
Chapter 7 – The Great Jura Forest

Day 2 (23 days after reincarnation)


I'd finally regained control of my body. Chomping down on the last person, my magicules had returned to their peak; returning my body from the grasp of my skill. My entire body was covered in blood at this point, the skill clearly not caring about how I'd look as it ravaged the bodies of the small band of humans. 


*Notice. Magicule Reserves were completely restored, and control returned to the host.*


I was quite lost at what to do. On one hand, I hated the skill with my entire being, on the other, I realized that it just did all it could to ensure my survival - since I'd emptied my magicule reserves in that village-wiping attack. This naturally would have caused my entire body to collapse and it literally relied on magicules.


*Notice. The Soul of individual "Lynia Beaufort" has been harvested and contained within the Host's body.*


Source, as though hearing what I'd said, told me in a monotone voice. REALLY? 


*Yes, It has been discovered that the Host has a close relationship with individual "Lynia Beaufort". Thus, this one had decided the best decision was to preserve the Soul.*


Tears of joy dripped down my cheeks. I can revive her, I just need to get stronger and I'll really be able to revive her. Mom's not completely dead, I can really revive her. "Ah… thank God." My head pointed towards the sky, and a serene expression could be seen on my bloody face.


*...* Source really wanted to correct its host that she was the one who preserved the soul and not some God, but it decided otherwise.


Getting over my joy, I contemplate my next course of action. Thankfully, the belongings of the small band of people weren't eaten. 


*Eating their belongings would have more harm than benefit*


Source's monotone voice rang out in my head. Okay. Anyway, I rummage through their bloody belongings, searching for anything that might be of use. Fortunately, there was. One of the humans, supposedly their leader, had a gilded pocket watch; with the words "For the Glory of Farmus" inscribed on the back.


Farmus. That was the kingdom these people originated from, and basing off of their rare equipment, they seemed to be the soldiers of some noble. Rummaging deeper into the leader's bag, which was tied to the nearby horse corpses, I found something that infuriated me.


"Go to a small village east of Farmus and north of Blumund and capture Lynia Beaufort. She must be unscathed, lest you anger Lord Fairnse." Followed by a nearly perfect drawing of my mom. The puzzle pieces started to click together, my mom had told me stories since she had nothing to do most of the time. One of them being how she'd arrived at the village, cuts ravaging her body. 


The few times I'd seen her body, it was completely covered in scars of every kind. Straight, curved, round, or even square-shaped. Scars of different shapes and sizes riddled her body like pepperoni. It was horrifying.


And now I know the reason why. "'Lord' Fairnse of Farmus, your death will not be easy" I broke out into a crazed grin.


Replacing my bloody rags with the best of the equipment those soldiers had and keeping the better pieces into one of the bags, I left for the east. Why the East? Well, it's the direction to the Jura Forest, since I'm east of Farmus right now; The Great Jura Forest should be east of my location.


This was further reinforced by Source, stating there should be an 80% chance. Where the other 20 went, I'm not sure.


*Under the assumption that this World is not the same as the ones detected in your memories*


Shut the fuck up, let me joke around.


It didn't take long for a Majin like me to reach the forest, reaching it within the day, after all, my stamina is based on my magicules - and I have a pretty big pool, if I do say so myself. In fact, my regeneration of magicules was faster than at the rate I ran, which was goddamn great.


Running at the speed of a car without feeling tired at all felt weirdly serene. I mean, imagine a boy running at the max speed of a car like he was running normally; weird right? 


*In fact, most Demonoids ca…*


Source has been replying to practically every single one of my thoughts, it's so fucking annoying. Imagine your teacher's nagging but at every instance. How did Rimuru deal with this? Or is Great Sage just less annoying than Source?


I really hope I can teach Source on how to shut the fuck up. Because my attempts so far have been futile, it doesn't take any of my commands seriously. I can tell it to stop talking - it would - then immediately resume the moment it found something else I thought about to nitpick.




Oh, look we're here. In front of me stood a large forest, eerie vibes emanating from it, seemingly returning the stare I gave it… is what I thought it would be like. It looked like a plain old forest, tree after tree, with birds chirping inside the forest.


"Well that's anti-climatic." I'd always imagined the Jura Forest to, I don't know, have a more menacing vibe to it. Considering they were always described as demon forests or the like.


"Well, I guess I'll rest here today." I walked away from the forest and searched for shelter for the night; I still needed to sleep even as a Majin, after all. 


Finding a cave, I just lay inside it on its rocky surface, pondering the events of the past two days. 


"Weirdly, I hold no animosity towards Source, after all, it did force me to brutally murder my Mother. Probably that "Mentality stabilizing" thing Source did to me." I was still greatly upset at my Mother's death, but I for some reason didn't find it traumatic. 


"Well… it's not like I can do anything to Source, it is my skill after all" I muttered as I yawned. "I guess I can forgive it since it was doing what's best for me," I murmured as I drifted off to sleep.







Name: Lucian

Race: Demonoid

Skills :

Unique Skill: Nihility

Unique Skill: Covalent

Unique Skill: Source

Extra Skill: Predator's Eyes (All of Creation, Predation, Appraisal Eye, Thought Acceleration, Coercion)


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Also, Source is like Great Sage but while Great Sage is based off of "Doing whatever it can to assist its User", Source is more like "Doing anything it can to ensure its User's survival" If that makes sense

Takaiecreators' thoughts