
Nightmare Revealer

Faced with attacks by supernatural creatures never before seen, Gavin died. He was surprised to see that he had been transmigrated into the Interstellar era into the body of a student! While adjusting to life in the future might prove difficult, much more difficult challenges await him in the nightmares at night...

KarmicNatz · sci-fi
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1 Chs

The New World

"Ugh, Where am I?"

Gavin Galahad laid on a bed. "Didn't I die? How could I survive?" He remembered it clearly. He lived near a lake, and it was the middle of summer. He kept finding frozen frogs near the lake, so he assumed some people were going around freezing them.

Some new suspicious neighbors had recently moved in, who seemed antisocial. Naturally, he would suspect them first. As a police officer, he didn't think twice about going to their home to ask. Everything should have gone well, but they acted so suspicious that it seemed they might have been on drugs! Rather than being unused to the culture, it seemed more like they were unused to human behavior! What else could have explained that behavior?

When he mentioned if he could take a look around their house, the woman he had been talking to had a look of horror on her face before she suddenly sprouted bat wings and rushed towards him! Everyone else in the house except him seemed to transform as he suddenly found a hole through his stomach with a fist sticking out from it.

As he fell on the floor, in shock and unable to move, the last thing he remembered seeing was two women with bloodshot eyes and wings eating parts of him alive, as someone levitated in the background.

"It must have been a dream... no matter how life-like it felt, theirs no way that could have possibly happened!"

With that thought, Gavin's mind went through a shock as a rush of foreign memories rushed into his head! After a while, he finally processed the information. He hadn't survived, no, he was now in the future!

It was 5521 A.D. A long time ago, other species had been discovered on earth! Turns out, they were intergalactic prisoners exiled to a random planet! A long period of turmoil had erupted, and it eventually ended with humanity suddenly advancing in technology! Humans had ventured around the galaxy and even further beyond! Future technology such as life expansion devices, advanced spaceships, and more populated every corner of the new world! In the process of exploration, another space-faring race had been found!

With the discovery of one race, countless others were soon discovered. What followed was a disaster for mankind. With no allies supporting humanity, the Tempest race had come to plunder! Shockingly, rather than advanced technology, they used their own bodies to fight! The Tempests had much more primitive technology than humanity, yet, they had soldiers who could outrun vehicles, shrugged off and dodged bullets, and snapped metal with a single swipe of their hands! That was not all humanity had to face, however. These soldiers actually varied in strength, and the stronger ones could actually control wind and water! This was simply not scientific!

The motive for attacking humanity was soon made clear. They wanted humanities advanced technology! It was as incredulous to them as their powers were to humans! They were also a race new to space, and without any allies of their own, nor any race that would oppose them attacking humanity, they did so.

In this period of turbulent war, Humans were constantly at a disadvantage. On ground, they couldn't simply nuke themselves, so they were massacred. In space, humans had powerful spaceships, but so did the Tempests! They used transportation pods in space, which would be powered by many strong individuals, and it would bring along thousands of Tempests! Projectiles, explosives, and lasers, could never hope to penetrate the combined power these pods had.

A battle plan was made to capitalize on their strengths and reduce their losses. Technology advanced quickly during such a desperate period. Better warp drives, stronger and faster spaceships, and particle cannons which could penetrate the pods defenses!

However, the main reason humanity still exists today... is due to the whims of few individuals of a much stronger and widespread race.

It's an embarrassing story for mankind, yet it's how they survived.

A group of friends from the Angel race had been travelling around the universe, bored, and decided to visit humanity. They were nearby, so why not? Upon arriving, They had found humans incredibly cute and sexy!

So cute, in fact, that they went around raping and having their way with any human that caught their fancy! Then they captured hundreds of humans that they liked, and decided to take them away for them to use as permanent sex slaves! They learned a bit about humanity, so hey decided that once they were back home, they would do some experiments and bring many of humanities dreams to life for their own purposes. Dragons, cat girls, and more!

In their tour around, after ravaging a young boy, the boy tearfully asked, "How... just how are you guys so strong? Why are we so physically weak compared to every other race?" The Angel laughed at this, and found him even cuter now. After another round of ravaging, the Angel had casually answered. "It's because of spirit veins. It's an organ, and nearly every race has them. It allows you to sense and absorb Spirit Qi. You guys have them, too, yet it's so shrived up and weak. Only the strongest humans with a long history of strong ancestors would have barely passable veins. They don't even have a way to absorb it, though. Here."

The Angel randomly threw out a manual. "Spread that around, and maybe a few will be able to use it to cultivate their powers."

The young boy instantly brought it to the army. A few days later, the same boy was captured again by the angels. Looking at the boy again, the Angel found him to look even cuter than ever before. With a height of barely 4 feet tall, and a look of fear towards the Angel, the Angel suddenly brought out an unaging serum to keep the boy at that age forever, and took the boy away with him for his own purposes.

Indeed, rather than angels, they were more like demons! Yet, it couldn't do to disrespect such a powerful race, especially when they had contributed to humanity. Due to the wings on their back, humans, in their own language had named their race angels. After finding out the meaning of that name, they were highly pleased that humans called them so among themselves. With that, they left without causing any more trouble.

That manual was a game changer. While at first, only a select few were able to use it, it shocked the Tempests that the humans, who they were absolutely sure had no way of cultivating, started to do so. They had to be rougher in their attacks!

Eventually, with the combined prowess of the ever advancing technology, and the new martial artists, the Tempests were chased back to their home planet and wiped out!

"What a story...." When Gavin finished processing that information, he was rather calm. He then went through the memories of his new bodies personal life, instead of the worlds history.

His family was rather rich! His father a retired war hero who owned a company, and his mother was a biologist. He also had a older brother and younger sister. His older brother was a cultivation genius who was born with extraordinary spirit veins, even better than complete spirit veins. They were also naturally inclined to the wind element, like the Tempests. His sister, on the other hand, hasn't gotten tested yet. It wasn't safe until the age of 10.

On the other hand, Gavin was endowed with an average set of spirit veins. Humanity's Spirit Veins were still rather lacking compared to other races, so there was a much wider difference in talent within humans than other species had among themselves. It mostly depended on ones ancestors, luck, and effort. Thats right, effort, with enough effort, one could slowly repair and nurture their Spirit Veins. Those with extraordinary spirit veins like his brother were encouraged to have tons of children and could have government supplied women to impregnate at any time, while those with horrible spirit veins were not allowed to reproduce until their spirit veins reached a certain quality!

Cultivation to become a martial artist, and martial techniques were now one of the corner stones of humanity! As such, it was taught in human schools around the galaxy!

He was nearly thirteen, which was considered the age where one could finally start cultivating. Tomorrow, the teacher would start cultivation lessons!

"This new world... although I don't have any special talents, this is a great start!" Gavin had read about many protagonists before. Some had trash Talent! Others had enemies with the strength of gods, and lived in worlds where every step is filled with danger! On the other hand, his family was rich, he lived in a more peaceful part of the galaxy, and his brother was a genius!

Thinking of his family, warm feelings towards them rushed into Gavin's head. "Fuck! Is this brainwashing? They aren't my parents, why should I suddenly be bombarded with such feelings of warmth towards them!"

Gavin gradually calmed down, however. "It's not so bad... after all, I will be with them for a long time, and really, depend on them. I'm just a twelve year old kid now. At least, they did give birth to me, it was just the soul that changed."

With that, Gavin stood up. He was ready to greet his family, and take a look at the Interstellar era for himself!