
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Urban
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114 Chs

Eighty- seven. The child of an enemy

Eighty- seven. The child of an enemy

Ezekiel chuckled as though he had heard the funniest joke. "Hey Doctor Maya, if you're gonna joke, don't joke about things this extreme", Ezekiel said.

"It's not a joke Mr Don. Miss Walls is with child. In fact, that was the first thing that I noticed when I checked her up", the Doctor said.

Ezekiel looked at Monalissa. Walker... you're pregnant? But how? How could you be?! For who then? Was it... Elijah?

The thought of the child being Elijah's filled him with dread and he wanted nothing more than to rip it out of her belly.

"I'll stay around till she's awake. Then, I'll have a talk with Miss Walls", Doctor Maya said. She went forward and looked the patient over again before leaving the room.

Ezekiel gave orders to have a place prepared for Doctor Maya. He whipped out his cellphone and dialed Michael's number.

Michael was surprised to see Ezekiel's name pop up on the caller ID. He picked up immediately.

"Hey bro", Michael greeted.

"Yes. Could you come over to my place?", Ezekiel asked.

"Why? Did something happen?", Michael asked back.

"Not really. I just have somethings to say to you", Ezekiel replied.

Michael's brows knitted in a soft frown at the tone Ezekiel spoke to him in. "Okay. I will be on my way then", he said and hung up.

An hour later, Michael arrived at Alpha gardens. He walked in and met Ezekiel. The latter was in the living room. Due to Ezekiel's presence, the whole place was devoid of servants except Kim who stood at a section of the room.

"Hey man", Michael said while reaching for a handshake from Ezekiel. Ezekiel also reached his hand out to accept the handshake, slapping each other's palms as a sign of greeting.

"Yo, what's good?", Michael asked, settling his keister on the couch behind him, one which was closest to Ezekiel.

"Nothing. Nothing's good", Ezekiel replied lifelessly.

"What? What's that supposed to mean?", Michael asked with a frown.

Madam Angela brought them drinks, serving it calmly, with care. "Here's the drink young master", she said.

"That's good Madam Angela. Thanks", Michael appreciated with enthusiasm. Madam Angela spared him a sweet smile and left the place.

"I found her", Ezekiel said after Madam Angela was gone.

"Who? Lily?", Michael asked with a raised brow.

"Yes", Ezekiel replied with a grim expression.

Michael widened his eyes in glee, swatting Ezekiel's arm in the process. "That's goodnews bro. This calls for celebration. Why are you being all moody?", Michael questioned with a pout.

"She doesn't remember who I am. She doesn't even remember who she is. She has a different name now", Ezekiel said.

Michael's smile faded a little. "When did you find her?", Michael asked.

"Today. Some hours ago", Ezekiel replied.

"Where's she now?", he asked again.

"In my room. She's sleeping", Ezekiel replied.

"Well, as sad as it is, I'm still happy you found her. Finally", Michael said.

"Then", Michael continued, "where has she been?", he asked.

Ezekiel clenched his fists at the question. Where has she been?

Michael who was oblivious of his friends emotions at the moment looked at him, while repeating the same question.

"You know what Michael, that's the craziest part of the whole thing", Ezekiel replied.

"Huh?" Michael looked a bit confused.

"She's been here. She's been here with me all along".

Michael finally snapped his teeth shut. "What? What shit is that?", he asked.

"Yes. It's really shitty", Ezekiel muttered.

"Tell me, who was she then?", Michael asked.

"Walker", Ezekiel said.

Now, it was Michael's turn to be dumbfounded. The whole place went silent. No one spoke or moved at all. It was really unbelievable.

"Oh my god!", Michael finally exclaimed. He looked at Ezekiel. "What are you saying? Are you sure of this?"

Ezekiel nodded. "There's no more clarification that I need. Everything is confirmed".

"What are you gonna do now?", Michael asked.

"I'm not sure. Crazy as it is, she's the missing daughter of the Cee country's president", Ezekiel dropped another bomb.

Michael was just about to gulp down the whiskey that was in his glass when Ezekiel spoke, causing him to cough out, splattering the drink everywhere.

"Holy freaking molly!", Michael yelled. "She's what?!"

Ezekiel nodded, while signalling him to calm down. When Michael finally composed himself, he looked at Ezekiel. "Wow bro, you know what, fate played it's game so well on you guys", he said with a smile.

"I know right?", Ezekiel said while taking a sip from his glass.

