Zhao thought for a moment and shook her head. "Not intentionally. There is some resentment between us, and we exchange hostile glances when we meet. But the academy has many rules, so they dare not act recklessly."

Flower Shirong nodded and lowered his head to enjoy the delicious food.

In the confinement room, many nights he woke up hungry and painfully clutching his stomach, repeatedly cursing the female ancestors of the Old Guantou Family in his heart.

During those four months, although he couldn't satisfy his hunger, it wasn't without gains. The four months of hungry cultivation not only multiplied his internal strength but also relentlessly honed his willpower.

Flower Shirong silently endured the punishment inflicted by the Old Guantou, and his unwavering willpower and resilience surprised the Old Guantou, capturing his attention.

However, the Old Guantou's focus was on Flower Shirong's physical condition since casualties were allowed during the period of confinement.

All of this would have been unimaginable for the former "Flower Shirong."

During these past few months, besides practicing the Mortal Technique, Flower Shirong tirelessly practiced the three spells' formulas. Now, those three spells had become even more proficient, flowing naturally without any sense of delay.

By the time Flower Zhao left, Flower Shirong had already laid down on the bed, falling into a deep sleep.