
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urban
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114 Chs

Hundred and twelve. She lost it.

Hundred and twelve. She lost it.

There was great tension within the four walls of the Alpha gardens the moment Ezekiel returned. He didn't even wait for the driver to open the car door for him. He alighted immediately and carried Monalissa in his arms, taking gentle but hurried steps upstairs. Monalissa was still awake, clutching his suit tightly as she whimpered silently. It was really painful for her...

Madam Angela was in front of Monalissa's room. She had accompanied Doctor Maya while she set up the room with medical items for aid. The room was already set, so, she waited for Monalissa to come back. She was nervous due to the fact that Doctor Maya was invited. This only meant one thing...that Monalissa got hurt. However, when she saw Ezekiel arrive in front of the door with the young girl in her arms, she froze. The blood that had already formed a patch around her female area, stilled Madam Angela. She looked up at Ezekiel's countenance and her heart sank. The young master wasn't in good shape.

Ezekiel didn't even care about the old lady who was at the door. He pushed open the door and walked in. Doctor Maya rushed forward immediately to help him place her on the bed. Madam Angela also walked in. Her face was solemn. She was really worried for Monalissa.

Doctor Maya looked at Monalissa who was still awake. Barely. She checked her pulse and chewed hard on her molars. She then looked down at her female area. Without a word, she began administering an IV drip to her. She knew that it was lost. They had lost it already. Tears gathered in her eyes.

"Doctor Maya..." Monalissa called weakly.

Doctor Maya looked at her. "Yes Miss Walls?"

"My baby...is...it gone?" she asked, while choking on her tears.

"Miss Walls, you need to take a rest first. Madam Angela" she called and looked at the old lady, "please prepare a bowl of warm water to clean her up. She needs to rest".

"Yes Doctor" Madam Angela replied and left to do as she was told.

Doctor Maya looked at Ezekiel who didn't even have an expression on his face. "Mr Don, you should leave" Doctor Maya said.

"Yes. I will find the one who is responsible for this" Ezekiel turned to leave but Monalissa held him back.

"Please, don't hurt Noel. It's not his fault" Monalissa pleaded.

Ezekiel grimaced in anger at how she was still worried about other people. He didn't expect Walker to possess such a personality.

"You lost it because of him" Ezekiel muttered, fighting back the cry that was clogged at his throat.

"You know who the real culprit is... it's not Noel. He's innocent" Monalissa defended. "Don't make a rash decision. Wait for me to recover. I want to do this together with you, Ezekiel" Monalissa said.

Tears rolled from his eyes down to his cheeks. He knelt beside her and buried his face in her neck. He sobbed silently only letting out sniffs at intervals. This was a huge sight for Doctor Maya who had never seen such side of the almighty Mr Don. The Lord of the Moon country, dominating every nook and cranny. He was a strong man. However.... She looked at Monalissa whose eyes was closed and who was also stroking his back gently with the hand that was free of IV drip. Tears were also rolling down the side of her eyes while she consoled him.

Doctor Maya stepped out of the room. She took out her white handkerchief and wiped the tears that had gathered in her eyes. Madam Angela arrived with the bowl of warm water which Doctor Maya took from her.

"Is there a problem doctor?" Madam Angela asked.

"None at all. We just lost the child. They're having an alone time" Doctor Maya said.

Madam Angela nodded, sniffing back the tears that were stinging her old eyes. "I can't believe she lost it. This is really unfair to her" she said.

"They're fighting a very big enemy" Doctor Maya said. She was able to say this due to the fact of what had happened earlier today. The enemy was a cruel one. Even to the extent of making her lose her child.

Noel was brought back to the Alpha gardens and was kept in a room. He was scared about everything that had happened. It wouldn't be a good thing if his pretty sister lost her baby. He was served a plate of snacks by Madam Angela.

"Here you go little one" she said to him.

Little Noel just looked at the plate of snacks soullessly. "How's my pretty sister? Is she okay?" he asked.

Madam Angela tried her best to pull out a warm smile at him. "Your pretty sister is alright. She's okay. Don't worry about anything dear" she cooed him.

"And the baby?" he asked.

Madam Angela was stumped. She didn't know what to say. "Little one..." she trailed off.

"She lost the baby?" Little Noel asked, as he tried to stifle a cry.

Madam Angela couldn't let him know about such hurtful things. She quickly sat down beside him. "Little one, the doctor is still attending to her. Don't worry. Just eat your snacks. You know your pretty sister wouldn't be happy if you're this way" Madam Angela said, and hoped that he gave in to what she was saying. She didn't want to tell him anything. He was quite young.

Little Noel knew that Madam Angela wasn't telling him everything but he didn't probe her further. He could only pray that his pretty sister was okay and that the baby was okay too. He picked cookie and took a little bite. He looked at Madam Angela who smiled back at him sweetly.

"Just stay here for a while little one. I will go and attend to things in the house" she said.

"Okay aunt" Little Noel replied.

Madam Angela left him and went back to where Monalissa was laid. At this point, Ezekiel had already left and was in his study. Monalissa was sleeping and Doctor Maya was with her too. Madam Angela decided to speak to Ezekiel. The old lady knew that he was in a state of forlorn, and felt defeat within him. She needed to comfort him and advice him.

A soft knock came on the dark brown door which was followed by Madam Angela's voice which was traced with passage of time. "It's me, young master" she announced.

"Come in" Ezekiel ushered in with a grave voice.

Madam Angela walked in. "Young master" she called him, and sat down.

"Why have you come, Madam Angela?" Ezekiel asked.

"Young master, I just wanted to talk to you. I know that at this point, you must thinking that you're a failure and that you have failed her" Madam Angela began. She searched his face for any expression but found none. So, she continued.

"You're not a failure. And I'm very sure that Miss Walls wouldn't want you feeling this way. This is a time for you to retreat and strategize again. There is always a time of defeat in one's life. And this is yours. But what matters is if you would want to bask in the defeat or rise up again and put them where they actually belong. Don't make rash decisions. Don't do something that might hurt her or hurt you" Madam Angela advised. She stood from her seat and bowed.

"I will be at my duty post" she said and walked out.

Ezekiel sat down there, his mind waltzing through what the old lady had just said. He knew he had been defeated but he didn't want to accept it however, he couldn't go out and fight now. He had to plan again. If he rushes at Elijah now, he might fall into a trap and that would be exactly what Elijah wants. Just like Monalissa had said, he would wait for her. He suddenly felt that he couldn't do anything with her. He needed her by his side.

Ezekiel sucked in a deep breath and walked out of his study towards the room where the little boy was kept. It was time for a chit chat with him.