"Yeah. I'm really happy for you. But, do you think she'll want you back after everything?", Michael asked.

Ezekiel didn't reply and continued to sip from his glass. "She might not. She's got a bun in the oven, one that she baked with my enemy. Do you think she'd want that?"

"Lily's with child?", Michael whispered.

"Yes. I don't think it's mine", Ezekiel said. "That saddedns me", he said.

"Why? Didn't you mix the dough with her once? Why aren't you sure?", Michael asked.

"She had something to do with Elijah. He even sent me a picture earlier today", Ezekiel said.

Michael sighed. "This is a tough one",he said. "But, you should investigate it. Don't bluff it off just like that", Michael advised.

Ezekiel looked at him. "Really?", he asked. "It's not mine. I don't think it's mine".

"How sure are you?", Michael asked. Ezekiel looked at him but didn't say anything.

Later at night, Monalissa finally woke up. She stirred for a while before opening her eyes. She caught sight of Ezekiel sitting on the couch, which was not so far away from the bed.

"Master", she called.

Ezekiel knew she was already awake. He had seen her stir for some minutes before looking at him.

"You're awake?", he asked.

"Yes", Monalissa answered weakly.

"Alright. I'll ring Doctor Maya up for you", he said. Taking out his phone, he dialed Doctor Maya who picked up almost immediately.

"Doctor Maya", Ezekiel called.

"Is she up already?", she asked

"Yes", Ezekiel replied.

"I'm coming", she said and hung up.

Monalissa tried sitting up on the bed but was stopped by Ezekiel.

"Don't sit up Walker. The doctor says you shouldn't move", Ezekiel stated.

Monalissa didn't know why but she felt hostility laced on the words her master directed at her. She felt pain in her heart and suddenly wanted to cry. Tears brimmed the corners of her eyes. He was sweet some hours ago, at Elijah's place. Why was he drawn back now and uninviting?, she asked within.

The robotic voice of the door announced the arrival of Doctor Maya, disengaging Monalissa from her thoughts.

"Miss Walls", Doctor Maya called her gently.

Monalissa looked at the doctor. "Doctor", she said.

Doctor Maya sat beside her, looking intently at her. "How do you feel?", she asked.

"Weak. A little weak", Monalissa said.

Doctor Maya looked at Ezekiel who shook his head negatively, a gesture of telling her not to say anything.

The doctor was confused and was going to ask a question when Monalissa beat her to it. "Is there a problem?", she asked. Monalissa intended the question for the doctor but her gaze was fixed on Ezekiel.

"Doctor Maya, I need a word with you in my study", Ezekiel said, his voice leaving now room for questions.

"Okay, Mr Don".

The room was engulfed in silence again, one that Monalissa considered deafening. She knew that something was up but didn't know what was. Was she sick? Terminally? Heaving a deep sigh, she stepped down from her bed.

In Ezekiel's study.

"What's the matter, Mr Don?", Doctor Maya asked.

"I don't want Monalissa hearing about that child. She shouldn't know", Ezekiel said.

"That's her right to know! She should know!", Doctor Maya pointed out. "Even if no one else knows, she should know. It's her body".

"Doctor Maya, I won't let her have that child. You... should remove it from her. That's the child of my enemy. I believe it's not yet detrimental to remove it, is it? You're a doctor. You should know better".

"That's a cruel thing to do to a woman. Even if it's the child of your enemy, she shouldn't take the hit", Doctor Maya defended.

"You know nothing doctor. This is the only way I can get my revenge on Neon", Ezekiel said, evil visible in his eyes.

"I won't! That's against my oath!", Doctor Maya shot out. She couldn't stand this. This was way too cruel. She was a mother too.

"Doctor Maya, seems like you have forgotten something. With just a snap of a finger, your hospital is gone, including you and your family. You can't risk all that for the child of some idiot right? You're wise, so, I believe you know what to choose", he said with Jo emotions. Lifting his legs, he walked out of the study, leaving Doctor Maya to take her pick.

The color on her face drained when she heard all that had been said. She felt as though life had been drained from her as she stood in front of the study. It was closed halfway so she heard all that had been said. She was pregnant. But her master doesn't want her to have it? Just because he thinks it's Elijah's own? He didn't trust her too? Why?!

Ezekiel had just walked out of the study when he bumped into Monalissa who was standing motionlessly in front of his study. His eyes widened, and he almost swallowed his tongue. Monalissa stared at him with empty eyes. How could he...?

"Walker", he blurted.