
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urban
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114 Chs

Ninety-one. The truth that matters

Ninety-one. The truth that matters

Ezekiel had the whole hospital under surveillance at the thought of what Monalissa had said to him on their way to the hospital. Elijah knew about it... But what was his reason for having security all around Doctor Maya's hospital and at her place? 'Maybe', he thought, 'I want that child to be mine...' He knew Elijah's personality...a person like Elijah won't just sit back and do nothing. He might manipulate the whole thing or even kill the doctor in charge. All Ezekiel wanted was nothing but the truth.

Ezekiel and Monalissa exited the hospital. When they got into the car, Monalissa placed a request.

"Master", she called, "I want to go to the factory" she said

Ezekiel looked at her. "You don't want to stay at the gardens anymore?", he asked , his brows tightened.

"No. I want to meet with Hanabi and Luke", Monalissa replied.

"What for?", Ezekiel questioned. His tone sounded pissed, at the thought of Monalissa talking to that Luke of a guy.

"I need their help in this", Monalissa said.

"What are you saying Walker?", Ezekiel asked his brows telling how confused he was.

"Elijah will come here to take the results away, or he might even threaten Doctor Maya", she stated.

"So, what does that have to do with Hanabi and Luke?", he asked.

"I need their samples", she said.

Kim's ears grew to the back. Monalissa was dishing out another plan, he couldn't wait for the outcome. She was such an exciting planner. What was the plan this time? Kim felt his heart jump in glee at the defeat that was coming for Neon.

"Is Hanabi pregnant?", Ezekiel asked.

Monalissa chuckled, exposing her white dentition the stood in a perfect array. This was the first warm reaction Ezekiel had received from her since today. He wished he could hit the pause button for this moment to last longer. She was ravishingly beautiful. Tongue-tied as he was, he was rooted to the spot, lost in her smile.

"Hanabi is not pregnant", she said her smile still visible. She turned to face him, but was hit with those deep blue eyes that held raging emotions in place. She couldn't react under his gaze, her eyes quivering from side to side. A deep rosy blush crept to her cheeks, making her look more tasty.

"Master", she called.

Ezekiel grabbed her to himself in the most gentlest manner, careful enough to avoid hurting her as she was in a delicate situation. He looked into her hazel brown orbs his lips curving into a smile.

"Walker", he called her.

"Yes master?", she answered.

"What's the rest of the plan?", he asked.

"Oh...", she mouthed. "When we've collected their samples, we use it and conduct another DNA test. Another paternity test".

"Luke and Hanabi...Luke is not really older than her", Ezekiel said with a slight chuckle.

"I don't think that matters. We give him that of Luke and Hanabi's, and we take ours", she said.

"We...have to have the real result with us. We can't parade with a fake result", she added. "It doesn't matter if you're the father of the child or not. It's the truth that matters", she said.

Ezekiel looked her over, taking her hand in his. He gave it a gentle squeeze, sending some currents down Monalissa's belly. "I'm really sorry Walker. I know it's wrong of me to think of doing that to you... I was blinded by my anger", he pleaded.

"Master doesn't need to apologize. It's not your fault either. We're enemies too", she said. "It just hurts that I was the only one trusting", she said.

"How do I make to up to you?", he asked.

"Let's go to the factory", she said.

Ezekiel nodded. "Okay. Let's go", he said.

"Kim, to the factory", he ordered.

"Yes Boss", he replied and ignited the car, setting it in motion.

Before thirty minutes elasped, they were already at the factory. This was an impromptu arrival as the workers weren't informed. Even Mr Andrews was just informed at the last minute.

Mr Andrews came out alongside the female administrator, Miss Lydia.

"Welcome to the factory Boss", he greeted, taking a slight glance at Monalissa. Monalissa gave a slight bow in respect to the man and woman who stood before them.

"Please come on in", he gestured, leading the way inside the factory.

"I will stay in Miss Walls room", he said, the formality of her name, sounding so foreign on his tongue.

Mr Andrews brows twitched in surprise. "Miss Walls?", he asked, trying to confirm what he had just heard.

"Yes. Miss Walls", Ezekiel said. He reached for her hand and held it. Monalissa was a bit flustered at the turnout of events. What was her master doing?!

"Master, this is the factory", she reminded.

"I know. Does that mean I can't even hold you here?", he asked.

'Hold?! Hold who?!', the audience said their mind undergoing explosions.

"Not that", Monalissa said, her face heating up. "It's just... I also work here", she said.

"Well as of today, Walker, you cease to be a worker here", he stated. Raising his head to look at Mr Andrews, he said, "As of today, Miss Walls is no longer a worker here at the factory. She's my person and I can't have her work here anymore", he said, his tone filled with nothing but authority. There was no room for objection.

"Yes Boss", Mr Andrews replied bowing in respect. He was surprised too. She hadn't even stayed for long at this place. She really didn't belong here anyways.

Ezekiel held her gently leading her into the factory under the surprised gazes of the workers. Their mouth sealed with shock.

This wasn't what Monalissa had imagined when she told her master that she wanted to come to the factory. She didn't expect him to free her off this factory. Her emotions were mixed up. However, she didn't humble herself either. Her head was held high, her every step filled with grace. Walking hand in hand with her master, her shine didn't dwindle. She seemed to have sparkled more with him.

From a distance, Monalissa sighted Hanabi and Luke. "Master, they're here", she said giving him a slight squeeze.

Ezekiel halted in his steps and looked down at her. "Where?", he asked.

"At your left, tenth and eleventh spot from our spot", she said.

Ezekiel smiled at her professional description. She will never lose this touch of hers. He raised his hand and patted her gently on her head, while looking her straight in the eyes. "You're wonderful", he complimented.

Monalissa smiled shyly, while squeezing his hand tightly, as a reminder that people were watching.

"What?", he asked.

"People are watching", she said.

"Let them. They should watch", he said. Monalissa but down on her lips, he face heating up.

Ezekiel stirred by her shy actions, leaned closer to her. This made the workers who stood in a neat array, shrink their head while sucking in a deep breath.

"Is the Boss going to kiss her?", a worker whispered to another.

"I don't know. I'm really scared right now", the second worker replied.

"But what for?", the first worker asked.

"What if Monalissa starts hand-picking those who wronged her in the past? Now that she's in good terms with the Boss?", the second cried.

This spread a sense of dread among the workers as they began muttering prayers of mercy. Luke and Hanabi weren't so far away from the two workers who were speaking. The muffled their laughters while looking at the duo who were sharing their love every where.

Leaning closer to her, he said, in a voice audible to just the both of them. "Walker, you shouldn't bite your lips carelessly. Do you not even understand that?"

"I understand master. But, I can't cut it out. It's a part of me already", she said, he stubbornness kicking in.

"Alright Walker. Let's see how stubborn you can be", he said and scooped her up in his arms and left for her room.